The Secret of Breast Plate – Part 7 In the Story of Creation - TopicsExpress


The Secret of Breast Plate – Part 7 In the Story of Creation as per the ‘’Holy Bible’’, the Unknowable LORD GOD clearly Commands NOAH that ‘’Only You Shall Not Eat Flesh with its Life, that is its ‘’BLOOD’’ [Genesis 9. 4]. And the very reason is that the Blood contains tiny indestructible particles of ‘’LIFE FORCE’’ now known by the modern day scientists as ‘’SOMATIDS’’, which can be seen through high magnification electronic Microscope. The Human Being incarnated upon this physical plane of ‘’ASSIAH’’, shares ‘’Physio-Chemical Life Processes’’ with all ‘’animals’’[Mammal , Birds etc.], who belong to animal kingdom of this planet earth, and on the physical plane [ASSIAH] it is totally indistinguishable from them except humans has been given by the ineffable grace of the ‘’Most High’’ a gift of ‘’Individualized Mind’’. Therefore all humans are having an Animal Personality or in Hebrew the ‘’Nefesh HaBehamit’’, which is empowered by extremely minute ‘’Somatids’’ in the blood, which perform the ‘’physio-chemical life processes’’ for vital animation. Regarding this ‘’Life Force’’ of individualized ‘’Personality Conscious’’ which is present in the blood, the ‘’Holy Bible’’ in the ‘’Chapter of Leviticus’’ states ‘’ For the Life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you on the Altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood by reason of the life that makes atonement. Therefore I said to the Sons of Israel, No person among you may eat blood, nor may any ‘’Alien’’ who sojourns among you eat blood [Leviticus 17.11, 12] In the ancient Hindu Literature, the Sanskrit word ‘’SOMA’’ defined the ‘’Nectar of Gods’’, which was the ‘’Secret of Immortality’’, as the Soma Particles just like these ‘’Somatids’’, were Indestructible to all types of Heat as well as to Radiation. Only a handful of learned people may know, that just like the ancient Chaldean Hebrew – Aramaic name for ‘’Moon’’ has been ‘’SIN’’, similarly the Ancient Sanskrit name for Moon has been ‘’SOMA’’ in the Ancient India. Not too many Human Beings are aware of this ‘’Most Important Fact’’, that many millions of years ago when the ‘’Conscious Expansion Experiment’’ based upon the Universal Law of ‘’Will to do Good’’ utterly Failed, and was thus condemned due to ‘’Unquenchable Corruption and Greed’’, ‘’All Life’’ by the ineffable Grace and due to the timely intervention of the unknowable ‘’MOST HIGH’’ was systematically transferred from Moon [SIN - SOMA] to this Planet Earth, through the proper use of this ‘’Vital Life Energy Containing SOMATID particles, which are now found in all types of growing visible and invisible Earthly Kingdoms having vitality in differentiated levels of consciousness, of which the 4 visible kingdoms of growth are [1] Mineral Kingdom as the ‘’Growing Crystals’’ have in them the required life force, [2] Plant Kingdom, [3] Animal Kingdom, and the [4] Human Kingdom, and the 3 Invisible Kingdoms which exist below the level of Visible Mineral kingdom, as well as in all invisible kingdoms [Realm of Angelic beings and Departed Forefathers], which exist above the visible level of Human Kingdom, of which ‘’ALL’’ of the incarnated Human Beings, have some type of ‘’Conscious and Unconscious’’ Glimpses during their Physical body Sleep time, when their indwelling consciousness temporarily detach from their physical bodies and thus leave on the ethereal magnetic currents from their physical bodies, but still connected with it through an shining invisible ‘’Vital Cord of Vital Energy - Force’’, with a silvery hue, which continually provides the ‘’Life Force’’ known in Hebrew language as the ‘’Nishmat Chaim’’ coming from the higher mental plane world of ‘’BRIAH’’ as the ‘’Neshama’’ [Vital Force of Mind Consciousness], to the incarnated Human Body thus living incarnated in the ‘’SEPHIROT OF ASSIAH’’, for its required animation during the course of their ‘’Physical Plane Life’’, whom the Great Wise Preacher King SOLOMON referred to as the ‘’SILVER CORD’’ in the ‘’Chapter of ECCLESIASTES of the ‘’Holy Bible’’, which gets cut from the physical body at the time of ‘’Physical Death’’. In reference to this ‘’Silver Cord’’, these most important verses of the ‘’Holy Bible’’ states ‘’Remember HIM before the SILVER CORD is Broken, and the Golden Bowl [Auric Body] is crushed, the pitcher by the well is shattered and the wheel at the cistern is crushed; then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the ‘’SPIRIT’’ will return to GOD who gave it. [[Ecclesiastes 12. 6, 7]. ‘’Near death Experiences’’, which many people of this world have, during their short lived incarnated human lives, this invisible ‘’SILVER CORD’’ of vital force is only ‘’Partially or Temporarily’’ Cut, and during this time period their indwelling personality consciousness [NEFESH] immediately becomes ‘’Very Small’’ and in its such tiny existence, it is able to consciously see all around this physical plane world with a 360 degree angle view, as all particles of their ‘’RUACH’’ body simultaneously corresponds to the extended ‘’’Sensation of View’’’. The very basic reason for such 360 degree view is that, the vital conscious particles of their ‘’Ruach Bodies’, which literally compose it, are magnetically charged and are of ‘’Liquid’’ in nature as compared to the dense physical body particles of an incarnated Human Being, and being thus in their ‘’ethereal magnetic liquid state’’, they are thus constantly in motion, not like their counterpart dense physical body particles, which compose the two human eyes for the ‘’Sensation of Sight’’, which are fixed in their cone socket frame work, which thus only allows them the ‘’front view abilities’’. In this dense physical plane of ASSIAH, all incarnated human beings, using their ‘’Ruach Body’’ during such astral travels during their sleep time enter various levels of the Dream World, and thus feels like having thousands of eyes with a 360 degree angle view, just like the ancient Prophets ISAIAH and Ezekiel mentioned in their divine visions. And in such near death experiences, those people thus in their tiny vital forms enters in this ‘’Silver Cord’’ preparing to go back to the ‘’Higher Dimensional Plane of Yetzirah [Astral Plane]’’, from where they originally incarnated in the dense physical plane of Assiah, to have an incarnated physical body to acquire material world experience, so they as per plan and purpose of the ‘’Most High’’ can enhance and expand their indwelling personality consciousness during their short lived human lives, which is connected with this invisible ‘’Silver Cord’’ to their higher dimensional plane of BRIAH’S ‘’Spiritual Consciousness’’ [NESHAMA], and this ‘’Silver Cord’’ being Hollow at that particular moment appears to them as a ‘’Tunnel of Light’’, but if this temporary cut of this silver cord gets healed, due to various reasons which may include ‘’Their physical plane time is not yet finished, or Unfinished Business of the Soul’’ or an extra boost of vital help provided through ‘’Prayer Energy of the Spiritual Well Wishers’’ their Vital Cord Connection gets joined back again, and thus fixed for the indwelling personality consciousness to come back to dwell again in their physical bodies to fulfill their ‘’Unfinished Spiritual duties’’. This ‘’Silver Cord of Vital force’’ is very elastic in nature, which can easily be stretched for thousands of miles instantly at the ‘’’speed of light’’’ during the physical body sleep time commonly known by human beings as the ‘’Dream Time’’, as per the ‘’Desire Mind’’ requirements of the ‘’Indwelling Human Consciousness’’ [Nefesh], to penetrate the ‘’Invisible Ethereal Higher Dimensional Zones’’, which then become visible during such ‘’Astral Travel’’ to our ethereal bodies having ‘’Ruach’’[Electromagnetic Vital Consciousness, which is generally defined since ancient times by the ‘’Seers and Sages’’ as the flowing ‘’Wind’’, which we all humans during our incarnated lives consciously or unconsciously use in such ‘’Astral Travels’’. When we use our ethereal bodies ‘’unconsciously’’ in such travels, then we do not remember the dreams upon waking up back in our physical bodies, except we have a undeniable feeling as a strange sensation that we dreamed, while we remember the dreams, sometimes to a great extent when we use our ethereal bodies in ‘’Semi or Sub Conscious’’ mind states. When we use our ethereal bodies ‘’Consciously’’ during our sleep time, as well as during the contemplating upon the ‘’Spirit’’ or the ‘’Higher Mind Solar Consciousness’’ known as the art of ‘’Spiritual Meditation’’, thus entering the higher dimensional invisible ethereal levels, of which the ancient Prophets were very well aware, then we can interact with the higher dimensional ‘’Entities and Beings’’, including some of our departed family members and friends, who had departed from this physical plane due to their physical death, and who may be present in the various sub levels of the higher dimensional zones, and thus in those cases we fully remember our dreams and all such interactions which took place in the ‘’Higher Dimensional Levels’’ upon waking up back in our physical bodies. An important fact to be noted that the outer most Periphery of the invisible dimensional zone of ‘’SEPHIROT of YETRIRAH’’, which becomes visible to the indwelling human consciousness during sleep time, extends all the way to the physical boundaries of our visible ‘’MOON’’. To Be Continued….. Vashisht Vaid.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 21:07:46 +0000

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