The Savitri continuous……………………………. Arrived - TopicsExpress


The Savitri continuous……………………………. Arrived from the other side of boundlessness An eye of deity pierced through the dumb deeps; Ascout in a reconnaissance from the sun, It seemed amid a heavy cosmic rest, The topor of a sick and weary world, There is the whole vast around. From the other side of boundlessness arrives the ray. An eye of deity pierces through the dumb deeps; that ray of light is reality the eye of a deity, devata, .This glance pierces through the thumb deeps of darkness and in conscience These .layers are mute; they do not react, do not respond .They are now pierced by the single glance of the deity from above. It is scout in reconnaissance from the sun , messenger on duty, to look round, find out and report. ’Reconnaissance” is a word that came very much into currency during the Second World War. A poet of an epic of this always incorporates expressions and phrases which reflect the temper, the culture of his times. Each sides sends its planes or agents on reconnaissance, to look at the terrain, observe what is going on and report. That is implication of the world ‘reconnaissance’ from the sun. Here is a heavy night, all dark. The sun, the source of light, is elsewhere; an advance scout comes to see what is the state affairs, what is required in the situation. There is not only a heavy rest, but a ‘topor’. Sluggishness, dullness, disinclination to move, of ‘ sick and weary world’ .It is tired world, tired from its earlier rounds , sick of change, sick of trouble, sick of movement. So there is a torpor, a reluctance to move. In such an environment the scout has come…………..
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 11:00:41 +0000

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