The Security Bill - Why Reasoning Should Prevail: If 10,000 Police - TopicsExpress


The Security Bill - Why Reasoning Should Prevail: If 10,000 Police Recruits were nullified due to police corruption and we tax payers lost millions and no one has been punished, where is govt seriousness in fighting insecurity? The Security bill is 90 page long-contains 109 provisions and amends no less than 21 other Acts. The breadth and width of this law required at least one month of scrutiny. Govt took its own time to prepare it. If govt had goodwill, it would have reasoned that other stakeholders needed good time to go over it and not just mere days. In any given case there was no emergency situation. The following Sections (subsections) among others needed removal, amendment or relocation: 4, 40B, 66, 66A, 72, 73, 75, 80, 107, 108, 215A. Some of these laws are misplaced & have nothing to do with terrorism or insecurity but Jubilees personal politics and benefits. Some in fact enhances instability. Terrorists do not protests against govt but our grandmoms do, small traders do as this clips shows (https://youtube/watch?v=2tjSFNHaRZM) - hence why should these aggrieved Kenyans require a Ministers permission to protest against the same culprit minister? Why should Turkana people deep in Turkana county require permission from a corrupted minister to protest against oil companies that fail to give Turkanas jobs etc? Why should media need permission from the Inspector General (IG) to publish a report that clearly shows the IG, cabinet, president, government, etc have all failed? Will IG agree? The return of what appears to be police powers exercised by the Special Branch (now NIS) of the 1980s, yet without any statute constraining them or the Executive is badly ill-advised. Back to Nyati and Nyayo House days? Already there now appears to be about 7 Political prisoners in Kenya today. The chaotic and hurried manner in which these laws were passed (fists fighting with severe injuries inside parliament, speaker could not be heard/took sides, MPs standing rather than sitting as per Parliament Orders, etc) is itself sufficient grounds to render the laws unwelcome as it was terribly tainted beyond redemption. The laws lacked a dignified process and the President should not have signed a law passed in such undignified manner as that creates perception that he too approved of such indignity. The jubilee govt has planted seeds of a very uncomfortable struggle to UNDO the above Sections as they clearly have a self-serving political agenda esp. sections 4, 66, 75 etc. Such laws normally require specific life- say 1 or 2 yrs- then they are subject to review, extension or they naturally die at the expiry of that period. If their target is to end terrorism, then they should end when these war ends. But giving them indefinite life makes them highly suspect as to whether they had another motive such as silencing critiques esp.given that Jubilee has vowed to rule Kenya for 20 years. Insecurity is up because govt hasnt even used 10% of its current laws and mechanisms. For example during the recent police recruitment of 10,000 police officers, the police went on bribes collection spree rather than police recruitment. The exercise was nullified. 10,000 police officers could be approaching graduation today to join the war against insecurity but its not so. We as taxpayers lost millions in that exercise. Yet the govt has not punished any of those officials. And the govt says its serious in fighting terrorism and insecurity?
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 00:02:32 +0000

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