The Shadow...part 6 The Search Begins I arose around seven - TopicsExpress


The Shadow...part 6 The Search Begins I arose around seven fifteen, my glass of whiskey still sitting on the bedside cabinet. I placed a piece of paper over it, got out my bed and went to the sink. I washed and shaved, that’s better I thought. I went to my suitcase and opened it, removed my blue suit and a fresh, white shirt. Quickly I got dressed, buttoning up my shirt, stiff at the collar and cuffs, I put my tie on. Yes black as usual. Next I opened the zip pocket that was on the inside of the top part of my case, I removed my shoulder holster followed by my pistol. My trusty pistol, a Beretta 92FS ventec, a nine millimetre semi-automatic with a stainless steel barrel and high precision sights, easy to use and deadly. It had saved me many times. I checked it over and loaded a cartridge into the handle. I placed it in my brown well worn shoulder holster, the inside which was rubbed almost grey by the constant rubbing of the pistol as it was drawn then replaced. I slipped the holster on an adjusted the straps, not only for comfort but also not wanting any obvious bulges to show through my jacket. I slipped my jacket on, perfect, nothing showed. I slipped my hand back into the pocket of my case and pulled out two spare cartridges which I placed into my left hand pocket. The last thing I took out the pocket of my case, my badge. My shiny gold badge, the badge of the organization, emblazoned in the centre with their crest, a phoenix shooting out of flames and round the edge the words, engraved boldly, Justice Shall Ensue. I clipped the badge to my inside jacket pocket, I was ready. I was hungry but decided to give Dionne’s cafe a miss this morning, nothing to do with last night; I would go on my way back. I left and decided to pay the harbour a visit again. It was a pleasant day as I made the drive; still early so the roads were quiet, I turned into Sycamore Drive and followed it to the bottom then turned left into Maple Drive and continued down, drawing to a halt at the harbour. They must be early risers here, there was at least fifteen cars parked and four of the boat houses were open. I opened the glove compartment and took out the small but powerful torchlight I kept in it. I got out my car and locked it, the smell of the harbour air hitting my nostrils, that seaweed smell, that clears you airways, also the smell of creosote, engine oil and paraffin. I decided to check the abandoned factory first; no one had noticed me arriving. Good I thought as I made my way over to the factory door. It was locked and a heavy bolt with a large brass padlock secured it, I walked to one end of it and found a roller door, again it was secured. I continued round the back and found a fire escape door, it was slightly ajar, pulling at it to open further I couldn’t get it to budge. Looking around behind me I noticed a wrought iron pole in amongst the debris, an old piece of scaffolding; I picked it up and proceeded to wedge it between the door and the wall. I put my weight behind it and started to push the pole, slowly the door started opening, creaking, obviously it hadn’t moved for quite some time, I managed to get enough of a gap to squeeze through. I entered cautiously, the sun had risen quite high outside and there was enough light coming through the windows along the top of the walls and the Perspex skylights to see my way around. I undid my suit jacket just incase. It was a single floor factory, what appeared to be three offices lined the back wall, possibly a canteen and toilets to the left of them and at the other end was some kind of storage area. In the middle of the concrete floor was a forty foot conveyer belt flanked on either side by narrow rusty stainless steel tables running off it, at one end was a large hopper, nothing at the other end. I walked quietly towards the offices, if anyone was here I didn’t want them to know I was. The first door I reached said manager on it, I drew my pistol and took the safety catch off, reached for the door handle and turned it slowly, the door was stiff. Placing my shoulder against it I nudged firmly, pushing it open and entered my pistol at arms length ready. The office was empty except for an old office desk in the centre and an old whiteboard hanging on the wall. I kept my pistol at arms length as I left the office, if anyone was in this place then they knew I was here now. Moving to the second office the door was open; I followed my outstretched arms into it. Empty, nothing but old newspapers on the floor, stained yellow with age. The last office, canteen and toilets also turned up blank. That left the storage area. Moving quickly towards the far end of the factory I heard the clatter of something dropping. I stopped, looked around and saw nothing. Fully alert I continued until I reached the storage area, I eased my way into it. Old crates were stacked up on top of each other, a few lay loose on the ground. Empty cartons lay in one corner, deteriorating. I heard a scuffling sound from behind the crates, pointed my pistol and inched my way up to the side of them. I swung round quickly taking aim when suddenly a crate fell and this large feral cat let out a spitting wail, jumped down and ran. Silence once more. That was the only sign of life in here. I slipped my pistol back into my holster and buttoned up my jacket. Making my way out, the sun was full up now and very warm as I walked back round to the front of the building. Walking towards my car I heard a voice shouting “hey there mister” I turned to my left and saw this man waving as he came walking towards me, tall, about five foot eleven, heavy built, sandy colored hair and moustache. He was wearing green corduroys, boots and a brown shirt. He stopped about two foot in front of me and gave me the once over, “That building’s private property” he said “what were you doing in there”? he asked suspiciously. He must have spotted me coming out. “Yes I know” I replied, “my name is Bob Skinner and I work for an insurance agency” He looked puzzled. “What are they going tear it down then at last” he said “it’s an eyesore along with those other buildings”. “I am not at liberty to divulge that information” I cut him short said excuse me and got in my car. I started the engine and drove out of the harbour and headed to the cafe. I arrived about an hour later and walked in. Millie looked over and smiled; I smiled back and sat down. She came over for my order “thank you for last night again Bob” she said “it was my pleasure Millie, thank you”. “What would you like to eat”? She asked. I opted for rib eye steak medium rare, fries, onion rings and mushrooms and of course coffee. Watching her wiggle away for my order I thought about last night, the transformation. She reappeared five minutes later with my meal, “Bob” she said as she placed my plate on the table, “I was thinking I really would like to repay you for dinner last night and wondered if you would like to come over tomorrow for a meal”? I looked at her, so inviting. “Yes that would be nice, I’d like that” she smiled as I answered, “say seven thirty” she said before walking back into the kitchen. I ate my meal and drank my coffee, got up and left. Never mix business with pleasure rang through my head, but damn, there was something about her. I headed back to my motel. The Shadow part 7 The Mole Sunday, a day of rest, relaxation, was there any in my game? I decided today I would take it easy, after all I had an engagement tonight. I swung my legs over the edge of my bed, went over to the sink and washed, pulled on a pair of faded pair of jeans and slipped a black capped sleeved t-shirt on. I took a pair of sports socks out my case and my sneakers. I fancied a walk today, I thought. Putting my wallet in my back pocket I left my room and made my way to the motel office. I needed the room for another week. After paying I left and headed down the road, out of the motel parking lot, took a right and followed the pavement along the road for about half a mile then crossed and took a right. The sun warm as usual, the clean, crisp air clearing my head, it felt good. Continuing with my walk I headed straight on for about fifteen minutes when I noticed a park across the road. Wood Green Park it was called. It was quite large looking, lush green grass, rows of horse-chestnut trees lined a reasonable sized pond off to the left of the single pathway that appeared that appeared to be the only one within the park, winding from one side to the other. Various different trees were scattered in groups throughout. I decided to follow the pathway and have a look around when I left the other side. It was a pleasant stroll, quiet, a few people walking their dogs, nothing out of the ordinary it seemed, until I went round the bend and stopped. Fifty yards ahead of me and off to the right, police tape secured by posts round some high bushes, two squad cars, four sedans and an ambulance parked on the grass. It could only mean one thing. Murder. I knew this scene too well. Twenty-two years with the organization, you knew the signs. I turned and my thoughts started to race, had Ricardo came out from hiding? if so how near to him was I?, if it was him, The Shadow, as I walked back the way I had came. My pace was somewhat faster now as I headed back to my motel, I needed a drink, could this be the breakthrough I was waiting on? I reached the motel and entered my room, the chair had been moved and there was clean linen on my bed. The maid had been she was due on Sundays. Pouring myself a whiskey I sat down and started sipping it. Again thoughts, what if? could it be? was it coincidence? I would go back to the park in a few days and search for clues. “Ricardo I’m going to nail you” I said out loud to myself. Yes I would make sure justice would ensue. I looked at my watch, five-fifty it was time to take the hour and a half drive over to Millie’s, I wanted to stop and buy a bottle of wine on the way, it was rude to appear empty handed. It was seven-thirty five when I drew up outside her house, I walked up the path and knocked on the door. It opened and there she stood, stunning once more in a figure hugging thigh length black dress, it left little to the imagination. “Come in” she said, I walked into the hallway and handed her the wine. “Thanks but you needn’t have bothered” she said softly taking the bottle from me. “No problem at all” I replied. The hall was bright and airy looking, plain white with varnished floorboards, a couple of framed pictures hung on either side of a mirror. There were four doors leading from it, two on the right hand side of me, one on the left and another at the far end. Millie pointed to the first door on the right, “the bathroom” she said. I smiled and assumed the other was a bedroom and the faraway door would lead to a cellar. “Shall we go through”? she touched my arm, “after you” I said and I followed her through the door on my left into the lounge. “I’ll just put this wine in the chiller” as she walked towards the door at the end of the lounge, there was a second door against the far wall. “Sit down make yourself comfy” she shouted from the kitchen. I sat down; this dame had style, class, taste and money by the look of it. The carpet was a deep pile, light beige in color, there was a leather ivory three seated sofa and two seated sofa in an L shape, with a rich mahogany coffee table separating them. Against the wall was more mahogany in the form of a glass fronted cabinet that appeared to house various artefacts of fine china and porcelain. On the other wall there was what appeared to be a mahogany drinks cabinet. These were made more effective with the light cream walls. She was taking her time. “Just checking the dinner” she shouted. There was a large screen television in the corner and next to that on a glass table was a hi-fi, it was playing some classical music. Behind them there was a single step leading up to a rich mahogany dining table, surrounded by four high back matching chairs with ivory padding. It was set for two. Millie came through from the kitchen, Millie the waitress with a lavish taste, how could she afford all this? just one thought going through my mind as I looked at her, the other thoughts....well, I smiled. “Dinner will be about thirty minutes” she said, “I Hope you don’t mind, would you like a drink”? “No that’s fine by me” I replied “and yes I’ll have a whiskey if you have one thank you”. She went over to the drinks cabinet and opened it, well stocked I noticed, she took two crystal glasses and placed them down, took a bottle of scotch and poured an ample measure of it in one, “ice”? she asked, “no thanks” I replied,” on the rocks”. Best way to drink whiskey. She poured herself a decent helping of gin and tonic, brought them over and sat down. She smelt good, musky. “So any luck with finding your brother”? she asked “not yet but I will” I took a drink, the food smelled good. “I went for a walk today” I told her “I went to cut through Wood Green Park but the police had it cordoned off” I said “Ah yes I heard it on the radio, they found a body, stabbed, but that’s all the details they have released so far” she replied, “excuse me smells like dinner is ready, shall we move to the table and I’ll bring it through”? “it’s only roast chicken hope you don’t mind”. She disappeared then reappeared with three dishes, one with chicken, one with mixed vegetables and another with roast potatoes. “Help yourself” she said placing the dishes in the centre of the table, “would you care for some wine”? “Have you anything soft”? I asked “I’m driving” She gave me a warm smile, “why don’t you stay, relax”? Never mix pleasure with business ran through my head. “Yes I would like that, so I will have a wine”. Well we all deserve some pleasure now and again. Dinner was good, cooked to perfection, the wine nicely chilled. It went down a treat. I topped our glasses up, Millie was starting to have that glow about her as she cleared away the dishes and we moved to the sofa, our eyes meeting and our heads moving forward. Suddenly the telephone rang in the kitchen, “excuse me” she said as she got up, “help yourself to another drink and pour me a gin and tonic, would you”? I could here a muffled conversation as I went over to the drinks cabinet and there I seen it, a bank statement in the name of Elizabeth Jackson, five thousand dollars paid in by a Michael Frances. I took a mental note of the names, poured the drinks and sat back down. Millie appeared back through, or was it Elizabeth? sat down beside me and took a sip of gin, “now what where we doing before being interrupted” she said and bent over kissing me lightly on my lips, then fuller and harder. I felt my blood rush as she took my hand and led me to the bedroom and over to the bed, it had red satin sheets on it. We started kissing again and my hand found the zipper on the back of her dress. Slowly I undid it, watching it fall to the floor. Her breasts ripe and nipples erect, I started kissing her neck as she undid my jeans and removed my tee shirt, my manhood bulging as we fell onto the bed. We made love for hours, pleasuring each other, well like I said, we all deserve some pleasure.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 18:35:56 +0000

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