The Scott WALKER interview with Laura Ingraham — On - TopicsExpress


The Scott WALKER interview with Laura Ingraham — On Fridays program, Laura was joined by likely 2016 presidential candidate, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. Walker warned that Obamas job-killing executive amnesty will have a devastating impact on American middle class workers, who are already struggling to make ends meet. Walker explained that Obama has demonstrated that he cannot be trusted and, as such, the Republican Party should not cut a deal with him on immigration. Walker also told Ingraham that if the GOP wants to win elections, it must focus on appealing to working class voters through a message of economic populism. Interview Excerpts: [LISTEN] lauraingraham/b/2016-Contender-Governor-Scott-Walker:-Obamas-Exec-Amnesty-Hurting-Middle-Class-Americans,-GOP-Must-Block-Funding/-586611805232419806.html Walker on Obamas exec amnesty: This guy went from the audacity of hope to the audacity of the power play... Two weeks after (in his own words) his policies were on the ballot and they were resoundingly defeated, instead of doing what any normal person would do which is to back off and figure out a way to work with the new Senate majority, newly grown House majority, instead he’s doubled down and gone the opposite way, and I think really put in place a legal crisis (at a minimum) and a constitutional crisis in terms of the separation of powers. [2:50] Walker on whether GOP should strike a deal with Obama on immigration: Not at all... on immigration we should be going full out against this president and Congress and the American people should push back on this, I think theres a legal case to be made, the power of the purse has to be invoked. [4:14] Walker warns exec amnesty will harm American worker: You’re going to see a whole wave of people trying to come into America now, and that will affect people’s jobs, it will affect middle class workers, it will affect the unemployment rate in this country. And I think its even worse by not securing the border, it’s a matter of national security, its not just people coming from bordering countries, this is an entry point that we have not secured, and we have groups like ISIS that are trying to threaten the American way of life. [6:05] Walker says GOP must appeal working class voters in order to win elections: The bread and butter of what makes my state work and I think makes this country work are the men and women who every day go to work and work hard, not just for a paycheck, they work hard because they want their children and their grandchildren to have a better life than theyve had. We need to be fighting for them every single day, and when we show...that Republicans care for the average working American, we will win presidential elections just like we won gubernatorial elections. Walker on whether GOP should use power of the purse to block Obamas executive amnesty: Absolutely. [10:15] Walker: I believe this president measures success in government, by how many people are dependent on the government. By how many people are on Medicaid, by how many people are on food stamps, by how many people are on unemployment. We should measure success in this country by just the opposite – by how many people are no longer dependent on the government-- not because we pushed them out into the cold, but because we understand that the reason we are exceptional is in this country the true freedom of prosperity doesn’t come from the mighty hand of the government; it comes from the power and people that control their own lives and their own destinies, and the dignity that comes from work. Theres a reason why in this country we take a day off to celebrate the 4th of July and not the 15th of April-- because we celebrate our independence from the government not dependence on it. [12:45]
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 07:39:21 +0000

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