The Sea of Galilee, also Sea of Genneseret, Lake Kinneret or Lake - TopicsExpress


The Sea of Galilee, also Sea of Genneseret, Lake Kinneret or Lake Tiberias (Hebrew: ים כנרת; Arabic: بحيرة طبريا) It is one in which time is fast running out for Israel. The Sea of Galilee will soon run dry! Jesus will return! And his return will witness the destruction of the State of Israel. Muslims have precise information of the moment in time when Jesus (alaihi wa sallam), the Messiah, will return. It will be when the water in the Sea in Galilee has almost dried up, or has dried up: “….It will be at this very time that Allah will send Christ, son of Mary. He will descend at the white minaret on the eastern side of Damascus, wearing two garments lightly dyed with saffron and placing his hands on the wings of two Angels. When he lowers his head, there will fall beads of perspiration from his head, and when he raises it up, beads like pearls will scatter from it. Every non-believer who smells the odor of his body will die and his breath will reach as far as he is able to see. He will then search for him (Dajjal) until he catches hold of him at the gate of Ludd and kills him. Then a people whom Allah had protected will come to Jesus, son of Mary, and he will wipe their faces and inform them of their ranks in Paradise. It will be under such conditions that Allah will reveal to Jesus these words: I have brought forth from among My servants such people against whom none will be able to fight; you take these people safely to Tur, and then Allah will send Gog and Magog and they will swarm down from every slope. The first of them will pass the lake of Tiberias and drink out of it. And when the last of them passes, he will say: There was once water here….” (Sahih Muslim) The Sea of Galilee (otherwise called Lake Tiberias or Lake Kinneret) has less water today than ever before in history, and that water is constantly decreasing because Israel’s Euro-Jewish Government is taking out more water than nature can put back into the Sea. It is as simple as that! When the water dries up and there is no more drinking water left, the Zionist-Jews will finally reach the supreme moment in their over-all strategy to get the Arabs to submit to Jewish rule in the Holy Land. That would imply their worship of the False Messiah rather than the worship of Allah Most High. They would be required to do so in order to get water from the desalinization plants that Israel would build. The Arabs would be too poor to be able to afford to buy water. This book makes it clear that all that such Jews have to do to measure the time left for their final destruction is to observe the water level in the Sea of Galilee. The following Hadith makes mention of Gog and Magog passing by the Sea of Galilee, which is in the Holy Land: “Narrated al-Nawwas ibn Sam’an: ….It will be under such conditions that Allah will reveal to Jesus these words: I have brought forth from among My servants such people against whom none will be able to fight; you take these people safely to Tur, and then Allah will send Gog and Magog and they will swarm down from every slope. The first of them will pass the lake of Tiberius (i.e., the Sea of Galilee) and drink out of it. And when the last of them passes, he will say: There was once water there …. ” (Sahih Muslim) The Prophet (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa-sallam) has provided for us a measure by which we can monitor the countdown to the time of the final punishment of the Jews. Firstly, this final punishment will not take place until Jesus, the true Messiah, kills Dajjal, the False Messiah, and until Allah Most High Himself destroys Gog and Magog through biological warfare. That moment cannot come while still there is water left in the Sea of Galilee. Consider the following Hadith: “Narrated al-Nawwas ibn Sam’an: ….It will be under such conditions that Allah will reveal to Jesus these words: I have brought forth from among My servants such people against whom none will be able to fight; you take these people safely to Tur, and then Allah will send Gog and Magog and they will swarm down from every slope. The first of them will pass the lake of Tiberius (i.e., the Sea of Galilee) and drink out of it. And when the last of them passes, he will say: There was once water there. ..” (Sahih Muslim) It is therefore a matter of supreme importance that we direct attention to the water level in the Sea of Galilee. “Narrated al-Nawwas ibn Sam’an: ….It will be under such conditions that Allah will reveal to Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salam) these words: I have brought forth from among My servants such people against whom none will be able to fight; you take these people safely to Tur, and then Allah will send Gog and Magog and they will swarm down from every slope. The first of them will pass the lake of Tiberius (i.e., the Sea of Galilee) and drink out of it. And when the last of them passes, he will say: There was once water there. Jesus and his companions will then be besieged here at Tur, (and they will be so hard pressed) that the head of the ox will be dearer to them than one hundred dinars …. ” (Sahih Muslim)
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 02:52:23 +0000

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