The STATE OF THE NIGERIAN NATION and THE ECUMENICAL PULSE( My Humble Views) - I have had some of the most interesting conversations with myself in the past few weeks as a fall out of the myriads of event that currently pervades our polity and existence as Nation One of such internal discourse is the paradox of the “seeming silence” of the Nigerian church and prominent spiritual giants in the ongoing ‘KrinKum Krankum or Boko Higi Haga’ (for lack of a better word). In my view, I opine that the church and our highly revered leaders possesses colossal platform (across the globe) with incredible potential for engineering enormous change in the positive direction, However this is being underutilized (in my view). I base my ‘feeble’ reasoning on some biblical insights (Please note that I lay absolutely NO claims to scriptural proficiency and doctrinal tenets, hence I seek to be pardoned by religious pundits who may be offended by my humble opinion) I have often wondered if maintaining ongoing status quo (silence) is right, wrong, safe, risky, just, unjust, necessary, compulsory, required or frivolous. Whatever the situation is, I hope you indulge my considerations: Over the past few years, I have been actively involved with food based consumer goods companies, and hence humbly make the assertion that as usual, most of the organizations in this sector recorded major decline/ dip in revenue for the first quarter 2014. Amazingly, first level analysis of the root cause of this drop suggests that the beginning of the year prayer and fasting programme instituted by various denominations, assemblies and religious organizations account for the most significant effect, hence staples such as bread and other bakery products were worst hit …..This tells me one thing; the Nigerian Christian community is possibly bigger than I imagined, hence I imagine the magnitude of influence that our church leaders wield. My appeal hence is for us to use this influence to speak out against societal ills and ineptitudes currently decimating the fabrics our existence, not necessarily as a critic but in the most appropriate manner that does not justify this current ‘disguised complacency I have tried to articulate my thoughts here: 1. While I agree that we should pray for those in authority, weren’t there prophets such as Elijah in the Bible who spoke out against the ills of the day (the reign of Ahab and Jezebeel) 2. When queen Esther understood the magnitude of the influence her platform, didn’t she declare a three days fast after which she ACTED in wisdom? (she, didn’t keep quiet) 3. Didn’t Balam speak as inspired of God against Balak? ,( Asides Pst Bakare who is often times criticized as being extreme , I am yet to see our fathers speak boldly in unequivocal terms against the evils of our times) 4. Doesn’t silence signify some level of consent? 5. If the enemies of the state decide to bomb one of our cosmopolitan massive churches in the middle of our series of Camp meetings, are we still going to thread this path seeming lethargy? 6. When the principals of government who openly trivialize corruption a common theft show up in our meetings(atimes to kneel for prayers in a bid to psychologically appease gullible Nigerians whose sense of wholeness has been murdered by these same actors) Are we still going to indulge them without first telling them the truth IN LOVE,? (That is if these same poor, helpless and weak congregants do not end up in what I call questionable jubilation and celebration of mediocrity to chorus thunderous ‘AMEN’ to a government I try to ask God’s opinion about?)… I apologize if this comes across as judgmental, that is not my intention 7. Whilst P diddy, Kevin Hart, Don Jazzy, Genevieve, Michelle Obama, even Chris Brown(from Prison) and a host of others have joined in their own little way to lend their voices to the search of our little innocent girls who became prisoners of war when the sun of their lives was just beginning to rise, I am yet to see the same little effort on the path of our church runners, I agree that many of us have been praying in our closet but I guess a little show of being touched by the feeling of their infirmity will further grow the confidence capital of the church…. and possibly attract/encourage teenagers who are yet to give their lives to Christ but who see a hero in our celebrities 8. It is not impossible to fall on the other side of political favours if we openly speak up, however, taking a retrospective glance into history, I like to take a cue from the marty; Martin Luther King Junior who used his platform in the struggle for a brighter future for their children… Yes he was killed but because the scriptures cannot be broken (remember that the Bible says we should not be afraid of those that can kill the body and NOT the spirit…paraphrased), He still speaks even in death,… I was born years after he was murdered but I know about him, I am positive that my children will hear about him and even MTN helps to fulfill the scripture by using his speech as a caller tune. 9. On the flip side, if we agree that it may be it may be expensive and possibly of out of wisdom (depending on the perception here), to openly speak out against the ills of our time, is it not possible for one out of our revered priests to champion a nationwide prayer chain? … Asides the individual church’s 15 minutes prayers because of lack of time at our Sunday services, Picture the effect of a prayer chain by ALL and I mean ALL Christians regardless of denominations and doctrinal differences at stadia across the country just for one week ( I think this happened in Korea once) ….. what if all bishops, GO’s , Senior Pastors, Founders etc agree in unity of the faith and resolve to dedicate ALL of their 5, 4, 3, 2 1 services on the same Sunday to pray for the Nation…Didn’t the scripture say If My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will HEAL THEIR LAND. Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayer offered in this place 2 chronicles 7:14-15….Didn’t the Bible say Call upon Me and I will answer and I will show you great and mighty things in which you know not.. Jeremiah 33:3 My friends who have followed my posts over time will attest to the fact that my major concern on the state of the nation (ranging from war to corruption, mediocrity etc) has been centered on my fears for the future of our children… MY POINT: In conclusion, given the platform God has given us, I don’t think the church can afford to stay silent at this point, (at least for the future of our children) may be the rules of engagement for change may defile the pleasant tempo of diplomacy…..and my question is what if God has ordained us and given the church the platform we have for such a time as this… Selah OLORUNTOBA Renewed Energy.. Fresh Perspectives
Posted on: Fri, 09 May 2014 20:37:19 +0000

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