The Scientific Basis of Ekadasi Question: Could you please - TopicsExpress


The Scientific Basis of Ekadasi Question: Could you please tell us something about Ekadasi? Srila BR Sridhara Maharaja: Aprakrta means that which is like prakrta, mundane, but is supra mundane. Aprakrta which is similar to mundane but not mundane, that is aprakrta, supra mundane. The mundane color is there so the word prakrta, mundane, is used but we are to be reminded, give warning, that this is not mundane though there is similarity to mundane, aprakrta. The influence of the moon here in this world effects everything; the heat of the world, the rasa, meaning the watery portion of the body, Sumudra, the ocean, and it’s high and low tides. So nearing the full and new moon, periods, both of these occasions, the watery portion of the body is enhanced just as the high and low tides are increased, and thereby the enjoying spirit is also elevated. I am talking from a lecture of my Guru Maharaja, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Prabhupada in Kuruksetra in 1927 or 28. The scientific basis is by the movement of the Earth, Moon and Sun planets the heat becomes less and the exciting rasa, juice in our body, is enhanced and thereby it increases the tendency of exploitation, enjoyment. So fasting is necessary, to meet with that external movement of nature. Fasting can save us from that peculiar reaction. Fasting has been recommended and especially if one can not fast at all, it is impossible, he can take some classes of diet that will give less cause for excitement, less injurious in this regard. So mainly fasting and if not complete fasting to only take anukalpa (grain and bean free) foods has been prescribed. Why? To check the senses ,because the senses at that time by the natural flow of the moon become more intense and the result is that you are excited and you want to enjoy, to encroach on the environment. So this unfair encroachment of ones own self is to be controlled, thus fasting has been recommended. This is one aspect Another aspect is that it is also true for the center, Krsna, at this time He feels more necessity for enjoyment. And when Krsna feels more necessity, the devotee gets a greater chance for service. This time is very valuable for them. Krsna wants to enjoy and at this time the devotee should be busy to supply His things for His enjoyment. The devotee should be so much engaged in Krsna’s service that he won’t have anytime to feed himself, and always remaining by the side of Krsna. Whenever and whatever Krsna wants the servitor wants to supply. They forget to take their own food or anything else for themselves. They want to be more busily engaged for the service of Krsna because in the time of His need they will fetch more remuneration and that means more affinity towards Krsna, more grace for their service. According to the necessity of service the remuneration varies. At the same time by fasting we can make our body dry and so our enjoying spirit will be lessened. These two are the general explanations. Then there are so many things. Everything is conscious. Everything is personal. So Ekadasi has got her personal character. And she devotes herself for the service of Krsna. She does not allow others accompanying her in her group, who are engaged by her, to take food or anything else and waste time but always to be serving Krsna. The underlying meaning is that. Also it has been mentioned in Hari Bhakti Vilas that there are some peculiar things that are fond of taking their shelter in certain foods and places on Ekadasi so we reject them. Pap means a type of sin that takes shelter in the sap of trees, grains, and beans that we surely want to avoid at this time. Ekadasi and Dwadasi are very favorite tithis (days) of Hari. The underlying cause we have already explained. So as these two tithis, Ekadasi and Dwadasi days are favorite to Hari. If we serve Hari then on these days then Hari will be more easily pleased by even small services. So Dwadasi has been called more favorite. Only when there is a Mahadwadasi after Ekadasi do we leave fasting on Ekadasi and observe fasting on Mahadwadasi. Otherwise Ekadasi observance is compulsory. Though Dwadasi is also honored and the favorite of Hari, still Ekadasi has got preference for fasting. Only in the eight cases by the mixture of Naksatra, tithi etc. does Dwadasi have preference over Ekadasi and the Dwadasi becomes Mahadwadasi. That is the time when our small service will give us greater result. That is the key. On Ekadasi and Dwadasi our service may be small, but we get some greater remuneration. Remuneration means His grace, serving attitude and our earnestness, all these things will be enhanced at that particular period. But the scientific cause is that since Lord Hari wants to consume more from the service at that time, it is the good fortune of the servitors of Hari that He demands more service. The importance for the servitors at the time during Ekadasi and Dwadasi is that any small service he performs will be more useful to the Lord. According to the necessity of service the remuneration varies accordingly. That is the key. And in the approach of Purnima full moon and Amavasya new moon, when that rasa, that material eccentricity of the enjoying energy comes to its highest degree, by fasting and serving more intensely on Ekadasi or Mahadwadasi ,it is checked in the beginning before the Full and New moon period approach.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 05:28:12 +0000

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