The SHBGB are attempting to impose a regulation that anyone - TopicsExpress


The SHBGB are attempting to impose a regulation that anyone competing under their rules must wear a hat/skull with harness. my opinion is that this is something best left to us, the exhibitors, to decide in relation to the horse we are riding. This is the text of the letter I have sent to SHBGB. Let me know what you think? To the Chairman and all Members of Council, 9th November 2013 SHBGB Madam Chairman and Members of Council, I wish to protest in the strongest terms about the ruling regarding the wearing of hats with harnesses. We were informed of this by letter, stating that Judges must henceforth all wear harnesses. I have, in previous years, always signed the disclaimer regarding my position when judging and signed and returned it only a few weeks ago. I understand that this is a condition imposed by the Society’s Insurer. Have they changed their terms? Are we no longer able to use the disclaimer? Please clarify. The second statement in the letter is that ‘all ridden competitors must wear a hat/skull cap and safety harness …… at all times when mounted and in all classes/championships’. Nowhere in the letter was there any explanation as to why Council have suddenly imposed this ruling. I have been informed that the ruling was based on a letter ‘passed on from the Office’. This would imply that it came from a member of the Society and I would like to enquire why this member’s opinion should be taken to carry more weight than mine. Surely this is a motion that should be put to the general membership for an open vote? I am personally far more confident in my tailor-made, well fitted hats than I am in one that stays on because it is tied to my chin. There was a move some years ago to impose such a ruling. As it is not the law of this country, and as competitors were over the legal age of consent, the opinion was that the Society could not impose such a ruling, hence the terminology used to date of ‘the Society strongly recommends…’ Is there now some change, such as is the Society going to insure all competitors in SHBGB classes, and is it a condition of this insurance? I am employed in an industry that is very stringently regulated, but a comparable ruling would not be able to be enforced without at least a metanalysis or clinical study. In this instance this would need to be a study of cases of head injuries in the showring. The most recent one I recall was in fact a competitor in an in-hand class, who was wearing a hat with harness. Are you able to produce such an analysis? My third point is that the show classes are meant to be the height of elegance and education of the horse. Most young people coming on into horses and other riders coming into the sport have as an ambition to ‘get into a Final and be able to wear a top hat’. Owners and sponsors are being sold the glamour of the ring, which is enhanced by the wearing of correct traditional dress. There is the perfect freedom for any rider who feels it is more suitable for them to wear a hat and harness. That is their right, just as it is my right to wish not to. There is also the point as one competitor has said, ‘if I did not feel safe wearing a bowler hat on my horse, what right have I to put that horse in the ring?’ This ruling having been presented so late in the year and, I must say, in a very terse letter can only raise the suspicion that it is ‘fait accompli’ and the Society are hoping to railroad it past the membership without proper consultation. My final comment is that I have considerable experience of head injury. My eldest sister died recently after a miserable twilight existence for two years following a head injury sustained whilst out hacking. She was wearing a correctly fitted and fastened jockey skull cap with harness. Yours sincerely Laura Hamilton
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 21:37:02 +0000

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