The Saturday Night Ghost Story. So Saturday night was a weird - TopicsExpress


The Saturday Night Ghost Story. So Saturday night was a weird one, the bug I caught had made me tired and weak. I spent a few hours doing some EVP work, then went off to bed. The Ovilus was going bananas, but sad to say I do not take much credit in that even though the words that spitted out reflected the location I was at. I even ran the EchoVox which I personally didnt like, maybe I just am not doing it right. Needless to say I stuck with solely my trusty recorder. I left the recorder on a night stand near my bed as I started calling it a night. The room was at a temperature of 76 but a chill overtook me. Perhaps it was merely the bug in me getting to me or something more. Needless to say I slapped on another long sleeve shirt and hoodie, yet I was still was shivering. I curled into bed and wrapped myself in a blanket hoping that I could sweat out the shivers. As I tried to sleep I heard sounds around me but surely did not care, I needed rest first and foremost. The Ghosts if there were any surely had to wait their turn or speak to my recorder, either or that was up to them. I awoke in the morning around 5:12 a.m to my bed rocking, It was not a violent rocking but a mild one, a gentle one like when a mother rocks a baby. At first I was like is the house rocking, but none of the light fixture or anything else was moving, it was solely the bed in which I laid. I did not take it as any form of aggression or of evil, but rather as if a spirit was watching over me, caring for me. I was not worried nor scared because I know I am highly protected and know that my god would not let such evil befall me, my faith in him is that strong. I simply closed my eyes, smiled and went back to sleep. I have yet to go through the audio to determine if I caught anything, needless to say the personal experience was my highlight. I simply loved the place and felt if anything was there it was not malicious, but rather caring. It was a place I would surely spend the night again, and visit once more maybe sooner than later. (I will write up a whole article about my adventure there with images to be featured on our newly renovated site soon. I will not yet release the name or the location until all is analyzed and details are worked out for something bigger. Stay tune of details.) ~ George Mercado
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 16:12:42 +0000

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