The Scottish Referendum and promises, promises, promises. It has - TopicsExpress


The Scottish Referendum and promises, promises, promises. It has been a marathon debate and we are now down to the last few hundred metres. It is difficult to sprint at this stage but both sides are doing their level best to persuade the last few “dont knows” to decide in their favour. Polls are predicting a very close result but I am not convinced. I have to hand it to the yes campaign for their success in bringing out their crowds of flag wavers on to the streets, in bombarding the facebook pages and other social media with their version of the truth and in generating an almost hysterical atmosphere amongst their supporters which is more akin to the national football teams excursion to Argentina in 1978. But this is not a football match! This is the latest effort by the nationalists in our midst, to dismantle the United Kingdom, and the nationalists will use every trick in the book to persuade us that we Scots will be better off if we abandon our partners in Wales, Northern Ireland and England. The whole thrust of the yes campaign reeks of selfishness and illustrates exactly the Oxford dictionary definition of nationalism, namely :- “an extreme form of patriotism marked by a feeling of superiority over other countries” I have always been proud of being a Scot, I have always been proud of being a canny Scot but I dread the thought of my fellow Scots voting yes and forever labelling us as the selfish Scots. Our ancestors accepted a deal in 1707 and we Scots have gained massive benefits as well as played a huge part in creating the greatest democracy on earth. We have unfinished business which involves the development of a more even distribution of wealth throughout the UK and we do not achieve that by opting to walk out on the rest of our fellow citizens. I still have faith in my fellow Scots to make the honourable choice on Thursday. If you truly love our country then vote no and be proud.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 21:23:20 +0000

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