The Semantic Sales of Global War George A. Yesthal Boots on - TopicsExpress


The Semantic Sales of Global War George A. Yesthal Boots on the ground Counter terrorist strategy Anti-insurgency mission ISIS degradation and destruction plan A broad coalition to hold back the terrorist threat blah blah blah... When you kill people en masse there is only one word for it...WAR. But the American people overwhelmingly DO NOT want another war, so WHAMO!...into action swings the ever-efficient SPIN MACINE whipping up all manner of generic placebos to lull the American people into compliance by making them believe this is something OTHER THAN war; that somehow the death and destruction and economic burden can be minimalized through semantics. A typical advertising strategy that has been acid tested and proven down through the ages to hawk everything from widgets to Wonder Bread. But this is WAR...not Wonder Bread. No illusions of carrying us on a healthy diet through our formative years, so they have to try to sell it as a necessary evil and play down the negative impact it will have on our whole nation. The term Police Action simply doesnt fly anymore because we Americans learned a little something from Korea and Viet Nam...(very little). We can and still are being played. In the first place, the sellers of war are using a new strategy that involves getting us to buy into yet another protracted war, and its going to work very well by getting us to believe that this controversy between the POTUS, congress and the American people will be the tipping point that keeps us from throwing everything we have at the problem and annihilating these radical pirates altogether. No boots on the ground, precision strategic air strikes, etc. are nothing but semantic placations for a means for Obama to say, We dont want war so we need to do this with minimal effort and cost to American lives. But how can we POSSIBLY fight to win with such an asinine strategy? And so...we will be pigeon-holed into accepting, once more, a long, drawn out and astronomically costly, Comprehensive and SUSTAINED anti-terroism strategy. The Goddamn president of the United States got up before all of America on the evening of 9/11 and told us flat out...Get ready for another economy crippling effort to bring the health and welfare of the United States crashing to the ground. I, as well as the majority of my countrymen, abhor the idea of being involved in yet another war. Unfortunately WE have created a Frankensteins monster that is seeking our complete destruction and will haunt us until it is accomplished. So...this threat will not go away with admonishment and a good spanking. This monster MUST be destroyed with malice a forethought, completely and with finality. We no longer have the luxury of delineating between This or that insurgent faction. They are ALL our enemies and can be turned against us (and ALWAYS do ) no matter WHAT aid we provide them with. We are, unfortunately given very little choice, because putting band aids on this festering infection and plying them with sanity and understanding is decades beyond even being an option. The past five presidents have stirred up a hornets nest with intent, and that intent was to foster an un-winnable conflict that would snowball over time, picking up more and more anti-American sentiment until the war machine was almost self-sustaining. And they ALL profited from it. It has transformed the economic complexion of our nation and solidified the corporate paradigm until we have morphed into the plutocratic oligarchy our republic has become. But we need to understand strategies as well as cause and effect as a united people and we need to accept the reality and necessity of drawing back unto ourselves and SUSTAINING a period of non-intervention and isolationism when the task is complete. We need to heal and regroup. And we need to let the rest of the world do the same. There is just no way to argue that logic, because the alternative is everlasting war that we will ultimately lose. It is a juggernaut that we cannot resist with the strategies we have been employing. What is it about humanity that precludes any lasting lessons from history? Why can we not learn? Well there IS an answer to that question and that is, we have let the bad guys run the show for too long and they must also go, or we will never see a national sanity again. https://youtube/watch?v=29IDS7Kw2PE
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 22:52:29 +0000

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