The Screen Fantastique Top 5 Best & Worst of - TopicsExpress


The Screen Fantastique Top 5 Best & Worst of 2014! Movie News, Reviews & Analysis As 2014 comes to close, nows the best time to share the Best & Worst films that Screen Fantastique reviewed throughout the year. Lets start with the WORST: 5. Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit What looked like a promising opportunity to reboot the franchise was brought undone through a by-the-numbers script that resulted in a talented cast being wasted on cliched spy film tropes. 4. Annabelle Lacking any genuine scares, Annabelle relied on its connection to The Conjuring to sell itself to audiences. Without a great follow-up story, theres little chance this creepy doll is going to break out from its glass prison any time soon. 3. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 A genuinely frustrating affair that had so much potential. Spider-Man fans were left wondering whether Sony, Marc Webb or writers Orci & Kurtzman had learned anything from Sam Raimis third outing misadventures. The answer was a resounding No. 2. The Giver Despite a popular novel as its source material, the screen adaptation of The Giver lacked coherence and didnt provide the viewer with any great emotional pay-off or resounding conclusion. 1. Transformers: Age of Extinction While a lot of people choose to play the Man (Michael Bay) and not the ball, Age of Extinction is one long mess of a film only marginally redeemed by the ingenuity & technical skill of its visual effects.. Fortunately for its producers and distributors, reviewers opinions (such as mine) are in the minority when it comes to the popularity of the Transformers franchise. And now for the BEST: 5. Guardians of the Galaxy Marvels most accessible film to date provides audiences with bucket-loads of entertainment without the need to understand the comic book history of the characters. Chris Pratt is great but its the whole team that make this a film that can be watched over & over. 4. Edge of Tomorrow Tom Cruise & Emily Blunt are great in a film that is a little more conceptual than most big-budget star vehicles. Director Doug Liman also delivers on all levels with a movie that should have been seen by a lot more people. 3. X-Men: Days of Future Past This film manages to tie-up the disparate threads of the 6 previous X-Men films and reboots the franchise for 20th Century Fox in a manner that clears the decks for all-new characters and allows future movies to be built around the extremely talented trio of Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender & James McAvoy. Days of Future Past also saw the return of Bryan Singer as Director, the man most responsible for the modern comic book movie. 2. John Wick A great action film with a simple premise. The visual impact of this film alone sticks in your head long after youve seen the film. Theres also Keanu Reeves, whose stilted wooden style is perfect for one-man wrecking machine that inhabits the screen for almost all of the films running time. If you didnt see it at the cinema, make sure you see it on digital download or grab it on Blu-ray when its released. 1. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes If theres been a better follow-up movie in a franchise since The Empire Strikes Back, please let me know. This is a wonderfully conceived film with a great story superbly execute for the big screen. The performances are all first-rate and not once is there a question as to whether or not the Apes are believable. This is a first-rate piece of film making and the best all round science fiction, fantasy, action, comic book or horror film to hit cinemas in 2014. Let us know your favourite science fiction, fantasy, action, comic book and horror films from 2014 by posting your thoughts.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 02:00:24 +0000

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