The Romans epistle. part 5, Romans 12. verse 2 be conformed - TopicsExpress


The Romans epistle. part 5, Romans 12. verse 2 be conformed ... be ye transformed: the form of both of these verbs may be either middle voice imperative or passive voice imperative. As middle voice forms, they may be rendered fashion yourself and transfigure yourself. As passive voice forms, they may be rendered be fashioned and be transfigured, The middle voice forms clearly lay the responsibility for the action on the individual. The passive voice forms may also be understood to refer to the fashioning of the age upon an individual as he or she allows such things to affect themselves, and the transfiguring that occurs to an individual as he or she renews his or her mind, as the verse continues. Either understanding may have been the intended sense. It is, however, clear that the individual person is responsible for for whether or not a change comes about in his or her own life in this context. Previously, Romans 1-8 declared what God had done for mankind through Jesus Christ. Romans 9-11 said that God chose to have mercy on both Judeans and Gentiles after Jesus Christs accomplishments, and it tells them how to receive what God has made available to them by Jesus Christ. Beginning with Romans 12, the epistle sets forth things that ought to be done by those who have received the things from God spoken of in the earlier chapters. Use sober, balanced thinking according as God has distributed the measure of [the foundation for] believing to each of you. :4 Even as we have many members in one physical body and as all members do not have the same function, :5 so we, the many, are one body in Christ and individually members one of another, :6 having gifts (charisma - Greek) differing according to the grace given to us. If it is prophecy, then let us prophesy according to the proportion of believing. (Noe occurs a figure of speech known as an ellipsis or fill in the blank figure of speech.) :7 Or if it is another ministry, then let us minister according to the proportion of the believing in the ministry. Or if it is teaching, then let us teach according to the proportion of the believing in the teaching. :8 Or if it is any other service such as exhorting ... in the exhortation; giving ... in integrity; leading ... in diligence; showing mercy ... in cheerfulness. (The following are imperative commandments to the born again believers of the current age.) :9 Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor the evil; cleave to the good. :10 Be tenderly affectionate in brotherly love to one another. :11 Do not be sluggish in diligence. Be fervent in [the things of] the spirit, serving the Lord. :12 Rejoice in the hope. Be patient in affliction. Give persistent attention to prayer. :13 Share with the needs of the holy [sanctified] ones, pursuing hospitality. :14 Bless those who persecute you. Bless and curse not. :15 Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. :16 Think the same thing toward one another. Do not think lofty things, but accommodate yourselves to the humble ways. Do not rely on your own intellect. :17 Render to no one evil for evil. Make thoughtful provision for good things in the presence of all people. :18 If possible from your standpoint, live in peace with all people. :19 Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but give place to the wrath [to come], for it has been written, Vengeance is Mine. I will repay, says the Lord. :20 So if your enemy is hungry, feed him. If he is thirsty, give him to drink. By doing this, you will heap coals of fire upon his head. :21 Do not be overcome by the evil, but overcome the evil with good. :20 According to Bishop K C Pillais teaching on the customs in the lands and times of the Bible, There were people who carried coals from a fire to each house in the community so that those people in their homes could start a fire for warmth and cooking. They carried these coals in well insulated vessels on their heads. The coals on a persons head would warm them as they walked from house to house on a cool day. Thus to heap coals of fire on a persons head was an idiom that meant to warm that person up. Verse 21 clearly illustrates to do good things, not evil. When a reference is made about what commandments a Christian is to follow in this current age, These are those commandments. Part 6 to come. God Bless you all.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 16:31:12 +0000

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