The Sanad of Hanafi Fiqh • Many people with little knowledge - TopicsExpress


The Sanad of Hanafi Fiqh • Many people with little knowledge give the perception that Imam Abu Haneefah came out of nowhere, and people following his interpretation of the Quran and Sunnah are in error. This can easily be refuted by Ibn Abidins statement, who gives the analogy of the evolution of the Hanafi fiqh as bread. Ibn Abideen Al-Shaami , on Hanafi Fiqh :الفقه زرعه عبد الله بن مسعود رضي الله عنه ، وسقاه علقمة ، وحصده إبراهيم النخعي ، وداسه حماد ، وطحنه أبو حنيفة ، وعجنه أبو يوسف وخبزه محمد ، فسائر الناس يأكلون من خبزه “Fiqh was planted by Abdullah ibn Mas’ud RA, irrigated by his disciple Alqamah, harvested by his disciple Ibrahim al-Nakha’i, threshed by his disciple Hammad (ibn Abi Sulaiman), milled by his disciple (Imam al-Adham) Abu Hanifah (an-Numaan bin Thaabit bin Zuta bin Marzuban al-Kufi), kneaded by Abu Yusuf, and baked by (Muhammad) al-Shaybani. And the Muslims are nourished and fed by his bread in this manner.” [Rad Al-Mukhtar by Ibn Abideen] •• The Fiqh of the Hanafi madhab is based on the Fiqh of the great Sahaabi Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud RA. Once, when someone disagreed with Ibn Mas`ud over the meaning of a Qur’anic term, he reminded them, “By Allah, I have taken 70 Surahs of the Qur’an directly from the Prophet. There is not a verse of the Qur’an that I do not know when, and in what context it was revealed and what it means.” ••• Khateeb Baghdadi with his chain reported from Ibn Karaamah that he said: “We were by Wakee’ Bin Jarraah one day when a person said: ‘Abu Haneefah has erred.’ Wakee’ spoke: ‘How can Abu Haneefah err when he has by him the likes of Abu Yusuf, Zufar and Muhammad al-Shaybani with their qiyaas and ijtihaad, the likes of Yahya Bin Zakariyyah Abi Zaaidah, Hafs Bin Ghiyaath and Hibbaan and Mandal the sons of Ali with their hifz and understanding of the Hadeeth, Qaasim Bin Ma’n and his perception of language and linguistics and Dawood Bin Naseer Taai and Fudhail Bin Iyaadh with their Zuhd and taqwa? A person who has these students or associates can hardly err. If he does, they will surely return him to the Haqq.” Orthodox Islam Page
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 06:17:04 +0000

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