The Scrovegni Chapel (also known as the Arena ) is located in the - TopicsExpress


The Scrovegni Chapel (also known as the Arena ) is located in the historic center of Padua and is home to a famous cycle of frescoes by Giotto in the early years of the fourteenth century , considered one of the masterpieces of Western art. Internally it is 29.26 meters long , 12.80 wide and 8.48 high point greater . Giotto s frescoes spread over the entire surface , arranged in four groups where the panels are made with real stories of the main characters separated by geometric frames . The asymmetric shape of the chapel, with six windows on one side only , determined the form of decoration : Once you choose to place two boxes in the spaces between the windows, it was estimated then the amplitude of the ornamental bands to enter the same number of equally on other wall . The cycle of paintings based on the theme of salvation, includes more than forty scenes and focuses on the life of Christ and those who preceded him ( Joachim Stories and Stories of Mary) , until Pentecost . The narrative unfolds according to a strict decorative program , organized on three registers. On the counter is then a large Last Judgement. The reading begins with the scene of the Expulsion of Joachim from the Temple next to the triumphal arch , and continues to the entrance with the story of Joachim and Anna to resume on the opposite wall , in a helical , ie in the same direction to turn, with the stories of Mary until the lunette above the altar which depicts the Annunciation . Going down one level there is the Visitation, ideal conclusion of the stories and Marian beginning of the Stories of Jesus , which take place along the two central registers . The last panel shows the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles ( Pentecost) . Begins just below the path of the lower register , consisting of fourteen Allegories monochrome symbolizing the Vices ( Stultitia , inconstantia , Ira , Iniusticia , Infidelitas , Envy, Desperatio ) and Virtues (four cardinals, Prudence , Fortitude , Temperantia , IUSTICIA , and three theological , Fides, Karitas , Spes ) , alternating with mirrors in faux marble . The name of the vice or virtue is written at the top in Latin and indicates clearly what these images represent . Vices and Virtues face each pair , so symbolize the path to bliss , to be done with care overcoming the obstacles posed by virtue of the corresponding vices . The scenes are framed with decorative bands and ornate variously interspersed with figurative compositions that represent , in summary , episodes from the Old Testament , in parallel with ideal scenes from the New Testament in the main panes , or busts of Saints. The character of votive chapel is clarified in the Last Judgement, with the representation of the client offering to the Virgin Mary flanked by St John and St Catherine of Alexandria , a precise model of the building, as a passport to the Kingdom of Heaven . Giotto calculated with great precision the ideal point of view at the center of the oratory and drew the frame between the panels to look like a faux marble base and loggias . Assessed the source of light and arranged with the light in the scenes . A display of virtuosity illusion is the presence of so-called choirs , two false rooms that open up to the first register next to the choir s true, that hint of vaults in perspective. It is also important to mirrors marble plinth at the bottom, used here for the first time , you will have a great sequel in the two centuries to come. Here are the Virtues and Vices in monochrome which are also the prototypes of a genre with a large circulation , which goes by the external doors of the Flemish altarpieces , the lunettes of the House of the Abbess of Correggio . Closes all the time with eight-pointed star (symbol of the saints ) on a sky blue ultramarine color symbol of divine wisdom . It is crossed by three transverse bands that create two large squares , in the center of the two circles which represent the Madonna and Child with the Blessing Christ and eight Prophets (seven neviìm the Old Testament and John the Baptist) make their crown , four pane . The three transverse bands have similar reasons to those of the framing of the walls , with inserts that depict saints and angels in the one nearest the altar, and Saints ( probably the precursor of Christ) in the other two . The portal is a symbol of faith in Christ as the light of dawn sun bursts through the round window of the apse is the light of the risen Christ. On the starry sky is the image of Christ Pantocrator blessing : He thumb , ring finger and little finger together (the symbol of the Trinity ), while the index and middle are twisted ( symbol of the dual human and divine nature of Christ , still inseparable in him contrary to as they preached the heretical followers of Catharism ) . Moreover, the idea of the triune God and one is repeated through various symbols . There are three apses (one real and two painted in perspective ) . In the triumphal arch , an ideal triangle joins the throne of God the Father with the archangel Gabriel , left, and the Annunciation to the right . On the back wall is Christ the Judge fell from the throne - mullioned window (the window is divided into three parts) . The triplets are continuing in the frescoes . To cite a few examples: three times the gates of Jerusalem , three times the tabernacle of the Temple ( Expulsion of Joachim, the Presentation of Mary , the Presentation of Jesus ), three times the upper room , three times the donkey Christopher (Christmas, Flight into Egypt , Palme) . For information here is the link to the website of the Scrovegni Chapel :
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 21:00:40 +0000

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