The Senator responded to me in regards to the Gaza conflict - TopicsExpress


The Senator responded to me in regards to the Gaza conflict with..ready? drumroll pls!! Im so honored to be speaking with such idiotic robotism! Dear Ms. Najjar: Thank you for getting in touch with me about the current armed conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. The current situation erupted in July 2014 after the kidnapping and deaths of Israeli and Palestinian teenagers and the more than 1,000 rockets launched from Gaza against southern Israel. Like any country, Israel has the right to defend its citizens from rocket attacks. While most of these rockets either landed in unpopulated areas or were intercepted by the “Iron Dome” defensive system, civilian casualties did occur. In response, the Israeli government began a military operation combining airstrikes and ground actions to clear the border areas of the rockets and the tunnels out of Gaza. This has led to open conflict between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian militants, which regrettably has cost the lives of many innocent civilians. There is no clear solution to this conflict. But I agree with many on both sides calling for an end to the violence and a continuing effort to find a diplomatic settlement to resolve this seemingly intractable conflict. The international community needs to assist in ending both the tunnel and rocket attacks by Hamas and the suffering and loss of civilian life. Should any legislation regarding the situation in Gaza, Hamas, the governments of Israel and the Palestinian Authority, or U.S. foreign aid come before the Senate, I will keep your thoughts in mind. Thank you again for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. Sincerely, Sherrod Brown United States Senator I already know this guy plagiarized all his papers in college and NEVER wrote a paper about solving problems on his own. and the kidnapping of teenagers!!? that never happened by Hamas. The land is not that of Israel and Palestine does not have an army of its own. these are basic facts I usually explain to 8 year olds in the masjid. Does the United States senator read? does he know this occupation is illegal and that the land belongs to the Palestinians. its like he listened to Obama say that Israel has the right to defend itself and just freaking foreclosed on the whole issue that has killed nearly 2000 Palestinians. This is the world we live in. But as long as he has his suit and tye, all will be well in his and other desensitized peoples ugly worlds. But thank you for writing sincerely at the end to give your dumb message some emotion to compensate for how you were too lazy to truly educate yourself about the issue. this is disgusting.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 02:34:15 +0000

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