The Sale of our assets and the destruction of our children’s - TopicsExpress


The Sale of our assets and the destruction of our children’s future by the UNC Dr. Rowley said the sale of public assets could only be described as laying the ground work for a fire sale of State assets. “For example, the worst time to try and sell Phoenix Park shares is when gas prices are at their lowest and the economies around are down, that is when you will get the worst value for that company. “That is when she is promising to sell it and other State assets,” Rowley said. “In other words, we are going to sell our assets and consume it in the current account that is the solution of the UNC and the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago that spells rack and ruin for Trinidad and Tobago and the average person better understand that,” he said. Instead of stopping mega-projects and the wanton wastage of our monies at a time of international crisis due to rapidly falling oil prices, the Kamla – led UNC after filling the pockets of their friends and family have opted to continue down the road, spitting in our faces after taking us for the asses that they assume us to be! The fact of the matter is that after all d “ole talk” (address to the nation), what she said is that spending on Mega Projects and mismanagement will continue and the nation need not be worried….. The government though, will use this opportunity to continue their agenda of “ethnic stocking” as many will be sent home in state enterprises while still claiming that unemployment is at an all-time low of 3.5%...remember that we do not have a functioning Central Statistical Office…. Maybe that unemployment figure only reflects the number of unemployed UNC supporters because the tens of thousands fired and marginalized since May 2010 are still in the same position…most of them…as the decentralization of goods and services and employment continues. I await the response of the Trade Union Movement regarding the sale of our assets and hope that another fruitless march is not in the making because while the UNC is being entertained, the standard of living off hundreds of thousands of citizens and the communities in which they live continue to deteriorate….. The Kamla-led UNC government is a most unconscionable and vicious regime that recklessly back-pedals into the future holding fast to an agenda that will surely seal the fate of not only our children’s future…but theirs, for while the massive debt which is being incurred will be paid through sacrifice, one that our children will experience, theirs and that of their friends will bask in the extravagance that corruption and theft afforded. After the UNC is removed from government, the new political directorate will have a herculean task ahead as they seek to rebuild and stabilize our economy, re-establish sober international relations and pacify racial tensions… They will need the support of every right-thinking citizen and the Trade Union Movement.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 14:11:15 +0000

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