The Secret of Breast Plate – Part 9 Regarding the existence - TopicsExpress


The Secret of Breast Plate – Part 9 Regarding the existence of these so called ‘’Gods and Goddesses’’, who themselves are nothing more but just a ‘’MERE CREATION’’ brought into existence by the Ineffable Grace of the ‘’MOST HIGH’’, through the ‘’EVENTUATION PROCESS’’ according to the thoughts or the ‘’DESIRE MIND’’ vital Consciousness Reflections of the Unknowable ‘’MOST HIGH’’, and are thus just embodying a ‘’’Little More Expanded Consciousness’’’ than their counterpart evolving ‘’Human Beings’’, whom now they illegally Control and thus treat just as any other member of the evolving Lower Animal Kingdom, even though the ‘’Holy Bible’’ clearly states that these created Hierarchical ‘’Beings and Entities’’ later known to the ‘’Human Beings’’ as the so called invisible ‘’Gods and Goddesses’’ of various religions were ‘’’PRESENT’’’ at that particular time, as the Faithful ‘’SERVANT’’’ HELPERS of the ‘’LORD-GOD’’, to assist HIM in their specific duties, when the LORD – GOD, the ‘’MOST HIGH’’, the ‘’UNKNOWABLE LORD – GOD’’ of the Entire Universe, created for the first time the ‘’Human Being’’ upon this Planet Earth, who Earlier ALSO created the ‘’HEAVENS and the Earth’’, regarding which the ‘’Holy Bible’’ clearly mentions in its very first verse of the very first chapter, which states ‘’IN THE BEGINNING GOD CREATED THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH’’ [GENESIS 1,1], Regarding the Creation of the ‘’Human Being’’, the ‘’Holy Bible’’ also clearly states in its first chapter that, ‘’Then GOD said, Let ‘’’‘’US’’’’’’’ make ‘’’MAN’’ in ‘’’’’’’OUR’’’’’’’’ IMAGE, according to ‘’’’’OUR’’’’’ likeness; and let ‘’’’THEM’’’’’ rule over the Fish of the Sea and over the Birds of the Sky and over the Cattle and over all the Earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the Earth.’’ [Genesis 1. 26]. The plurality words in this particular verse existing as the words of ‘’US’’ and ‘’OUR’’ clearly defines the presence of these INVISIBLE SERVANTS of the ‘’Most High’’, performing their intended specific roles in the creation of MAN upon this Planet Earth, and the word ‘’THEM’’ in this Verse denotes, that as per the Plan and Purpose of the unknowable ‘’MOST HIGH’’, to start with the MAN was intended to later DUPLICATE himself upon this Planet Earth. But over the Passing of ‘’’Evolutionary Cyclic Time’’’ upon this Planet Earth, his ‘’Created Servant worker’s’’, the so called ‘’GODS and GODDESSES’’ themselves became ‘’Totally Corrupt’’, of which the smallest time cycle is composed of just a ‘’Day and Night’’, regarding which the Holy Bible states in the story of CREATION in its very first chapter of Genesis, in which it is written ‘’And there was EVENING and there was MORNING, a THIRD day. Then GOD said, ‘’Let there be lights in the expanse of the Heavens to separate the Day from Night, and let them be for SIGNS, and for the SEASONS, and for DAYS and YEARS; and let them be for lights in the expanse of the Heavens to give light on Earth’’; and ‘’IT WAS SO’’ [Genesis 1. 13, 14, 15.] ‘’NOTE; The Holy Words of unknowable ‘’MOST HIGH’’ known as ‘’’’’SO BE IT’’’’’ or commonly termed as ‘’AMEN’’ by the Ancient ‘’Seers and Sages’’ is the Godly PROCLAMATION in the ‘’EVENTUATION PROCESS of the CREATION, during which ‘’HE’’ filled with ‘’DIVINE LOVE’’ thus performed this Act of ‘’CREATION’’ through ‘’’HIS DESIRE MIND’’, which is based upon the Universal Law of ‘’WILL TO DO his ‘GOOD’’. The Holy Bible Further states ‘’And GOD made the Two Great Lights, the Greater Light to govern the Day, and the Lesser Light to govern the Night; ‘’HE’’ made the stars also. And GOD placed them in the expanse of the HEAVEN’S to give light on Earth, and to govern the Day and Night, and to separate the Light from Darkness; and GOD saw it was good. And there was Evening and there was Morning, a FOURTH Day’’. [Genesis 1. 16, 17, 18, 19.] These so called’ ’TIME CYCLES’’ were thus established at the Very start of ‘’CREATION’’, which as per the ‘’Evolutionary Plan and Purpose’’ of the ‘’MOST HIGH’’ are required for the ‘’Conscious Expansion’’ of all visible and invisible ‘’CREATED ENTITE’S AND BEING’S’’, who all are just the subjective and objective ‘’CREATION’S’’ manifested or eventuated out of the DESIRE MIND of the ‘’MOST HIGH’’, thus subjectively and or objectively, existing in their various differentiated states of ‘’Conscious Existence’’, in the differentiated ‘’Sub Levels and Zones’’ of the ‘’3 Dense Dimensional Worlds’’, which are known in Hebrew Language as the ‘’SEPHROTS of ASSIAH, YETZIRAH, and BRIAH’’, so all ‘’Entities and Beings’’ during their ‘’Life duration Cyclic Existences’’, being thus mounted upon the ‘’Wheel of Time’’ can ‘’Periodically’’ qualify themselves, to finally enter the Higher Most Dimensional World, known in Hebrew Language as the ‘’SEPHIROT of ATZILUTH’’, which is meant for all the Human Beings to dwell in by finally attaining the ‘’RADIANT CONSCIOUS WISDOM OF LIGHT’’ and thus finally exist consciously free from the bondage’s of the 3 dense dimensional worlds of ‘’ASSIAH, YETZIRAH, and BRIAH, as the ‘’LIGHT BEINGS’ ’in the ‘’HOUSE and KINGDOM of the LORD – GOD the MOST HIGH, as mentioned in the verse of HOLY BIBLE regarding the earlier SON OF GOD ‘’’KING SOLOMON’’, which states ‘’I WILL SETTLE HIM IN MY HOUSE AND IN MY KINGDOM ‘’FOREVER’’, AND HIS THRONE SHALL BE ESTABLISHED ‘’FOREVER’’ [1 Chronicles 17.14] JESUS CHRIST later Chosen SON of GOD also talks of Many Mansions or Dwelling Places, which are present in his ‘’FATHER’S HOUSE’’ [SEPHIROT of ATZILUTH] regarding which the ‘’Holy Bible’’ clearly states ‘’ IN MY FATHER’S HOUSE ARE MANY DWELLING PLACES; IF IT WERE NOT SO, I WOULD HAVE TOLD YOU; FOR I GO TO PREPARE A PLACE FOR YOU [John 14. 2] But these invisible SERVANTS of the MOST HIGH, the so called GODS and GODESSES themselves became so Corrupt that they illegally installed CORRUPT HUMAN BEINGS in High Positions of Human Societies, which were segregated by them, through the concept of ‘’Cast, Creed and Religious Belief systems’’, and also through the ‘’Deceitful and illegal Inducing’’ of ‘’Animalistic Nature thought forms’’ in their evolving minds, through the Wrongful Use of their ‘’Mind Controlling Power Vibrations’’, which are the underlying ‘’’Traits of Corruption’’’, and which upon this Planet Earth’s Material World are primarily related to the basic two main factors, known as the Vices of ‘’UNQUENCHABLE GREED’’ to own and Hoard Material Things, and ‘’UNDYING LUST’’ to illegally control ‘’All OTHER KINGDOMS’’ of Nature through mutated and deformed consciousness, which also include to illegally control other evolving members of the ‘’HUMAN RACES’’ through ‘’FALSE PRDE’’, in the name of so called Material world ‘’NAME and FAME’’, who innocently evolving upon the lower levels of the ‘’EVOLUTIONARY CHAIN LADDER’’ totally depend upon them, for their Everyday Survival in this Dense Physical Plane of the Planet Earth. These are the same so called invisible ‘’Entities and Beings’’, who are invisibly present upon this Planet Earth since a Very Long Time, and commonly worshiped as the ‘’Gods and Goddesses’’ by various societies of Human Beings of this planet earth, who ‘’WILLFULLY’’ Backstabbed their one and only ‘’CREATOR LORD – GOD’’, the ‘’ALMIGHTY through heinous Conspiracy, who at the very beginning of ‘’Creation’’ filled with ‘’Divine Love’’ thus ‘’TRUSTING’’ them as his ‘’CREATED CHILDREN’’, gave them ‘’Certain Powers’’ to independently perform their proper duties, by existing in their Hierarchical Groups as his reliable ‘’SERVANTS’’, to act merely as ‘’Co- Creators Servants’’ to firmly uphold the Universal Law of ‘’WILL TO DO GOOD’’, but instead they themselves became CORRUPT, and thus conspired against him, forgetting this BASIC FACT, that their CREATOR FATHER, the MOST HIGH is always ‘’ UNKNOWABLE ‘’, and thus TOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE for them to Understand his ‘’PLAN and PURPOSE’’, which is based upon the ONE and ONLY Universal Law of ‘’WILL TO DO GOOD’’. But over the passing of time upon this planet earth, they forgot all about their CREATOR LOD, the MOST HIGH, and thus they collectively with their deceitful hearts became Deformed and Mutated in their originally ‘’Pure Consciousness’’ and thus permanently lost their statues of ‘’Beings of Light’’, and under their Corrupt Control since then this Planet in the Entire Solar Universe has become a undesirable Place of Pain and suffering’s, and such Corrupt Status of this Planet Earth is still continuing to this Very Day, even So many Prophets, Seers and Sages including the Redeemer Son of God has physically appeared Time and Again to guide and save evolving ‘’Human Races’’ and their Counterpart so called invisible GODS and GODDESSES from their ‘’Permanent Elimination, Annihilation and thus Total Extinction’’. To Be Continued….. Vashisht Vaid.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 18:26:09 +0000

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