The Russia-Ukraine conflict is an energy war based around gas - TopicsExpress


The Russia-Ukraine conflict is an energy war based around gas pipelines. The key factor which has not been reported in the pro NATO, pro-EU media is that the US state department funded several NGO organisations in Ukraine who then established protests and revolts to oust president Yanukovich, so that the new government that came in afterwards would be more sympathetic to western and EU interests. In particular, if Ukraine becomes a member of the EU, Chevron, Exxon and Royal Dutch Shell would be legally able to tap huge new natural gas fields recently found in western Ukraine and Poland, which they couldnt exploit previously because of an existing trade deal between Ukraine and Russia. So the western interests organise a Coup, as they have done many times in the past in other countries, get in a new government, including a former central banker as PM, and now guess what, BIG OIL GETS TO TAP THE RESERVES! In addition, Yatsenyuk, the new PM, is of course, planning on getting IMF loans and placing austerity measures on the people! Which in short stands for western IMF-aligned globalist takeover of natural Ukranian resources - profits to go off shore! And cheap energy for western Europe is the result, as well as further EU/NATO domination over Russia! The Russian occupation is to maintain the existing arrangement for their company Gazprom, which is also sort of dodgy, and also to maintain income for their economy. Once again, its all about money and corporations! youtube/watch?v=DFpKwEm43n0
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 03:35:42 +0000

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