The Servant of Servants, Pope Francis message to the Filipino is - TopicsExpress


The Servant of Servants, Pope Francis message to the Filipino is loud and clear: Reject corruption, Respect Human Dignity and for us to live a life of honesty, integrity, and concern for the common good. Reject Corruption because it steals what is intended for the people to alleviate their sufferings. A true leader defends the weak and adhere to the principle that there is enough for everybody. Those who steals are dishonorable people in our community and should no be given respect. We have to respect the Dignity of Man from conception to his or her last breath. We are Gods children and the more we have the obligation to defend the life of the baby and make the womb of the mother the safest and comfortable place of the Angel. We are Gods children and before the eyes of God whatever your Religion is we are his children and we are brothers and sisters. We have to learn to make sacrifices for the good of the community or of our Nation. Self Interest is subordinate to the Common good. A true christian does things with an eye in Serving the People. As Christians let us not be passive but rather pro active in promoting honesty, and living a dignified life. We will not only reject Corruption but also vigilant about it. Corrupt people are murderers because they kill the entire community softly and gradually. Greatness should not be measured in the possession of material things but rather the dedication of the person in serving the people and uplift their lives. If you want to be great then SERVE.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 22:00:10 +0000

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