The Satanic Nazionist cabal that seized power in the West is about - TopicsExpress


The Satanic Nazionist cabal that seized power in the West is about to be taken down and the result will be the toppling of over 20 governments, including those at of the United States, Japan and the UK, CIA, Pentagon and MI6 sources say. Many CIA and Pentagon officers have gone into bunkers in preparation for battle with the cabal mercenary armies, the CIA and Pentagon sources say. The firing of US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel last week was the trigger event, the sources say. The fact the two main cabal candidates to replace him refused the job, indicates something is definitely going on at high levels of the military industrial complex. As one source put it (using more direct language) the fecal matter is about to encounter the ventilator. Meanwhile, US President Barack Obama tried, and failed, last week to use staged race riots around the country as an excuse to use Homeland Security to enforce martial law on behalf of the cabal. Many in the US military are confused and unsure of what to do because they have been heavily indoctrinated into blindly following orders and accepting civilian control. The first thing that needs to be drilled into the heads of these fence-sitters is, that they are disobeying their oath, and therefore their orders, by allowing the constitution of the United States to be shredded by fascists. The second thing that must be explained to them is that civilians are not in charge, gangsters are. There is also a lot of confusion even at high levels of the CIA and other US intelligence agencies about the consequences of the bankruptcy of the US corporate government. The big point they need to keep in mind is that finance is the psychological process of deciding what humans do in the future. Even if the US financial system collapses, nothing in the real world will change. No houses, land, factories or people will vanish just because trillions of debt slavery instruments mis-labelled as “US dollars,” are deleted from bank computers. The only risk of chaos would come from a failure by the military industrial complex to pro-actively shut down the system and reboot it with a meritocratically controlled replacement run by and for the people. ***** Michael from the Family Fischer [email protected] DISTRICT COURT Erlangen Mozartstraße 23 91052 Erlangen - Legal Care / Incapacitation Center - NOTICE to your letter: call for income information under the forced upon me Betreeungsverfahrens Dear Court, care was forced upon me by the end of April by the judges MoXXX, MülXXX in cooperation with the supervisor and an idle and criminal acting by omission litem. This happened after I was abducted after a call of the Father Wolfgang Fischer on 13 April 2014, providing false information in conspiracy with Nuremberg POLICE department, and from there I was was transported under duress into hospital BKH Erlangen . It was part of the German Management Conspiracy to document false facts, using massive lies, to make up for the appearance of legitimacy in coercing me into care at a public institution - mental ward, already well known for his torture treatments and crimes against humanity, not only during WW2 times. There I was seven weeks deprived of my freedom and coerced into taking psychoactive, neurotoxic chemicals and pharmaceuticals and forced labor - as a prerequisite to the temporary leave and dismissal from besaid psychiatric detention. A legislative care warrant, i.e. legal incapacitation was used to deprive me of free will and thus the right to confront the mental health system and to leave the torture and brainwashing prison immediately. At the time of signature over the contract with the dishonest incapication supervisor a criminal government stooge, I was under the influence of said neurochemicals by the restraint and the massive psychological / verbal assaults by supervisory staff keepers and the doctors in a situation of torture and harassment, also by instructed other, more or less fake, inpatients. Implicit coercion was applied on a massive scale on all levels. These and forcing a service of this nature over my natural personal was unjustified and immoral, and the entire process of psychiatriziation in communication and conspiracy with my creator, under agreement with the Nuremberg police and possibly Secret Services / controlled criminal groups thereof, was immoral and illegal. In addition, at the time of Spring 2014 an illegal pressing surveillance using incapacitation devices was administered to me by security staff of the POLICE AUTHORITIES NUREMBERG / ERLANGEN plus MAD, part of the Bavarian / German occupation administration. These pressing observations probably already began in January 2008, when my car crashed after break failure near City of Coburg. Radioelectronic incapicitation devices were used since October 2011, following an operative investigation conducted by operative group leader Ingo KrXXX, having a legenda as a bar keeper in BarCode at Martin-Luther-Platz, Erlangen, being accompanied by civil agents and drugdealers of Nuremberg / Erlangen criminal POLICE. An Erlangen JUDGE, who also committed perversion of course of Justice and Slandery / Insults against me was using the brainwash equipment personally in public bath Frankenhof, Erlangen on 9th of October 2014. This was not only used for brainwashing and make up for a reason of detainment by acting out, but also to obstruct the course of justice by sabotaging our genocide investigation into german administration and psychiatry activities. The Psychiatrization in 2014 primarily took place to cover up these criminal activities, also by causing an amnesia using brainwashing neurochemicals and radio-type apparatus of incapacitation, including synthetic telepathy and ELF targeting. In the suppression and brainwashing procedure, sophisticated equipment was used, according to a patent for Gedankenübertragung, filed by recently deceased, probably murdered or hidden scientist Bengt Noelting: Thought transmission unit sends modulated electromagnetic wave beams to human receiver to influence thoughts and actions without electronic receiver DE 10253433 A1 Gedankenübertragung DE 10253433 A1 I will never reimburse any costs in relation to the district court and incapacitation - any costs and damages which resulted from my actions during this time have to be refunded by the operative groups and complicit administration establishment. Moreover, there is no income of mine from any activity - also confirming my standpoint of no-refund policy, even if your jurisdictional perspective would be applied - which is not the case and frankly, to me, is quite irrelevant. To escape the continuing secretive government activities after being discharged from psychiatric detention by means of operative follow-up and operational degradation by BRD security personnel in a way of illegal and inhuman pressing observation, the decision was made to travel outside the jurisdiction and direct influence of the Federal Republic of Germany authorities. The plan is still to let the whole similar kind of activities by BRD security staff, judiciary, BRD psychiatry staff and reviewers / legal coaches staff to an international criminal assessment and investigation, followed by punishment and reimbursement, if not obstructed by bankrupcity. Here, especially the actions of the Secret Services OFFICE OF CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTION, the MILITARY ABSCHIRMDIENSTS, the CRIMINAL POLICE, in its Cooperation with the PROTECTION POLICE and FEDERAL POLICE, the entire psychiatric mental health system and the foreign and domestic intelligence agency BND, plus the FEDERAL OFFICE, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Frank-Walter STEINMEIER, and JUSTICE of BAVARIA, involved AMBULANCE DRIVERS and institutional managers will find their special appreciation. In addition to the public offense of crimes against humanity already prooven and physically performed by POLICE, SECRET SERVICES and psychiatry, I also inform you about our suspicion of offenses like genocide and extermination perpetrated by same administration organised terrorist groups. Moreover, the support to and planning of / preparation of an aggressive war against Russia is in space, hereby also with the participation of other organized, and more international groups already well known for their global terrorism. I consider the entire legal transaction process in connection with my accommodation in BKH Erlangen in the months of April / May / June as illegal actions. Thus, there is in my opinion, no legal relationship with you, and certainly no obligation to provide information. I ask you also to send me no more letters, as I would regard this process as an organized stalking leading to bodily harm mediated by psychological pressure. I also urge you to delete all stored data about my person from your computer systems due to the possibility of a criminal group of persons havign access to it. The appartment in Erlangen ,to which you send your blatantly offencing letter, has also been dissolved. My foreign residence will not be disclosed to your, for security and legal reasons. Your offer of compensation relating to the deprivation of my liberty, damage from torture and brainwashing, and my attorneys fees, probably further including an opinion on the terrible events in early / mid 2014, can be send to the Father WOLFGANG Fischer SXXXXXstaße 6, 90XXX Nuremberg or to this email address. This email is to be understood as a reference, not as legally binding letter, and it therefore bears no underwriting. I request no real remorse, as crimes of this magnitude are in ex-cuse-able, most likely perpetrated by psychopaths, being unable of having such feelings - instead, you can be sure to hear from us. Michael from the Family Fischer - Michael Fischer
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 22:02:27 +0000

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