The Russian market is now open to good opportunities for - TopicsExpress


The Russian market is now open to good opportunities for Vietnamese businesses Nam.Trong trade and economic relations world no one wants to talk or respond to punishment, but in fact it has occurred between the United States , the European Union (EU) and countries with Russia over time. These measures are negative effects on the economy of Russia and the EU, but this is also new opportunities for export to the Russian market, including Vietna- tranmoscow company_ Vietnam Commercial Counsellor in Russia From 6/8, Russia to impose import restrictions and banned for a period of one year for vegetables, tubers, fruits, meat products, dairy products from a number of EU countries, from the United States and some neighboring countries such as Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova. These barriers, restrictions and bans trade has a negative impact on the market, workers and the economy of the country concerned. Song of Russia, this is a defense is mandatory, as well as measures to stimulate domestic production. To meet the needs of the market with over 140 million people, Russia is looking forward to the new customers to offset the shortfall in the list of items banned from some Western countries. According to the Vietnam Trade Office in Russia, for Russia to expand cooperation with new customers to offset the shortage of goods, opening up new opportunities for exporters, including Vietnam. Items such as vegetables, fruits, meat products, and agricultural products ... Vietnam are strong and can be exported to Russia. Mr. Pham Quang Niem - Vietnam Commercial Counsellor at the Russian said: Russia increased imports from the former Soviet Union, and Russia is actively working with Latin American countries to import seafood and vegetables effect on its market. So I think there is a chance that Vietnam should not be ignored. Russia is also interested in Vietnam market. In recent days the Ministry of Domestic Trade of Moscow has invited us to come to work, and on that basis we can connect with Moscow province, and other provinces to create the playing field, so that the conditional Vietnam business development in the Russian market. New opportunities that bring the Russian market not only for exporters seafood and agricultural products in Vietnam, but also for businesses interested in the agricultural sector in Russia. We can say that this field in recent years is not Vietnam enterprises due attention although Russia has an area so vast agricultural land, agricultural areas receive preferential treatment from the government and profits are high. Mr. Yang Hai An, Vice President Association of Vietnam enterprises in Russia Mr. Yang Hai An, Vice President Association of Vietnam enterprises in Russia, Volga-Viet Company CEO said tax in the agricultural sector in Russia is very low, even zero; current company Volga-Viet is cultivated on 80 hectares, but the vegetables and fruits do not enough to give the market till winter. Volga-Viet Company also plans to expand production to supply the market Volgograd, Moscow and a number of localities in Russia. Mr. Yang Hai An, said: The crisis in relations between Russia and the West is not an overnight can solve. I think Vietnam enterprises in Russia or in the country should seize this opportunity . businesses large and product distribution in Russia only require products with simple packaging, but must provide correct, complete and timely. This is an opportunity for us to be able to quickly access and long long with this market. Some Vietnam enterprises in Moscow and a number of local Russians became interested in the agricultural sector and is planning to convert business model in the future. Currently the company Volga-Viet is cultivated on 80 hectares Mr. Pham Van Hau - a Vietnamese businessman in Russias Tambov province, said: We make garments, but Russians are European countries embargoed goods should circulate in the economy of the Russian market is being influence. so we wanted to find out the agricultural segment, is another way, a new and more stable for us and for the community in Tambov, sustainable development . Managers, and business professionals have generally asserted that the Russian market is now a chance for Vietnam enterprises, especially in the context of negotiations on the Free Trade Agreement between Vietnam Men with Customs Union (including Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus) are coming to an end. However, it should frankly acknowledge that, beside the objective factors such as geographical distance, lack of information and understanding of business practices, the attention and support from the government is not adequate. its hard .. and psychological concerns of enterprises passive Vietnam is still a major obstacle. Commercial Counselor Pham Quang Niem emphasized: In my opinion, businesses should not wait passively Russia invited us, that we should take the initiative to go to Russia. I think, if businesses really want increased exports to the Russian market to strengthen trade promotion activities. Specifically, the workshop involved trade and investment, exhibitions and seek partners to export our goods. At the same time, the industry also needs to support the business. For example, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to discuss with Russia the rapid inter-governmental agreement on food safety and safety of diseases for products derived from animal import and export between Vietnam and Russia. This is an important legal framework enabling enterprises import and export goods to Russia. Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development needs more actively to increase the number of exporters in Russia. This is a good opportunity for us to enter the Russian market stability, certainty and increase market share. The market is always open, but do not wait for us, if we slow it will take the chance . Ties of trade and economic cooperation and investment between Vietnam and Russia are developing very well. Only trade cooperation in 2013, according to Russian customs statistics, two-way trade turnover reached nearly $ 4 billion, and in the first 6 months of 2014 reached 1.76 billion USD. On investment, Russia is far ranks 18th among countries and territories investing in Vietnam with 97 projects achievements, worth more than $ 2 billion. Russia is also the third country to invest in Vietnam in countries and territories in the world with 17 projects with a capital of $ 2.4 billion. /.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 03:44:15 +0000

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