The Secret to Fast. MASSIVE SUCCESS: LEVERAGE The difference - TopicsExpress


The Secret to Fast. MASSIVE SUCCESS: LEVERAGE The difference between a business that stumble and crash versus a business that grow and explode comes down to several key things... These are not luck or magical elements or rare timings like when all the stars line up, etc. Those are that kind of myths that lots of people who have given up tell you about... to justify their own decision to give up... to accept defeat... to fail. In reality, there are several key elements that will almost always GUARANTEE a business to grow fast and reach explosive success within a short period of time. And the great thing is... You can deliberately DESIGN & ENGINEER these factors so you can achieve them. They are within YOUR control. So its not a matter of whether the stars are aligned or not, its a matter of whether youre aligning the stars accordingly... or not. These are what I call leverage points... and theyre extremely powerful. Archimedes, the Greek Mathematician said, Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world. Thats how powerful leverage can be. When you have the right leverage a business can grow extremely fast. When you dont have the right leverage, your business will be doomed to flounder. And these are what Ill be revealing in the: Million-dollar Business Code - 7 Keys to 7-Figure Business video. Its all about finding, spotting, creating and taking advantage of these leverage points. When you use them to your advantage, youll be unstoppable. One of the key leverage points: Choose the RIGHT Niche. There are so many people who go into the wrong niche and they wonder why theyre not succeeding... its really sad, but they didnt realise that their fate was already determined the moment they chose the wrong niche. Eg. An entrepreneur told me that he created a business that only serves less than a thousand people. Another told me that they serve less than 3,000 people... With such a micro sized niche, you must charge a super premium price or you simply wont survive... let along thrive. Its just simple math. And yet, most entrepreneurs dont seem to get it. They fell in love with their products / services / dreams, and totally forgot about their market size. There are only a few key ways to grow if the market is so small. Here are a few: - Charge super premium price. I mean really super premium. - Expand the market - Geographically: Break the boundaries. Go global. - Expand the market - Demographically: Educate older and/or younger markets that may not be the original target market. - Pivot and modify your offerings. - And a few other ways That said, choosing a micro niche is always something that I prefer to AVOID. Can I make a business in a micro niche successful? Yes, maybe. But itll take a lot of effort, struggles and pain... and probably a long process too. If Im going to spend that kind of effort, endure the struggles and persevere through the pain... why dont I apply it in a much more profitable niche that will give me explosive results? See? Your choice of your niche is CRITICAL and WILL determine the kind of potential results you will get. Thats just a quick snippet of one of the leverage points that Ill be revealing. There are several other critical ones. Ill be releasing the video by this Sunday, if not earlier. Im still working on it and so far its content-rich and awesome. If you want to get access to it, opt-in to my list at the link below and fill in the simple form. Youll also get other awesome business and marketing tips from me. Heres the link: Meanwhile, Ive created a simple 3 step formula to increase prospects and get a ton of sales... and give your business a boost in the next few days. You can watch that first here: Lookout for the next video coming soon. See you inside. Thats what Ill be
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 15:54:28 +0000

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