The Shiite Mahdi is the Dajjal (anti-Christ) The Shia are - TopicsExpress


The Shiite Mahdi is the Dajjal (anti-Christ) The Shia are waiting for their Twelvth Imam to descend upon them. The evidence suggests that the person that the Shia will take as their Twelvth Imam will be none other than Dajjal, as prophecized in the Hadith of the Prophet. The Ahlus Sunnah should thus always keep in mind that the Shia are the future followers of Dajjal. lets see the characteristics of the the Shiite Mahdi: ◕ He will Rule as a JEW The Shiite Mahdis body resembles the bodies of the Israelites [Ihqaqu Alhaq 13:161] The “Qaem” or Imam Mahdi of the Shia will rule according to the Laws of David and the family of David, according to the Shia Hadith in Al-Kafi, the most reliable of the four books of Shia Hadith. All of the following Shia Hadith come from the same section in Al-Kafi reported by Al-Kulyani, located in Al-Kafi (Volume No.1, p.387-398): Narrated Ali ibn Ibraheem -from his father-from ibn Abi Umair-from Mansour-from Fadhl al Aour-from Abi Ubaidah who reported: “When the Qaem of the household of the Prophet appears, he will rule according to rule of David and Solomon.” Muhammad ibn Yahya-Ahmad ibn Muhammad-Muhammad ibn Sinaan-Abaan who reported: “I heard Abu Abdullah[as] saying: ‘The world will not fade away unless a person from us appears who will rule according to the rule of the family of David’” Ahmad–Ahmad ibn Muhammad–Ibn Mahboob–Hisham ibn Salim–Ammar as Saabati who reported: ‘On what will you rule if you are made the rulers.’ He replied: ‘By the rule of God and the rule of David. And if we are confronted by a situation which we cannot solve, Gabriel (Ruh al Quds) will reveal it to us.’” Muhammad ibn Ahmad–Muhammad ibn Khalid–Nazr ibn Suwaid–Yahya al Halabi–Imran ibn Oueiyn–Jaeed al Hamdani–Ali ibn al-Hussein [as] said: “I asked him by which law will you rule?” He said: “By the rule of David, and if there is something which we are unaware of, Gabriel (Ruh al Quds) will reveal it to us.” Ahmad ibn Mahran[ra]–Muhammad ibn Ali–Ibn Mahboob–Hishaam bin Salim–Ammar as Saabati reported: “I asked Imam Abu Abdullah [as]: ‘By what will you rule?’ He replied: ‘By the rule of God, and by the rule of David.’” ◕ He will speak Hebrew Furthermore, the 12th Imam will speak in Hebrew: Reported to us Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Saeed al Uqdah who said: Narrated to us Ali ibn al-Hasan at-Taymali who said: narrated to us al-Hasan and Muhammad the sons of Ali ibnu Yusuf, from Sa’daan ibnu Muslim, from rajaal, from al-Mufadhaal ibn Umar who said: Abu Abdullah [as] reported: “When the Imam Mahdi calls out, he will supplicate to God in Hebrew.” [Al-Ghaybaa of an Numani, p.326] ◕ He will be followed by the Jews According to the Shia, the Jews will also be the followers of Imam Mahdi: Sheikh al-Mufeed has reported in his Al-Irshaad from alMufadhaal ibnu Umar that Imam Abu Abdullah [as] has reported: “There will appear along with Imam Mahdi…people from the tribe of Moses.” [Al-Irshaad of al-mufeed at Tusi p.402] According to Shia Hadith in Al-Kafi, the Hidden Imam learns from a book called al-Jafr, which contains the knowledge from the Israelites: The Imams (a.s.) remained silent for a while and then said, “With us there is al-Jafr (the parchment). What do they know what al-Jafr is?” I then asked, “What is al-Jafr (the parchment or a container) ?” The Imams (a.s.) said, “It is a container made of skin that contains the knowledge of the prophets and the executors of their wills and the knowledge of the scholars in the past from the Israelites.” [al-Kafi, Hadith 635, Ch. 40, h 1] ◕ He will kill the Arabs [the defenders of Islam] Al-Majlisi narrated, “there will be nothing left between us and the Arabs except massacres.” [Mula Baqir al-Majlisi, Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 52 pg. 349]. In other riwayah, al-Majlisi narrated, “al-Muntazar will walk amongst the Arabs and kill them.” [Mula Baqir al-Majlisi, Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 52, pg. 318] He also narrated, “Look out Arabs because there will be very bad news, that verily, none from amongst them will come out with al-Qa’im.” [al-Majlisi, Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 52, pg. : 333] Cruel upon mankind - by killing 9/10 out of the Islamic ummah. When raj’ah, the people of the Ahlus Sunnah who do not accept his teachings (Shia Imamiyyah) will be beheaded. [al-Kulaini, al-Raudah min al-Kafi, vol.8, pg. 160] Majlisi narrated from Abu Abdillah [a.s.], “Supposing mankind knows what is going to be done by al-Qaim when he appears, most of them will prefer to not see him because of the killings he would do to mankind.. it makes most of mankind say, This is not from the household of Muhammad, if he is from the household of Muhammad he certainly has compassion.” [Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 52, pg. 353 ] Sayid Sadr stated, “Indeed most the killings that happen on mankind are directed on the Muslimeen. Then he (al-Qaim) awards me a copy of his book...” [Sayyid Husein al-Musawi, lillah thumma li Tarikh, trans. Why I left Shia, pg. : 137] ◕ The Shiite Mahdi will destroy the Ka’bah. Al-Majlisi explained, the first thing going to be accomplished by al-Qaim after his appearance is to expel two individuals i.e. Abu Bakr and Umar, who are still wet and fresh, throwing them both using the wind and destroying the masjids. [Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 52, 387] Imam Mahdi, whose appearance is awaited according to the beliefs of the Ahlus Sunnah, will fill the earth with justice after it is filled with cruelties considered by the Shia as the one who will destroy the Kaabah and cut off the arms and legs of the guardians of the Haram Land. Sheikh Mufid mentioned that, “When Imam Mahdi appears he will demolish Masjid al-Haram and dismember the hands of the Bani Shyaibah, then hangs them on the Kaabah as well as writing on it, these are the hands of the thieves of Kaabah.” (al-Mufid, Al-Irshaad. pg. 411, At-Tusi, Kitab al Ghaibah, pg. 282) Al-Majlisi narrated, “Verily, al-Qaim will demolish Masjidil Haram and Masjid Nabawi until the ground is flattened.” [al-Majlisi, Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 52, pg. : 338. also al-Tusi, al-Ghaibah, pg. 282] ◕ He will Digg up the graves of the Prophet’s Sahabahs. The graves of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq and Umar al-Khattab RA are to be dug up, and they are to be crucified and flogged in front of the crowds. Both of them will be resurrected to receive their sentences. [see, Ni’matullah al-Jazairi, Al-Anwar al-Nu’maniyyah, vol.2, pg. : 85 and Majlisi, Haqq al-Yaqin, vol. 2, pg. : 242 ] Meanwhile, in the era of Mahdi’appearance, when raj’ah, Imam Mahdi will resurrect `Aisha and execute the law of hudud on her, as `Aisha was said to be committing zina with Rasulullah SAW during her life. [Al-Anwar al-Nu’maniyyah, vol. 1, pg. : 161, Tafsir al-Shafi, vol. 2, pg. 108, Haq al-Yaqin, vol. 2, pg. 256, Hayat al-Qulub, vol. 2, pg. 611] al-Majlisi explained that the first thing to be accomplished by al-Qaim after he appears is to expel two persons i.e. Abu Bakr and Umar who are still wet and fresh, hurling them with the winds and demolish the masjids. [Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 52, pg. 387 ] All of these beliefs lead us to believe that the Shia’s 12th Imam is actually the Jewish Dajjal that the Prophet (salla Allah alaihi wa salam) warned us about, who would mislead many and create destruction on earth. the prophet Muhammad (salla Allah alaihi wa salam) said: “Dajjal, will be followed by 70,000 followers from the Jews of Isfahan [city in Iran], who wear the Persian (Shia) robes - Tayalisah”. Muslim #7034 “To every Ummah there is a magian (fire worshipers of Iran) and the magian of this ummah are those who reject the Qadr [pre-destination]. If anyone amongst them dies, do not attend their funeral, and if anyone amongst them becomes sick don’t visit them and they are Shia-tul Dajjal and it is the right of God to join them with the Dajjal.” Sunan Abi Dawoud #4072 via Exposing Shias Beliefs
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 17:34:30 +0000

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