The Secret of Breast Plate – Part 14 Most Incarnated Human - TopicsExpress


The Secret of Breast Plate – Part 14 Most Incarnated Human Beings as well as their counterpart Invisible Angelic Beings, who dwell in any of the three dense dimensional planes [ASSIAH, YETZIRAH, and BRIAH], of this Planet Earth, are totally unaware of the Highest ethereal plane of this solar Universe, to which this Planet Earth itself also belongs, which was formed at the very start of its subjective manifestation in the ‘’Dense Cosmic Ethereal Zone’’ of the Huge Milky Way Galaxy’s vital energy parametric confinements, which the very ancient sages and seers termed as the ‘’The First’’ or ’’The Ancient Plane’’ also termed as ‘’The Plane of Truth’’, because it consist of ‘’Pure Vital Consciousness’’, which is Free from any type of ‘’CORRUPTION’’. This 1st dimensional plane out of the Seven main dimensional planes of conscious existence of our Solar Universe, came into existence by the cyclically outward Energy Bursts of ‘’Vital Consciousness Energy’’ from its centrally located ‘’Cosmic Energy Point’’, about which the Highly advanced Seers, Prophets and Sages, with the Grace of the unknowable ‘’Most High’’, who is also known as the ‘’Lord of the Flames’’, became aware of, and thus named it ‘’EIN SOPH’’ in Hebrew Language. The ancient Vedic Seers of India, who worshiped ‘’only’’ the unknowable ‘’Most High’’ or the unknowable ‘’Lord of Flames’’ and his conscious attributes of FIRE, WATER etc., instead of worshiping his ‘’Created Servants’’, which later became known as the so called ‘’Gods and Goddesses’’ termed this centrally located ‘’Cosmic Energy Point’’ in their Sanskrit Language as the ‘’PARA - BINDU’’. His devotees, with the ineffable grace of the unknowable ‘’MOST HIGH’’ who is embodiment of ‘’LOVE’’, thus became aware of this highest or the 1st dimensional plane, which is composed of liquid ethereal matter of ‘’PURE VITAL CONSCIOUSNESS’’, coming out of the ‘’Cosmic Energy Pointknown as the EIN SOPH’’, having a Bluish Color Luminous Fire, which does not Burn, and thus all the ethereal particles of this liquid matter luminously glow. So the ‘’Fiery Flames’’, which appeared out of mountains in the dense physical plane by themselves became thus holy, as they represented the Conscious Attributes of the unknowable ‘’MOST HIGH’’. In Northern India, there is such a place, which still exist named ‘’JWALA JI’’, near the city of KANGRA, in the Himachal Pradesh, which in the ancient times of ‘’Dvapara Yuga’’ as mentioned in the Hindu Epic Mahabharata its ‘’TIRATH PARVA’’ [Pilgrimage Section], were known as ‘’SAPTA CHARU’’, meaning the ‘’SEVEN CONSUMING FIRES’’, but after the conspiracy against the Creator – Observer of the Infinite Universe, the unknowable ‘’Maha Ishvara’’ or the MOST HIGH, are now attributed to the Goddesses, rather than the ‘’MOST HIGH’’ himself, as it was originally attributed to him in the ancient ‘’Vedic Times’’. There is another such place on the Mountain top adjacent to Muktinath shrine in Nepal, inside a goddess temple where the ‘’Bluish Flames’’ cover the flowing waters of Cold Water Stream, which flow inside the Temple Precinct, but are now covered with removable slates, thus hidden from the eyesight view of its common visitors. And the most famous of all in the ancient world was the Mount SINAI adjacent to the peak of Holy Mount HOREB, the Holy Mountain of LORD – GOD, now situated in Saudi Arabia, from which the consuming flames were hurled out day and night from its Holy Peak, and were visible for a great distance of many hundred miles in the nightly skies, of which we have the only written records, which define it in great details in the Holy Bible. It is first mentioned in the Holy Bible along its wilderness in its 2nd chapter known as ‘’The Exodus’’ which defines it as the ‘’Flaming Mountain of God’’ regarding which the Holy Bible states: ‘’Now MOSES was pasturing the flock of JETHRO, his father in law, the Priest of MIDIAN, and he led the flock to the WEST Side of the Wilderness, and came to HOREB, the mountain of GOD. And the angel of the LORD [The Created Servant of the Most High], appeared to HIM in a ‘blazing fire’ from the midst of a ‘Bush’ and he looked, and behold, the bush was burning with fire, yet the bush was not consumed. So MOSES said, ‘’I Must turn aside now, and see this marvelous sight, why the bush is not burned up.’’ When the LORD [The MOST HIGH], saw that he turned aside to look, GOD called to him from the midst of the bush, and said, ‘’MOSES, MOSES!’’ And he said ‘’HERE I AM.’’ Then HE said, ‘’Do not come near here; remove your sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is the ‘’HOLY GROUND’’. HE said also, ‘’I AM THE GOD OF YOUR FATHER, THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, THE GOD OF ISAAC, AND THE GOD OF JACOB.’’ Then MOSES hid his face, for He was Afraid to look at GOD. [Exodus 3. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.] To Be Continued… Vashisht Vaid.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 16:32:16 +0000

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