The Secret is a simple but profound lesson that you can replace - TopicsExpress


The Secret is a simple but profound lesson that you can replace despair with a gift – through a change in thinking. “The secret” is the law of attraction. This law is affecting all people in all areas of life, all the time. Just as we are bound by precise physical laws, the law of attraction is equally constant. It acts on big things and small – healing, finance, relationships and more. Quantum science says we can’t have universe without mind. Mind is shaping what’s perceived. Medical science likewise suggests that thought and emotion determine our body’s structure and function. Our bodies follow a self-healing program when unimpeded. Disease cannot live in a healthy emotional state. Amazing! THE POWER OF YOUR THOUGHTS Every thought has a frequency, a magnetic signal drawing its parallel back to you. The ideas you’re holding onto are what youre attracting. When you focus on what you don’t want, you perpetuate it. Repeatedly thinking, “I don’t want to be late” almost guarantees you will be. Humorous but true! Attraction is working whether you know it or not, believe it, or are even aware of it. A single infinite power is behind this process. And relax, it’s good! When I first learned about the law of attraction, I became overwhelmed observing the fleeting angry, negative, judgmental, depressed, or fearful thoughts in my mind. I became paranoid that I caused every bad thing that’s ever happened to me. But I soon understood, fear distorts! There is no disadvantage to The Secret, only potential! The power to change what isn’t serving your life. Scientifically speaking, an affirmative thought is hundreds of times more powerful than a negative thought, so be encouraged! We live in a state of grace. Thoughts won’t manifest instantly. As you become aware of negative thoughts, guide them to gratitude and make a new choice. The power of the positive is exponential compared to its opposite. I promise you will surprise yourself with how natural and powerful this shift becomes to impact first a few minutes, then hours, then your day, and eventually your life! With 60,000 thoughts flowing through us daily we may not fully prevent negative thoughts, but we can short-circuit some of them and make time for positive thoughts as well. That’s POWER beyond description! Just think, who you are now is the sum of your PAST thoughts! Don’t gauge the future by the past - unless you’re content with the pattern you’re locked into. As I replaced negativity with gratitude, I began to hear a voice of love that spoke words of immense personal value. In one experience I overflowed with peace and trust when I heard a crystal-clear message: “There is always enough time for everything I need to get done today.” As a person who struggled with daily anxiety caused by time management, experiencing this changed my life path - permanently. And the promise has held true. Mysterious? Fascinating? More please! What mightyou hear at a juncture in your life? BE GRATEFUL The Secret teaches you to be grateful for what you want. Write it out. Imagine it’s happened (“I am so happy and grateful now that…”). Imagine how you’ll feel when it arrives. Feel it now. This puts you in the same frequency as the result you desire. Feeling it is the key. Feel the joy, feel the happiness, and never do it as a chore. Exhilaration is an important part of the process. What will help you generate the feelings? I started with the gratitude I felt while drinking my favorite morning beverage. I let myself sync to that simple bliss and watched it grow. Recalling the unconditional love of your pet will bring goodness into your life. Make a list of what you’re grateful for. It shifts energy and thought. When the intuitive nudge from within is there, act. HOW DREAMBOARDS CAN HELP Using a Dreamboard will habituate an “inner seeing” of your desires. CEOs, athletes, and others create dream (or vision) boards to focus on their dreams and goals. As Olympic athletes run their event in their mind, their muscles physically fire in sequence in response. The mind can’t distinguish reality from practice! Thoughts become things. The mind produces a result in the physical realm. Pay attention to your feelings because they reveal your thoughts. If you’re feeling good, you’re attracting good. Keep doing what you’re doing. Your future is on track with what you desire. When negativity does hit, gently replace it with gratitude for what you have now and the good things coming. Take a few minutes to work with your dream board. Take a break to do something that will bring you simple joy - either for yourself or “pay it forward” for another. Remember: “What you think about and thank about you bring about!”
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 00:52:13 +0000

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