The Rumors Were True: The NOAH Movies (and Left-Wing Eco-Marxists) - TopicsExpress


The Rumors Were True: The NOAH Movies (and Left-Wing Eco-Marxists) War on Humans: Having heard the rumors that the Russell Crowe $130 million extravaganza, Noah, was distinctly anti-human and radically environmentalist, I decided to check it out. Ayup. In left-wing atheist Darren Arnofskys remake of the Genesis story of Noah, the Creator doesnt decide to destroy humankind because, as in the original, He is sickened by mans unrighteousness and immorality. No, like Klaatu, He wants us all dead to -- yes -- save the earth. You see, after being kicked out of Eden, man became industrial, building evil cities (never depicted except at a distance), strip mining minerals from the earth, exhausting the soil, and generally despoiling the environment into a barren wasteland (except for Methuselahs Mountain, which remains green). The place looks like Mordor: No trees, rare animals, ubiquitous toxic waste -- a radical environmentalists hysterical fantasy about how we are supposedly killing the planet today. Nor is Noah necessarily spared because he is morally righteous -- although he is the epitome of how Deep Ecology types believe we should live gently on the earth. For example, he solemnly instructs his young son Ham to never pick a wildflower because we should only gather what we can use, what we need. (I was reminded how, in real life, Switzerlands constitution has declared that individual plants have intrinsic dignity and an opinion by a Swiss bioethics commission that decapitating a wildflower is immoral.) As a son of Seth, Noah is a hunter gatherer. Other men, descendants of the murderer Cain, are depicted as evil for their sadistic and bloodthirsty consumption of meat. Noah receives a vision of the coming flood and the need to build the ark. Later, when looking for wives for his two younger sons, he has a second vision of humankind being inherently evil, which includes silhouettes of uniformed soldiers from ancient to modern times. Whether man gets a second chance or goes extinct is depicted as Noahs decision, not the Creators. His decision is obvious since you are reading these words. But the clear implication of the movie is that we remain as evil as the descendants of Cain, and just as destructive of the Creators paradise. Bottom line: Noah pushes hard on the modern environmentalist meme that -- as I reported in The War on Humans -- we are a terrible plague on the living Gaia. That message sells among a small group of (liberal) elites and misanthropic neo-earth religionists. But most of us do not consider ourselves to be cancers on the planet.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 01:57:49 +0000

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