The Second Coming of Jesus 1. In this first verse, God says He - TopicsExpress


The Second Coming of Jesus 1. In this first verse, God says He will allow all the nations of the world to come against Jerusalem. This verse tells us that Jerusalem will be taken, the houses will be rifled, and the women ravished. Half of the city will actually go into captivity, but the one-third remnant will not be killed during this takeover. Remember, two thirds of the Jewish people will be killed, one third will not. It’s right at this point that Jesus will come forth to fight for His people and put an end to all this bloodshed and carnage. His feet will land on the Mount of Olives. Here is this most powerful verse! “Behold, the day of the Lord is coming, and your spoil will be divided in your midst. For I will gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem; the city shall be taken, the houses rifled, and the women ravished. Half of the city shall go into captivity, but the remnant of the people shall not be cut off from the city. Then the Lord will go forth and fight against those nations, as He fights in the day of battle. And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, which faces Jerusalem on the east. And the Mount of Olives shall be split in two, from east to west, making a very large valley; half of the mountain shall move toward the north and half of it toward the south. Then you shall flee through My mountain valley … Thus the Lord my God will come, and all the saints with You … And the Lord shall be King over all the earth … The people shall dwell in it; and no longer shall there be utter destruction, but Jerusalem shall be safely inhabited. And this shall be the plague with which the Lord will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, and their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths.” (Zechariah 14:1-12) Notice the very graphic description of what God is going to do to Israel’s enemies. This will be the wrath of God coming into full manifestation.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 18:19:43 +0000

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