The Science of Islam v.s. The Religion of Islam: We of the Nation - TopicsExpress


The Science of Islam v.s. The Religion of Islam: We of the Nation of Gods and Earths study Islam as a Science not as a Religion. A Science must follow in the exact scientific method in order to come to a right and exact conclusion. One must apply observation to extract immutable laws. The outcome must be able to be retested under similar circumstances and the same data must come into existence. A Religion is defined as a set of beliefs. In the case of Religion it is belief in that which cannot be detected by the senses. It is the belief in an astral, invisible God. A Muslim, by definition, submits himself to Allah. In the religious paradigm Allah is not Muslim for he does not submit to Self. In the Nation of Gods and Earths the Black man is defined as God. God does not submit. A Muslim upholds the 5 pillars of Iman (Faith) declaring there is no God but Allah, Salah (Prayer), Zakah (the tax for the poor), Sawm (Fasting), and Hajj (the pilgrimage to Mecca). The Nation of Gods and Earths does not hold itself to any of these. We do not claim to be Muslim. Why We Utilize Words Such As Allah and Islam: First there is a distinction between what is to be considered Muslim and what is just Arabic. The two are not interchangeable. There are many who are classified as Arab whose Religion is Christianity, Judaism, etc... They all speak Arabic. Allah and Islam are Arabic words and not Muslim words. Islam means peace. The word Islam is not owned by the religion of Islam. We utilize its original definition. Allah translates as The God. Does the religion of Islam own the concept of God? No. God in Arabic is ilah and since there are no capital letters in Arabic, the il in the form of Al was added to make this rendering unique. Yet, all in all, it is still the God. We utilize Arabic for it underscores our utilization of Mathematics as the Foundation for our Science. Numerals are represented as Arabic numerals in Mathematics. Therefore we utilized various Arabic words to show this connection. Even in the religious paradigm the prophets of the Bible practiced Islam. They did not have to wait for the prophet Muhammad to come and reform the religion of Islam for them to be accepted by the creator. If they utilize the five pillars they were not Muslim, yet they practiced Islam. Conclusion: In closing I would just like to say that we are not Muslim, nor do we claim to be. A Muslim is 5, God is 7. God is not a Muslim. God does not submit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Origin of The 5% Title Five Percenters teach that Black people specifically, and the entire world population more generally, can be divided into three groups: -The 85%, easily led in the wrong direction hard to be led in the right direction, who are the humble masses, mentally deaf, dumb, and blind to the truth about themselves and the world in which they live. -The 10%, who understand much of the truth but use it to their advantage to keep the 85% under their control through religion, politics, entertainment, economics, and other methods. -The 5%, who are the enlightened divine beings, having repossessed knowledge of the truth regarding the foundations of life and of oneself, and seek to punitively liberate the 85% through education. The percentages presented are not meant to be exact but are instead meant to represent the public, the religious and political rulers, and the few truly enlightened people on earth, respectively. The numbers used point out common traits to identify the members of these three groups and can be fully understood using the language of Supreme Mathematics. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Science of The Universal Flag 1. WHAT DOES THE FLAG REPRESENT? Ans. The flag represents the original family of the universe, the Sun, Moon and Star; which is the Blackman, Blackwoman and Blackchild, held together by God Allah. 2. WHAT IS THE PROPER NAME FOR THE FLAG? Ans. The proper name for the flag is the Universal Flag of Islam 3. WHY IS IT CALLED UNIVERSAL? Ans. Because Islam is the science of everything in life. It is the law governing the universe and everything in life can be made understood by understanding the principles of the Sun, Moon and Stars and their relationship to the blackman, woman and child. Universal means including, involving or intended for all. It is that which can be used or understood by all. the Universal Flag of Islam is the symbol of the universal order of life and the force by which it is maintained and controlled. 4. WHAT DOES THE SUN SYMBOLIZE IN ITS POSITION? Ans. The sun, which is represented by the sphere having eight points, symbolizes life activity in a constant state of building to be born; mathematically expressed in this manner: 1. KNOWLEDGE 2. WISDOM 3. UNDERSTANDING 4. CULTURE OR FREEDOM 5. POWER 6. EQUALITY 7. GOD 8. BUILD OR DESTROY And by building with these mathematical units or rather these principles of life, a more in depth understanding can be found. There are eight levels of study that formulate the foundation of our (5%) teachings as revealed to us by the Father. They are as follows: 1. THE SUPREME MATHEMATICS 2. THE SUPREME ALPHABETS 3. THE STUDENT ENROLLMENT (1-10) 4. THE LOST FOUND MUSLIM LESSON NO.1 (1-14) 5. ENGLISH LESSON NO. C-1 (1-36) 6. THE LOST FOUND MUSLIM LESSON NO.2 (1-40) 7. THE ACTUAL FACTS 8. THE SOLAR FACTS As mentioned before there are eight points on the sun, four long points and four short points. Between each like point (long to long or short to short) there is forty five(90) degrees (4x90=360) and between each long and short point there is forty five(45) degrees (8x45=360). 5. NOW WE KNOW THAT EVERYTHING MUST GO FROM KNOWLEDGE TO BORN TO COMPLETE ITSELF, SO WHY IS THERE ONLY EIGHT POINTS ON THE SUN AND NOT NINE? Ans. For life is a constant elevation, therefore the process of elevation is seen in the observation of life. Knowledge added to build borns born and in life one either builds or destroys, there is no in-between. The sun is the builder of life, the sustainer and source of all energy. Without light, we have no sight, without heat, life would freeze. The Sun, giving life to all, is symbolic to the Blackman, being as he is the giver of life, the builder, destroyer, protector, provider, maker, owner and nourisher. Just as without the Sun there would be no physical life, without the Blackman NOTHING and no one could or would exist. The Blackman is the source of all existence. 6. WHAT DOES THE MOON SYMBOLIZE IN ITS POSITION? Ans. The Moon, the reflector of light (life), is the equality of Earth represented by the cresent moon in its first quarter, rising in the world under the divine guidance of the true and living God..The (awakened) Asiatic Blackman. Thus, we cee her standing at the at 90 degree, a right angle for the new Blackwoman (renewed through knowledge and culture), The mother of civilization, is being born in the cipher of Allahs truth. The moon should never rise above the seven in any representation of the flag, for that would mean that it is possible for her to rise above God and as long as God is radiating the mannerisms and characteristics of the True and Living constantly remaining in a progressive state of building to be born...this is emphatically now cipher. Upon careful examination we will cee that the crest of the moon and the top of the seven appear to be equal, the is a testement to the moon(blackwoman), being raised to her fullest equality by God, also the position of the seven in front of the moon is one of the protector and guider, which is the capicity tha God exists in. 7. WHAT DOES THE STAR SYMBOLIZE IN ITS POSITION? Ans. The five point star represents the black child (the fruit of Allahs Nation) it is symbolic of power and authority existing in the Child to rule the future (Stars are distant planets and/or suns symbolic of future rulers). The Star also represents the Human body in its five point position, we ourselves having five modes of power, existing at 72 degrees one from the other. thus, we cee the Stars manifesting the power of Gods Wisdom and through the union of knowledge and wisdom; Blackman and Blackwoman, being born complete (5x72=360). 8. WHAT DOES THE SEVEN SYMBOLIZE IN ITS POSITION? Ans. The mathematical unit seven(7) which embraces the Moon and Star, within the center sphere of the Sun, represents the Supreme contolling force and power of the universe...God. For within Gods power, all heavenly bodies (families, communities, nations) are held together. God Borns build or destroy and it is understood that the conscious blackman is God and has the responsibility and is endowed with the power to control, protect and provide for the Black Family and Nation as a whole. The seven should have seven points and seven sides. 9. WHO IS ALLAH? Ans. Allah is the Asiatic Blackman who has acquired the proper knowledge of himself and his culture which is I-God. Allah is charactarized as the supreme and divine intelligence housed in the physical composition of the blackman. In Arabic, Allah is used to describe the Supreme Being...the lord of all worlds and source of all existence...and is translated as Life Giver. On Earth, Allah is manifested by and projected through the intelligence and life existence of the Universal Family (Blackman, woman and child) and they who have been influenced by them. In the universe, Allah is seen through his attributes of power and in the laws of Nature and the Blackman by manifesting this inherent and inveterate power can create a world of Love, Peace and Happiness. 10. WHAT DO THE COLORS OF THE UNIVERSAL FLAG REPRESENT? Ans. Colors are different intensities of light rays made visible when refracted from an object. In Physics, colors are understood to be waves of radiant energy projected from the Sun and made visible by refracted light, which stimulates the retina of the eye and its neural structures. Black is not a refraction of light, but rather the state of being from and by which light(life) was and is made manifest. So, as not to make truth perplexing, for it should not be, let us call these energies different degrees or shades of life. The Black in the flag represents lifes essence, in that it is first and yet itself having no beginning nor ending. Black is the fundamental principle, the foundation of the basis of life; it is that which upon everything rests and has its beginning. Such is the essence of the black family, we have no birth record. We are the Original Peoples of the Planet Earth and Black being Original it pertains to Originality. It is the creative force and power in us to build. Mathematically, black is symbolic to knowledge and unlimited resources and reality. Black is dominant and supreme...Black is life. The Gold or Yellow in the Flag represents purity, wealth and endurance. It is also the last shade of Original. Pure means free from mixture or contact from that which weakens, impairs or pollutes, containing no foreign or vitiating material. Islam is pure truth and righteousness. In cannot be diluted, mixed or tampered with in any form. Islam is our natural way of life. When we live it out, we are being our TRUE selves. This is our gold, our wealth our very lives. The lives of the original people is of supreme value and has no comparison or equal. Gold is a precious metallic element (symbol AU..Atomic Number 79), it is highly ductile, malleable and resistant to oxidation. From Black to yellow spans alll the shades of original people. The Earth and the Moon were at one point during there existence ONE planet. So the Earth and the Moon are one and the same, one of the main reasons why the Moon does not have the capability to support life is due to the fact that it has no atmopshere. But the 2 of them are symbolic to the Black Woman as is she is the Original Woman who sincerely reflects the Knowledge giving off by the Sun of Man who is God Allah. The Moon in its Cresent form has exactly 2 points, because it Reflects the Originator or the Sun which the Knowledge, and the Universal Originator Mathematically as we all Know it is One (1), and 1 add 1 borns 2. This represents Wisdom which are the Words, Ways, and Actions reflecting the will of the Mind which is the Knowledge being Born within and expressed on the out. The Earth, which is covered approximately under Water or Wisdom 3/4 of its surface reflects Light, is the 3rd planet outside the Sun, exactly 93,000,000 miles away, and has the ablity to Born Understanding or bring forth life. The Home of I Self Lord And Master (ISLAM) which is the planet Earth is the only planet able to support life, being that it is the 3rd planet away from the Sun and because of its distance apart from the Sun makes this posiable. The only reason why the other 8 planets cannot or lack the ability to support life is because they are either to far or too close to the Sun to do such. A made planet must be 93,000,000 miles away from the Sun exactly in order for it to Born Understanding or bring forth life. The Moon is Yellow because it Reflects Light which is the Wisdom. 11. HOW MANY TOTAL POINTS ARE ON THE UNIVERSAL FLAG? Ans. There are twenty two(22) total points on the flag. The Sun(8), The Moon(2), The Star(5) and the Seven(7)..8+5+2+7=22, showing and proving the victory of our culture over the devils virulent teachings and malicious attempts to keep our people and selves blind, deaf, and dumb tools and slaves. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUILD GODS and Earths!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 18:15:07 +0000

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