The Role of County Women Representatives (Woman Representative to - TopicsExpress


The Role of County Women Representatives (Woman Representative to the National Assembly) The Constitution of Kenya 2010, created the position of women representative to the National Assembly specifically to increase the voice of women in parliament. This is to ensure women’s views are heard and not silenced by male perspectives as has been the trend in the previous ten parliaments since independence. Article 93 establishes a bicameral parliament of Kenya, comprised of the Senate and National Assembly, which shall perform their respective functions in accordance with the Constitution of Kenya. Article 95(1) states that the National Assembly represents the people of the constituencies and special interests. This means that the 290 constituency representatives, the 47 women representatives and 12 nominated women and men representing other special interests groups, are members of parliament who sit in the National Assembly. Article 97(1) (b) stipulates that the composition of members of the National Assembly should include forty-seven women, elected by the registered voters of the counties, each county constituting a single member constituency. Parliament manifests that the will of the people is exemplified through the diversity of the Nation, and should be represented in the exercise of their sovereignty. Women representatives in their capacity as Parliamentarians and members of the National Assembly will therefore have the following roles: Enact legislation and ensure its gender responsive Review upcoming and existing laws to ensure they are gender responsive. Exercise oversight over national revenue and its expenditure and ensure the budget process is gender responsive. Promote gender equality, especially the implementation of the 2/3 gender principle at the National Assembly and Senate (Article 81(b)) and generally in all public and private sectors. Monitor allocation, management and usage of funds by documenting the amount of money set aside in each year’s national budget for the benefit of women. Ensure gender mainstreaming within the economic, social and political processes through conducting regular assessments of how the Government as a whole has performed in ensuring that women are employed, appointed and/or nominated in all arms of Government, various commissions and boards as directors in accordance with the 2/3 gender principle as articulated by Article 27(8) of the Constitution. Ensuring that political parties provide a favorable environment for women’s participation and representation in their structures. Act as a watchdog on the executive arm of Government by monitoring performance with regard to ensuring that women issues remain top in the agenda. Lobby and advocate for adequate public services for women. Ensure the Jubilee Government fulfills its commitment to provide safe and free maternal care for women in all public hospitals and ensure its full implementation Guarantee affordable and effective family planning methods are obtainable for all women regardless of their social status. Ensuring the implementation of the Bill of Rights contained in Chapter 4 of the 2010 Constitution and that the fundamental rights and freedoms of women are respected in all spheres of life. Participate in continuous civic education for the implementation of the Constitution, especially with regards to raising awareness on devolution, participation in the political process, land rights, inheritance of land, matrimonial property rights, the bill of rights, amongst other issues. Protect the Constitution and promote the democratic governance of the Republic as outlined in Article 94(4) and as per Article 3, respect, uphold and defend the Constitution Provide transparent, transformative and gender responsive leadership
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 10:02:43 +0000

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