The Rotaract Club of Athenas Knights and The Bombay Progressive - TopicsExpress


The Rotaract Club of Athenas Knights and The Bombay Progressive Fellowship Society present: THE CICERO INITIATIVE A debate, group discussion and public speaking platform for Post graduates students, students from professional courses and Professionals and Entrepreneurs A forum to exchange your views orn anything and everything under the sun - but in a mature fashion: ABOUT THE INITIATIVE: As you are aware, professional and all round personal and professional development is our prime objective. In pursuance thereof, the Rotaract Club of Athena’s Knights is partnering with The Bombay Progressive Fellowship Society to start a new platform “The Cicero Initiative” which will be a formal and open forum encouraging the elocutionary and oratory skills, not just for our members, but also of the emergent youth across the city. In today’s format of professional, graduate and post graduate courses, almost all of the emphasis is on the technical aspects of education, which although important, should not be the only result of education. We and our members, being thorough professionals in our own regard, have experienced the importance of soft skills, and have always felt the need for acquiring them. There is no need to emphasize the importance of Public Speaking. It is one of the most important skill set and is required to be employed on a daily basis. It is something that not just aids in general communication, but also helps in dealing with various stake holders, addressing meetings, clarifying ideas , maintaining and developing good relationships, and above all, helps in making a good and lasting impression on the listeners. Good Public Speaking, one may call it elocutionary or maybe oratory skill, is something which attracts an audience, as well as facilitates the flow of knowledge and ideas. An audience does not just ‘hear’, but ‘listens’ to a good speaker. Experiences and thoughts from good and famous speakers show that this particular skill set can be developed and enhanced by practice and periodic exposure to a diverse audience. Great orators always say that in order to be a good speaker, one needs to be a good listener, and secondly, has to have the confidence of overlaying his thoughts and ideas to the minds of the audience. This comes only from getting used to the notion of addressing a majority of listeners. We propose to have a monthly session where undergraduate students from all over Mumbai can converge under one roof. Each session would be divided into three parts: (1) Debates (Topics would be notified before hand) (2) Group Discussion (Topics would be given out on the spot) (3) Elocution/PPT etc. (Topics to be chosen by participants) WHO IS CICERO? Cicero was a Roman philosopher, lawyer, orator, theorist and constitutionalist. He was regarded as one of the greatest orators of his times. His works are best known for their quotes on various subjects and famous for their inspirational and thought provoking ideas. As a tribute to this great speaker, this platform is named after him.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 00:35:54 +0000

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