The Rothschilds are one of the most powerful families in the world - TopicsExpress


The Rothschilds are one of the most powerful families in the world ( the most powerful in the world economy ), of German origin, holds the MAJORITY of the two schools Private Banking as we know , the Fed and the ECB. But lets take one step at a time and lets see who are these banking institutions Own the World ! FED The Federal Reserve is a Private Bank , owned by private shareholders of which the Rothschilds are the largest owners and whose ultimate goal is the profit. The Fed was established with the approval of the Federal Reserve Act of December 23, 1913 by the Congress of the United States. The legislative process took place in an abnormal , the House of Representatives had approved the Federal Reserve ACT , but the act was having difficulties in the approval by the Senate , was December 23, 1913 , when most of the members Congress had already left Washington for the Christmas holidays and according to U.S. law , when there is a suspension of legislative work , you must update it in what is called sine day . On 23 December 1913, the Senate had not yet updated sine day , then the session was technically in progress and as reported by the acts , were ONLY three senators who approved the Federeral Reserve Act with unanimous consent in an on-call vote ( one person would be enough against and would not pass ) . To date, U.S. courts have repeatedly ruled that the Fed is a private corporation and although not part of the Federal Government , it is actually more powerful than himself , and , in my opinion, more powerful than the President, the Congress and of the Courts of Justice. In 1913, Congress gave in the hands of an independent central bank , called the Federal Reserve s monopoly on the issuance of the U.S. and the debt generated by this wholly private property is what is putting the American economy to its knees . The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people , to whom rightly belongs (Giulio Tremonti , a former minister and economist , someone who I respect very much , because in addition to Beppe Grillo is the only one who has had the courage to say in the past the truth about how the world works cheap). Who the borrower is servant to the lender (Larry Bates , an economist ) . ECB The European Central Bank (ECB) is the central bank in charge of monetary policy for the 17 European Union countries that joined the euro , forming the so-called Euro Zone . In Italy, the monetary sovereignty (the power of those who print and issue currency ) was until yesterday Banka Italy. Today, monetary sovereignty , is in the hands of the ECB in Frankfurt , for which , incidentally, is the new home under construction with an estimated cost of 1.2 billion euros and all this while the Greeks and Spaniards inflamed squares for protest against the cuts and reforms imposed by the European Union heavy . The Euro is a currency with debt , in fact, this institution will issue the new currency charging it to the European peoples by the same philosophy money used to date the national central banks against the same people , and implementing the most unbridled liberalism planned in the Maastricht Treaty . Article 107 of the Maastricht Treaty stipulates that in exercising the powers and carrying out the tasks and duties conferred upon them by this Treaty by the Statute of the ESCB , neither the ECB , nor a national central bank , nor any member of respective decision-making bodies shall seek or take instructions from Community institutions or bodies, from any government of a Member State or from any other body . In a nutshell the Master of Europe is the governor of the Central Bank . The money we use is not the state, but Banka of Italy / ECB ! The shares to Banka of Italy to 94.3 % owned by private banks and insurance companies ! All this is the biggest scam and the largest Wear monetary system : The seigniorage ! Does not officially exist and just talk about it, and yet it is something that is plunging the entire planet in debt ( intentionally) . Seigniorage is the difference between the nominal value of the coin and the cost of production ( typeface ) or more simply is the price you pay to typography ( Fed - ECB ) to print money ! Money, like all good things, has a cost of production: Banknote paper and inks , for coins of the metal alloys. It should also be remembered for the uninitiated , that the August 15, 1971 (I was one month old ) , President Nixon removed the convertibility of currency into gold, burying forever the Bretton Woods agreement of 1944. So the issue of currency for forty years no longer needs the equivalent of a precious metal (gold, silver) , but only numbers on paper. In other words I think the Fed and the ECB two real PRINTERS ! Example seigniorage : Print a ticket costs € 100 plus or minus 1 euro cent ( between paper and inks ), plus the work done which is about one euro . It should also be calculated that the single state that costs even more money by virtue of the discount rate ( ie, the cost of money between the Central Bank and local banks ) is now of 0.75% . So a 100 euro banknote , costs the state about the beauty of 101.5 ! ! The state pays the rent to the Central Bank of this coin with Government and therefore sindebita disproportionately and ongoing against him. The State ultimately monetize its debt and this debt will continue to grow day after day, year after year. Clearly we pay this debt , with its TAXES ! To block this vicious circle would be enough to remove the nominal compensation to the banks of notes , but no one intervenes ( in Italy Prof. Auriti tried it , and got good results, but after his death it all stopped ) . There is a law in the United States that allows the government to print money , they tried to restore it in two , Lincoln and Kennedy, and we know what happened . When a government is unable to make ends meet , he asks for a loan to the Central Bank (ECB / FED) and in return pays the interest while continuing to feed the addiction of governments. It a mechanism pyramidal and well structured, in fact , the interest is the basis of everything. It can be seen also in the banks where we deposit our savings where there is the incredible mechanism , the Financial Reserve banks permitted by law to pay up to ten times the amount on deposit, then create money that does not exist (except on paper and monitor). With cold calculation and make sure that there are never even by mistake a unit of exchange in circulation, to be able to repay loans and interest super glamorous ! This is a phenomenon well planned by the banks to enslave and take away human resources. The ultimate goal will be to get to the electronic money overall for the control ( slavery) overall . All this is well- MANAGED by one of the most powerful families in the world: The ROTHSCHILD And I dare say THAT EVERYTHING AND WELL PLANNED IN ADVANCE TO TABLE ! With the privatization of the monetary sovereignty politicians have become dependent on the bankers. Monetary sovereignty is non-transferable , and on this occasion the people of that coin is found liable of which , however, should own , because it has value only because people accept it as a means of exchange or means of payment , thus creating value money . The public debt is not ripianabile , is continuous and steady growth . In fact, we always talk about refinancing and not of repayment ( plus more with the purchase of new government bonds. ) We will always be more submissive and dependent, stripped of our wealth and treated as slaves. The next government will be forced to keep the line traced by bankocracy Monti s austerity and a member of Parliament now that markets must abide by the decisions and rules already laid down.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 15:25:15 +0000

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