The Second Seraphy - TopicsExpress


The Second Seraphy Prologue The screams still echo in my head… My heart is racing so fast that the beats are all I can hear. It’s like its desperate to beat as much as possible before the end… I could feel myself giving up, even as I attempted to give the hated man the coldest look of hatred I could muster, one last bit of rebellion against the fate I had been tossed into. He seemed amused, smirking down the barrel of the gun he held to my head. The looks should have enraged me, but all it really did was remind me how powerless I was to protect the ones I loved. My mate and my partner were dead. My mate tried to fight, and he was put down like a rabid dog. And my partner… The terror in his eyes was crushing as I tried to tell him that everything would be okay. That I would get us out alive. And then there was blood. A bone chilling silence erupting from the burst of sound from the gun. And now as I faced their killer, I was broken. He says something to me, his gaze like a knife. I can’t hear him. I don’t want to. I close my eyes as he grinds the gun into my forehead. In this way, time seemed irrelevant. I heard the trigger grinding back, the click of the hammer, and the sound of the bullet escaping its shell. I felt fire lance through my head and out the other side, followed by cold and dark. It was strange, really… I don’t know how long I lay there in that alleyway, not quite gone yet. Maybe it was true, what they said. Maybe a person is just a soul that has a body? Whatever the case, I don’t feel any pain. I don’t feel the cold of the pavement beneath me, or the awkward angle my legs were at from where I fell. All I do feel is the sensation of the life in my body fading away. It kind of tickles, like when you let your arm fall asleep in class. But it also feels like sleeping in the sun, and as the day passes, the shade of a cloud or a tree covers you and starts to chill your body. I was okay with this. It wasn’t bad. But then I tried to remember what I was doing here in the first place. I tried to remember who I was with and what we were doing before it all came to an end. I couldn’t. There was nothing. Somewhere deep inside, my self lashed out. How could it have been so important that I died, but then leave nothing behind? No memory, no purpose, left unfulfilled? How could I have mattered enough to die, but not enough to live? I think I was crying when I woke up. All I remember before passing out again was that black wolf in the suit. His bright yellow eyes appraised me with curiosity and what seemed like… respect. He was smoking a cigarette, carrying himself with the posture of a man of class. He was a striking figure, and I knew that he was trying to tell me something with that small, sad smile. I watched him toss aside the cigarette as he approached me. He kneeled down in front of me and reached out to touch where I had been shot. Or thought I had been shot. “You survived…” The wolf said in deep, velvet voice. “I’m glad. It would have been a shame to lose you. Welcome back to the land of the living, High Seraph.” Then all drifted away onto peaceful slumber…
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 21:32:42 +0000

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