The Rockefeller backing of Allopathic medicine, and the consequent - TopicsExpress


The Rockefeller backing of Allopathic medicine, and the consequent steamrollering of all other forms of natural medicine is well known and documented. Rockefeller, Carnegie and others acted as all good businessmen would do to eliminate the opposition. The tragedy is that in terms of public health they happened to back the wrong side, and their ruthless smear campaign on all forms of natural medicine brought thousands of years of accumulated knowledge into disrepute - not because natural medicine didnt work - but because it did work, and had to be eliminated. Business has no place in medicine - or anywhere else in society - but, medicine has to be about caring, not about how to make money out of illness. If the only concern is how to make money out of illness then inevitably you have to start making people sick. The sicker people are, the more money you make, and that is what we have today. In the drive to discredit natural medicine even treatments such as chiropractic, and homeopathic came to be seen somehow as quackery while allopathic medicine, which could be mass produced in drug company factories gained business, political and media backing with all doctors trained only in its scientific principles. The result is a medical establishment extremely prejudiced in favour of a form of medicine which has failed us. The extent of that failure is nowhere more dramatic than in the treatment of cancer. Despite massive government funding piled on top of the tens of billions donated to charities by the grieving relatives of the dead, and funnelled into drug company coffers - there is no cure for cancer. The medical establishment claim that cancer deaths are dramatically decreasing, but this is of course bullshit. If that were true, then all the members of my family who have died would have had some chance. All they were offered was chemo, which in order to destroy cancer cells destroys the immune system as well as brain, and all other internal organ cells to the extent that even if they happen to survive the cancer, their lifespan is dramatically shortened. This is not a cure, it is a hype forced on the public because there is no alternative. We are told the falling out of hair, and the destruction of patients immune and nervous systems, and the incredibly high death toll from a treatment that demonstrably doesnt work has to be tolerated. If a real cure were allowed to become recognized this argument would fall apart. No one in their right mind would let chemo into their veins to destroy the functioning of their bodies. So, all real cures have to be branded dangerous, untested quackery, and suppressed by the extreme prejudice of doctors. You can test this prejudice yourself by going to see a doctor, and suggesting a natural cure. The snort of derision, and following statement that natural products can have no effect on the human body reveals the depth of prejudice ingrained in our medical system. Prejudice isnt something that can be changed even if irrefutable evidence is laid before the person. Once someone has accepted something as truth, its extremely difficult to change their mind. There are a great many medical professionals who know that chemo has virtually no benefit, and many more who violently oppose its use, but they are up against a mountain of entrenched prejudice backed by politics, and money that is determined to wipe out opposition. So in order to stop the legalized genocide of cancer I believe along with many others that we somehow have to recover the enormous amount of knowledge regarding natural medicine that has been lost. A vast array of cures based on a real knowledge of the human, instead of fiddling with chemicals, has already been lost, but in remote regions of the world some of this knowledge is still alive. I recently returned from a remote area in North East India where virtually no one dies of cancer (unless they failed to go to a doctor till they were practically dead), because their local doctors (Kobiras) still know how to cure ALL types and stages of cancer - as theyve been doing for thousands of years, and I do mean ALL types of cancer. Their cures are based only on the plants, and sometimes insects, found in the forests around them plus their knowledge of the human mind, body and spirit, which I believe to be far superior to any western doctor. I spent some time in the town of Tamenglong in Manipur, and spoke to many people plus the doctors to verify what I was being told. For them it is perfectly normal to cure cancer, and a host of other diseases western medicine thinks are incurable. I was so stunned by this experience I made a series of videos featuring the Kobiras describing how to make the preparations they use for breast, liver, bone, intestinal, lung and prostate cancer. The skeptical will ask how they know it is cancer they are curing. Well, with skin cancer its pretty obvious what it is. Through an interpreter we established that they know cancer is the uncontrolled division of cells. The only training these doctors have is the wealth of knowledge passed down from father to son, because in this region, medicine runs in families. Here in this place lies a huge store of medical knowledge of immense importance to society - which needs to be understood, revived, and given the prominence it deserves. Tens of millions are dying of cancer across the world, and the answers are right there suppressed into obscurity by the vanity of an empty profession. If we want to build a new society here is the chance to give it real, human medical care based on thousands of years of real knowledge. We need to help these local doctors preserve their medical knowledge, preserve their rights, but give them the facilities to teach it to the world. The population of the region, instead of rolling in poverty, could have their own industry, farming, harvesting and packaging medicinal cures for cancer, heart disease and other illnesses that kills millions of us. Everyone could be a winner here. This is a tremendous opportunity for all sides (except the corrupted medical industry) Have a look at the following videos, and lets see how we can do this. There are 5 videos: Nobody dies from cancer in Tamenglong Stomach cancer is a completely curable condition Cancer and the chemical lie We have been lied to. There ARE cures for cancer We have been lied to. Cancer is a completely curable disease https://youtube/watch?v=MHFZ6qXH0GQ
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 01:09:33 +0000

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