The Sign. Im the Owner of the Old Nissan Building and - TopicsExpress


The Sign. Im the Owner of the Old Nissan Building and Proponent of Yes on Z. I received some compliments and some criticism about the sign and so i want to share my thought process going into this. Lets start with the background. I wanted to connect this property with Measure Z and was hoping that since we have a failed dealership location on the busiest intersection in the City that this would be a good place to connect the property with Measure Z. I dont have as large of resources or staff of the City. The city issues press releases, speaks at council meetings, puts articles in their own magazines, uses the funded Chamber of commerce and many other things all for the purpose of putting Measure Z in a bad light. They also have the City Attorney Office which has been very expensive to deal with. The Citys funds and ability to attack us is endless. On the contrary with large community support, a busy intersection, and our committed funds we have to choose wisely were to spend these resources and combat the injustice. Back to the sign, I wanted to put a sign on the corner of our property where we own the marquis sign (bottom of the photo). The problem is and history has shown that the City will not process us so we dont expect to ever have a sign put up or allowed between now and the election or ever. We looked at putting a sign on the grass but that is SamCorp/SamLarc property and we are not allowed to. We next looked at doing it on our own property but we now are now 70-80 ft away from the corner but that was the only legal way to have a sign up. To compensate for the distance the size was increased. We are roughly 35 days away from the election and I ask for your support on Measure Z. My story of difficulty working with government is not a new one but one that happens too often to too many businesses. I read some info below and i noticed there are many questions and sometimes the right answer is posted up and sometimes it is not. Im happy to answer any questions about the sign or what is measure z. Let me propose that after a day or two lets move onto another item below. Thank you Nancy for telling me about this page. Shawn, Ill go through the following: -no 4th Dealer -Honda Offer -Toyota Offer -State of the City ejection by Sheriff -Economic Development Consultant being fired -Master Plan -Bans from FB pages -Signatures Rejected by the City -Lawsuits -Video of Cancer Patient being injured -Uhaul currently and their future -RV Storage (aka RSM Trailer Park) -Plans for what is to come if Z is passed -and anything else you would like to discuss But lets discuss one by one and I hope that you will take the time to consider the facts and Ill give you my answers. There is no reason for anyone to respond to name calling or FB trolls. I think we all can stick to the facts and discuss it openly and calmly. Or at least that is a good goal. Yes On Z Free RSM
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 18:32:52 +0000

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