The Secret to Success (In everything): During my years in - TopicsExpress


The Secret to Success (In everything): During my years in Cambridge (Mass), I attended a number of lectures by visiting professors; men and women who had attained what most of us may not dream of. M. Scott Peck, Stephen Hawking, Dr. C.Everett Koop (Surgeon General of the US), and many others. Those lectures transformed me. Below, Ive outlined the points that every single one of them shared as the Principles of Personal Progress that they followed in their daily lives. 1) Drop others standards for success and adopt your own Personal Standard of Excellence. Not what society, family or a corporation dictates, but your own spiritually inspired standard of being an excellent parent, spouse, friend or student. This makes it attainable and fun. 2) Expect a lot from yourself. Expect very little from others. This is the secret to joy. 3) Be a Great Human Being. Set aside priorities which involve having the right amount in the bank, getting that prestigious job/college admission/award, or buying the right car/clothes. Aim at being a real, genuine and compassionate human. All else HAS to come. 4) Be your own Guru. Stop waiting for the right teachers, bosses, friends, spouses or whomever. Be THAT to yourself. Maybe YOU were meant to be the teacher or leader to others. Stop being a follower. 5) Give up Approval Seeking: understand that you will always have critics. March to the beat of your own inner drum and stop worrying about rejection. Strangely, more people approve of us the most when we do this anyway. 6) Keep stepping outside of your Comfort Zone. Always challenge your avoidance reaction to things, people and circumstances that make you uncomfortable. You will grow exponentially with each challenge. 7) Be an eternal student. The day you call yourself a professional or master, you cannot afford to make mistakes. Always see yourself as a student of Life and youll be able to forgive yourself and others of any error and learn from it. 8) Stop Seeking Perfectionsim. Understand that the belief that being surrounded by the perfect possessions, people and just trying to be perfect in itself, is a way to prevent people from knowing how flawed we are. See the beauty in imperfection. 9) Follow S.M.A.R.T. goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-oriented goals. 10) Understand that Education and Intelligence are useless without Action. Day Dreaming, wishing, lip-service and fast talk are meaningless. 11) The Problems we encounter in life, with others and in our work are almost always a reflection of what is going on inside of us. 12) Stop waiting to be Ready to start or do something. Action precedes feeling. Motivation or inspiration may never come. We do it anyway and enjoy the confidence that comes from having taken action. 13) Remember that the greatest people you know have suffered the most. Mental and physical illness, loss, failure, addiction or flaws are the spices which make the perfect dish of life. Respect those who are suffering and know that they are going through a phase which could lead to self-realization. My eternal gratitude to all of my great teachers. They have come in all forms. Most of them have been my students... Lots of love.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 10:15:28 +0000

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