The SCOTUS ruling is not only a step in breaking an important - TopicsExpress


The SCOTUS ruling is not only a step in breaking an important oppressive link for greater LGBT equality, but also a sign that we are moving in a more positive direction for parity and equality for all mankind. Much of freedom and equality also hinges on economic justice and parity and we must endeavor to reverse the Fascist reactionary political trend in America that is creating a larger divide between the haves a have nots. We must change the over reaching unbalanced increased power of corporations, increase educational opportunitiesfor the working class including subsidies and decreased public tuition. We must provide free tutoring and counseling for children of poor families. We must provide more resources, education, and access to better healthcare and nutrition. THere should be no income limit on Social Security with holding; somo One making $1 million a year should be taxed on the entire amount, not limted to $108K which amounts to a $69K/yr subsidy. The affluent do not need subsidies, special tax treatment and disproportionate access to political and tax avoidance power. Finally our excessive burden of military and penal spending and inclusion falls disproportionately on the working class and poor. Unearned income taxation should be equal to, or greater than earned income taxation. There is something morally wrong with saying that the toil of labor is worth less than an idol rich person clipping coupons. Ubfortunately we are seeing an increasing economic class struggle in America that is being gretEly exascerbated by the riches greater access and influence on political power. Todays social progrees achieved by the LGBT community is long overdue and welcome, but let it not be a diversion and smoke screen to detour us from our struggling journey to achieve gretaer economic parity and justice for all, not always a benfit for the top ONE PERCENT. CORPORATIONS AND BANKERS CONTINUE TO RUN RUFF SHOD OVER THE 99 PERCENT AT AN ACCELERATED RATE AFFECTING THE ECONOMIC AND PHYSICAL HEALTH OF THE MASSES.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 09:51:16 +0000

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