The Sick Bay Rangers log. Tiz with relief that I has to report - TopicsExpress


The Sick Bay Rangers log. Tiz with relief that I has to report that no matter what the weather did throw at us we made Gibraltar at dawn this morning. And what a sight did meet our eyes. The masts of the ships anchored there was like a forest. All manner of ships be here from The Victory down to sloops and such. We paid our respects as we entered the moorings and were ordered to a mooring in a line with our sister frigates. I be knocked a back by the number of frigates here. Anyways the captain be ordered to row over to the flag ship immediately. The first lieutenant and mr Trott went off with him. Mr Trott left me loads of papers to read and a load to copy. I dont think he wanted me skulking around In the cuddy or wandering around the upper deck. He said Id make the ship look untidy just wandering aimlessly around. He said that if I ran out of work I could go see the sailing master for something to do. Crikey, he left enough work to last till next week! More surprises today. The padre has been replaced by a young parson who isnt tempted by the drink. Our old padre let himself down a few times evidently. The last time was when I were sent ashore in our last visit to Gib. That was the last straw according to the surgeon. He has been sent home to England. The surgeon advised against trying the same thing as it would only mean a trip to the grating and a large number of lashes. Anyway I bent to my duties and by evening meal and tot time we still baint seen the captain. There be a lot of toing and froing from the flag ship. Our bunting tossers have been putting up signal hoists at a great rate of knots. Something must be in the offing! The captain and party returned at two bells in the first dog. The captain right smart in his best uniform immediately called an officers council. MrTrott tells me there be great things a foot. The worst sight of the day was just as the sun was setting, our long boat returned with a group of pressed men from the merchantmen that had just arrived from Portsmouth. The poor chaps looked lost and bewildered and one of the youngsters was a crying as he was shoved up onto the deck. The master at arms lead them away right smartish. That was me three years ago. God help them. Well mr Trott dont want me no more so Im off via me pills and potions to the cuddy and me ammock. Night night shipmates.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 22:21:09 +0000

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