The Shield Hephaestus makes for Achilles - TopicsExpress


The Shield Hephaestus makes for Achilles An Analogy for Life The shield Hephaestus makes for Achilles is an analogy for life in that the five folds composing the shield may be likened to the five elements composing the universe: earth, wind, fire, and water – a combination thereof yielding way to a principle that in retrospect has its origin in the heavens. It is said that destiny is the bridge we build to the one we love, and although Orion (the giant hunter) was slain for pursuing the Pleiadas, life has a way of seeing to it that roads traveled merge into one as is illustrated by the stars composing Orion and the Pleiadas; placed among the constellations. As is, they are clearly of the same essence and “death” as we know it takes on a “luminous” meaning in the heightened scheme of things. “On it he wrought in all their beauty two cities of mortal men.” i Marriages, festivals, the flaring of torches, the bride song, and most notably: “the circle of the dance.” Every aspect of creation encompasses the circle of the dance in terms of the relationship(s) that bind the micro/macrocosm(s). Whether it be bonded atoms composing molecules or the principle elements composing the universe – nothing rests; everything is in motion. And yet, ironically, the minute pauses and rests between steps culminates the posture and shape the dance assumes as it paves way for geometrical relationships such as the circle of fifths to draw inspiration from celestial bodies. Hereby, the dance ensues. i The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces: Fifth Continental Edition (New York: London), 124.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 00:11:49 +0000

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