The Role of Christians and the Church in Enthroning and Sustaining - TopicsExpress


The Role of Christians and the Church in Enthroning and Sustaining Righteous Leadership By Dr. Lewis Akpogena Greed, patronage and avarice which characterized our first taste of participatory democracy, produced a political system that was as corrupt as corruption itself. And in no time, corruption became a national religion spreading to every organ of the government – civil service, the police, army, etc. thereby producing a morally bankrupt society that could not find her bearing in anything that has to do with dedication and patriotism (Omo-Ikirodah, 1979:15). What really happens when religion and politics mix? When you see Christians jumping on the political bandwagon, you may feel weary. You wonder if Christians should spend time on politics or maybe you are glad that Christians are showing concern for society and getting involved. You may feel you should be involved. But you wonder if politically involved Christians are being naïve or simplistic. You may doubt whether or not you should vote for a candidate just because he claims to be a Christian. You wonder if Christians are right to act as a pressure group in government. And you wonder, is there a truly biblical approach to political involvement? According to first Timothy 2:1-4, the first ministry and outreach of believers meeting together in regular fellowship is prayer. The first specific topic for prayer is the government. We are to pray for good government. God desires all men to have the truth of the gospel preached to them. Good government facilitates the preaching of the gospel while bad government hinders it. Therefore good government is the will of God. The place of Christians praying and church involvement to enthrone and sustain righteous leadership cannot be overemphasized. Over the years and in history, Christian’s prayers and political involvement had enthroned and sustained righteous leadership and liberate citizenry from bad leadership in some cases. This importance of praying for good government is stressed by Derek Prince in his book “Shaping history through prayer and fasting” said he, “The truth is that Christians are not held responsible to criticize their government, but they are held responsible to pray for it. So long as they fail to pray, Christian has no right to criticize …. This applies with double force to Christians in such a democracy who, in addition to the normal political machinery, have also available to them the God-given power of prayer by which to bring about the changes which they believe desirable, either in the personnel or in the policy of the government”. In Kenya, Great Britain, United States of America had experience the power of praying Christians to bring changes in government and affairs of mankind in society. In Rivers State years back Bishop Elkannah Hanson led praying team to enthrone and sustains the government of Chief Rufus Ada George. In 1998/99, Rivers State Christian Elders Forum initiated by Rev. Mosy Madugba and headed by Elder Sam Mbata with me as the Publicity Coordinator in concert with the Military Administrator, Group Captain Ewang by prayers and political involvement brought about the government of Dr. Peter Odili. In 2003, it was all comers’ affairs Christians and different religious groups were falling over to be noticed as praying for the re-election of Dr. Peter Odili to the extent that it caused division among Christian’s groups. Prior to the emergence of Sir Celestine Omehia as Governor and thereafter, the problem is not lack of praying Christians but the extent it has degenerated. In the case of Governor Rotimi Amaechi he only consult and use the Church and political pastors/prophets as and when he need them to the extent that he abuse, deride pastors and hypocritically claim God being behind his enthronement in one hand and on the other hands denigrate the Church institution and priests that are divine custodian/voice of that enthronement. Hence the confusion he is today as predicted in some of my features. Wherever man may stand, whatever he may do, to whatever he may apply his hand: in agriculture, commerce, (government) or industry, or his mind in the world of art and science, he is in whatsoever it may be, constantly standing before the face of his God The foregoing reveals that God is the ground norm of every assignment. Thus, this responsibility does not exist outside Gods behest; it is call of God which is de jure exercised outside earthly kingdom, Undoubtedly, man is enthroned into leadership position of various capacities so as to carry out fulfil an avowed person’s mastery or his skill or people’s acclaim, it is divinely ordained. Therefore, human governance as quasi-autonomy is exercised with a high sense of commitment, humility and sincerity in the communal life of God’s creature. In a nutshell, sovereignty resides with the Civitas a society of citizens. Also, this God-given mandate from Christian perspective is the inherent dignity and irrefragable worth of the essence of individual human commonwealth. This political commonwealth is not something foreign to individuals. Despite these Christians tenets, governance in Nigeria is particularly inexpedient with stringent and dehumanizing rules undermining the inviolable right of the civitas. Meanwhile, the commonwealth of Christian governance comprises of justice, peace and fairness among others. God specially wants this commonwealth of Christian governance realized on the earthly governance, coupled with its eschatological implications. This eschatological implication transforms the present order and the future realization. No doubt, these Christian precepts dignify and defanaticize claims and are bereft of ultimate truth. “Times had been when Christians thought and felt politics is dirty and Christians should not participate in politics. We are better informed now. If indeed politics is dirty, Christians should get in there and clean it up. And to get in; Christians must register in political parties as well as contest elections, to vote and to be voted for. The Bible likens us as the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Let Christians get in there and show the light” (Apostle G. D. Numbere, Chairman, South South Christian Association of Nigeria). The Church has been indifferent in the past to the challenges posed by political leadership. We have rather towed the line of praying to change things for better after they had gone out of hand. There is no doubt that we are all concerned about the situation of our nation in the forthcoming elections. Moreso, the Church is praying to enthrone the right candidates for 2015 elections. The right candidate is the one chosen by God and it will take a concerted effort to actualize this vision, hence Concerned Gospel Ministers’ Association. Our Concerns: The Association patterned after the defunct Rivers State Christian Elders Forum who in 1998/1999 was involved in mobilizing Christians to enthrone the Government of Sir. Dr. Peter Odili. We are concerned and involved because the Church has been indifferent in the past to the challenges posed by political leadership. We have rather towed the line of praying to change things for the better after they had gone out of hand. As God’s Servants, Ministers of the Gospel and custodians of God’s message to the Nation, we are concerned about the situation of our nation. Among many concerns is the quality of leaders who serve in different positions of governance. Our involvement in giving direction to our State and Nation in politics is based on the Biblical injunction that we, Christians are “light” and “salt” (Mt, 5:13-16) and that “when the righteous (those who have personal and intimate relationship with God) are in authority, the people rejoice” (Proverbs 29:2). How the righteous does comes into authority? Christians must be involved in electoral and political process. Hence we are involved. First, we are called to be involved in government but not to depend upon it for solutions. When the Christians cares about their neighbours in practical ways, participation at the polls must be a part of that caring. Secondly, we are called to be involved not only by implication but by Christ directly. When he said, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s” (Mtt.22:21). He was telling us to respond to governments’ request of us. Our government requests participation of all citizens and special interest groups – and make no mistake about it, Christianity is a special interest group – for a specific reason. Our founding fathers envisioned a balance of power through healthy competition. They believed what would control each segment of society and advance society as a whole was the dynamic of the segment vying for dominance. If Christian does not participate with their perspective and power, they rob the Nigeria system. They also rob the Nigeria people of exposure to and the influence of the Christian perspective. Nigerian politics are competitive and complicatedly but politics provides one of God’s ways of maturing our thinking and testing our commitment. Philosophy: Man is a social animal; he lives his life in society and finds fulfillment in the company of his fellows. Man’s social life needs a structure to organize and regulate the complex relationship between him and his fellows. The science of this complex structure of social relationships is the science of politics. Dr. Tim LaHaye, President of a large politic evangelical umbrella group in America, the America Coalition for Traditional Values is quoted as saying: “At this crucial time in history, every Christian should do one or the other run for office or help someone else run”. But if Christians are to run for office, they need other qualifications than holiness. To better the Society, Christians need to be involved and a platform-a structure to run. We are to be the preserving “salt of the earth” as much as to be the evangelizing “light of the world” (Matt.5:13-16). Being God’s people relocate in a community of need as reconciled to Him and to one another, we need to devise plan that will ensure a more equitable distribution of goods and services within our own fellowship and for community. By this process of redistribution, we must show the world that we are sharing the love of God not only in terms of a verbal testimony but also in a sharing of resources with our new family. In taking active part in politics, the Church is being faithful to her roots in biblical revelation. Politics is a vast arena of human relationships and contacts which unites all others into a complete whole: the economic, the social as well as the cultural. Nothing indeed is alien to politics. It is in this vast melting pot of human relationship, the matrix of everyday life, that God revealed himself to man. Biblical Rationale: God used Joseph, Moses, Esther, Mordicai, Daniel, Meshach, Shedrach and Abednego as political instruments. They went through a political process to liberate their people from oppressive regimes and brought them to a place of abundance (Psalm 66:12). Samuel and David were priest, prophet and king that through the structures of society brought the fulfillment of God’s purposes and plans in their generation. The early Christian as the church of Jesus pooled their resources together to advance the cause of Christ in civil society. The scriptures exhort us: “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s and unto God the things that are God’s” (Matt. 22:21). “All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possession was his own, but they shared everything they had. With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and much grace was upon them all. There were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned lands or houses sold them brought the money from the sales and put it at the apostle’s feet and it was distributed to anyone as he had need” (Acts 4:32-35). Concerned Gospel Ministers’ Association was established as non-governmental organization (NGO) for the express purpose of “sharing the gospel and help our people find equality, justice and economic independence through self-help co-operative efforts and political involvement”. God is not apolitical. God is involved and in control of the affairs of the world. Politics is the management of human affairs. Jesus mission was limited in scope. But Jesus charged Christian to be involved with the world, to be light and salt of the world. Light give direction. Salt goes into every strata of condiment, society to give flavor, taste, meaning (quality of life) and sustains. Without involvement of Christians and Church with the world the world will not have direction and is doom to destruction. It is the Christians and the Church in the world that that make redemption of falling humanity possible (see Matt. 28:18-20, Acts 1:8, Matt. 5:14-16, Jn. 8:12). The reason God did not take Christians away after salvation is reconcile the world to God through engaging the system, the world system ( 2 Cor. 5:18-21) how should Christians and the Church enthroning and sustaining righteous leadership? 1) Pray for good governance (1 Tim, 2:1-4) 2) Preach and prophesy to all institution of governance, leadership in the society concerning bad governance, oppression and corruption (Prov. 31:8-9, Jer. 1:9-10, Ezek. 3:17-18, Acts 26). The Church and Pastors should speak and decree what should be and what should happen in society without being partisan as oracle and spokesperson of God. If Pastors and the Church fail to speak to institutions of governance ungodly politicking will cause instability, disorder and lawlessness in society and by implication affect the peace, well being and continuity of the Church. 3. Christians and the Church should carry out its civic responsibilities of paying taxes, voting and being voted for, participate in government and lead by example (Rom. 13:1-8). How? When there crises in governance and politics, the Church and Pastors should speak up against injustice, oppression and bad governance by writing to those in authority, institutions of governance and politics, protest against wrongs in political parties. The Church and Christians must be proactive. They must not wait for things to go wrong before they preach. The Church and Pastors should get involved to give direction to politics and politicians. The Church should take stand on all issues that affect the nation. They should use modern technology, media press release, and other means of advocacy to address inequality, injustice and proffer solution to ill of society. This does not depending on government or politicians for solution or support. It is not to run around politicians or those in government. Speak to them but keep away from their corrupt ways and activities. “Civil government is just one of the structures of the universe necessary for accumulating meaningful purpose. Christian in politics is our investment in maintaining the structures of civil government”. Christian using that structure of society to advance the causes of Christ to better the lot of society and develop a Christian Community that is self reliant is the minimal daily requirement for getting on with the real substance of life. Politics is one of the means to mature Christians and give to Christian perspective to better society. Hence, we, Concerned Gospel Ministers Association are going to mobilize all churches, pastors and Christians to register and vote God chosen candidates no matter their parties.To experience and encounter God in unusual way to meet your need visit/worship online: Have question, you may call: 08033399821 or write:akpogena@yahoo. Stay blessed. Dr. Lewis Akpogena, A Christian Devotional Writer/Minister, Education Management and Media Consultant write from Port Harcourt.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 06:15:49 +0000

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