The Root Cause. Question: Who is the central culprit responsible - TopicsExpress


The Root Cause. Question: Who is the central culprit responsible for food-aid problems, food crises experienced by numerous individuals internationally, the debt crisis, including food insecurity? In fact the cause of all our problems? Answer: All kinds of democracies excluding Direct Democracy (DD), implemented in affluent/wealthy nations (the G8 member states). Switzerland; the most affluent/wealthy nation on the face of this planet as of today, practices DD. This is where the public (the majority) of a particular country (Switzerland, the example) make key decisions/choices on what policies/issues/circumstances are to be either accepted or removed from their society, that will affect their quality of life. A comment was passed in class that Switzerland’s Swiss banks are to summarise, in my own words from the implication and or assertion being made is that Swiss banking practices are dodgy or questionable. My counter argument I chose to leave, to post here, is that this comment is totally irrelevant. NZ politicians do the same practice, which are dodgy or questionable. Alongside corporate barons such as David Richwhite and Michael Faye (Wine box Affair/inquiry fame). According to Winston Peters on the 20th September, 2013, at Massey University, publically declaring the amount of corruption that goes on in NZs Parliamentary institution(s). And there are numerous articles that support Peter’s findings. It is all well-meaning to enlighten students about the problems and solutions needed to reduce and or eliminate the causes. I am passionate about completing this paper (131.121) with the highest marks I can possibly achieve. As I find this paper the most interesting paper I have come across (for now). Will this paper support my numerous marketable skills in order to convince employers, I am the ideal potential employee to add value to the company? That I am an asset and not a liability? And which vocations are in high demand for those who have documented evidence/approval from the Ivory tower itself, that they have an understanding of 131.121 issues? If DD were practiced by the G8 member states, then definitely the approach from bottom-up would be successful in its implementation to practicing the solutions, needed to solve 131.121 issues. And in turn would benefit mankind as a collective on an international scale. Rather than today’s current democratic processes in providing solutions for 131.121 issues. Developing nations would have no choice however to play by the rules. I have observed the arguments why it won’t work? And have through my own research discovered the flaws in the arguments. Either lack of research and or omitting relevant information as to why (it did not or did) DD failed? In conclusion government practices leading to governmental corruption, including dodgy, questionable banking/finance industry practices, will never be eliminated, perhaps reduced, even under DD? However the chances of mankind as a collective on an international scale under DD, “ruled by the people for the people” and not “ruled by the politicians for the politicians and their wealthy associates” will stand a far greater chance/positive response including actions, of solving numerous 131.121 issues; socially, economically, politically, environmentally etc. Than just attempting to promote and action the solutions to problems relating to 131.121 issues, under any form/kind/style of democracy excluding DD. The root cause has been identified that dodgy, questionable democratic styles implemented in the G8 member state nations, does not benefit the international community as a collective/majority when relating/linking this problem to 131.121 issues. It benefits the minority, the ruling classes/the elites and their associates- politicians, corporate barons, MNCs, the owners of media industries including the banking/finance elites in their community/discipline. Direct Democracy will hold all those in legitimate forms of authority to account, allowing full transparency into their dealings either locally and or nationally. And in turn will save the millions displaced by famines, wars, environmental disasters including economic restructuring caused by globalisation.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 07:28:40 +0000

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