The Signs of Imaam Mahdi 1) He will be from the progeny of the - TopicsExpress


The Signs of Imaam Mahdi 1) He will be from the progeny of the Prophet and descendent of Fatimah (R.A). Umme Salama (R.A) reported: I heard the Prophet of Allah ( ) saying, The Mahdi will appear from my progeny, from the descendants of Fatimah. (Abu Daud) 2) His name will be Muhammad or Ahmad and his fathers name will be Abdullah. Ibne Masood (R.A) reported that the Prophet said, If there remains in the world but a day, the mighty Allah will greatly prolong that day till he will send there in a man from me or from the members of my house. His name will be similar to my name and his fathers name to my fathers name. (Abu Daud) 3) He will resemble the Prophet in character. Hadrat Ali (R.A) once looked at his son and remarked, This son of mine is Saiyid who was named by the Prophet and soon from his loins will come forth a man by the name of your Prophet and who will resemble him in conduct but not in appearance. (Abu Daud) 4) He will have a shiny forehead and a high bridge nose. Abu Saeed reported that the Prophet said, The Mahdi will appear from me, shining of forehead, long of nose. (Abu Daud). 5) Once Hadrat Ali (R.A) was asked regarding his description. He replied, He is a well built youth of average height and a handsome face, his hair reaches his shoulders and the light of his face is contrasted by the darkness of his hair and beard. (Al-Ishaah) 6) He will be slow of speech (a slight stutter) and when he is delayed, he will strike his left thigh with his right hand. (Al-Ishaah) 7) He will appear from the east. Thawban (R.A) reported that the Prophet said, Three men will be killed at the place where your treasure is. Each of them will be the son of a Khalifah but none of them will get hold of the treasure. Then the black banners will come out of the east, and they will slaughter you in a way that has never been seen before. If you see him give him your allegiance, even if you have to crawl over ice, because he is the Khalifah of Allah, the Mahdi. (Ibne Majah) Only some of the signs that will precede Imaam Mahdi and of the Mahdi himself have been gathered in this book. The true Mahdi, the one referred to in the Ahadith of Prophet as one of the signs of Qiyamah, is the one in whom the pre-mentioned signs are found. His Emergence and the Peoples Bayat After the death of a Khalifh there shall be intense dispute and difference of opinion in whom should become the next Khalifh. Fearing he may get caught up in the dispute and made the Khalifh, Imaam Mahdi will flee from Madinah to Makkah. However, to his surprise on reaching Makkah, some Makkans will bring him out of his house against his will and take him to Masjid Haraam and 313 as has been mentioned in the hadith reported by Imam Hakim in Al-Mustadrak will force him to accept their Bayat between the Rukn (corner of the Kaaba containing the black stone) and the place of Ibrahim. The news of his allegiance will quickly spread and thus an army from Syria will be sent to fight him. However no harm will come to Imaam Mahdi nor his followers who will be supported by Allah. The earth will swallow up this army before it can get near to the Imaam in a place called Baidah (a flat piece of land between Makkah and Madinah). After seeing and hearing about this extraordinary event and sign, the Awliya (pious saints) of Syria and Iraq will come to Imaam Mahdi and swear allegiance to him between the black stone and the Maqam (the place of Ibrahim which is near the Kaaba). (The above content can be found in the Hadith of Umme Salama/Abu Daud) The First Battle His first battle will be against the tribe of Kalb. A short period after the eminent saints of Syria and Iraq have sworn allegiance; a man from the Quraish will rise whose maternal uncles belong to the Kalb tribe and he will send an army to fight Imaam Mahdi. However this army will be overcome and defeated. This will be his first victory. The Great War (The author of al-Ishaah has mentioned that this battle will take place in Imam Mahdis time). Imam Mahdi will have to fight many battles, the most important and difficult being the battle against the Christians in which a large number of Muslims will be martyred. Yusayr bin Jabir said, A red sandstorm erupted in the city of Kufah. Afterwards, a man came shouting and repeating the same words, O Abdullah bin Masud! The hour has come. He (Yusayr) then said that he sat up after he was leaning (on his side) and said, The hour will not arrive until no inheritance will be divided and no war possessions will bring about satisfaction. He pointed with his hands towards Ash-Sham saying, An enemy will gather its forces against the followers of Islam.I said, Do you mean Ar-Rum? He said Yes.Then, during this war, fierce fighting will occur. Muslim will ask for a volunteer expedition that will vie to die or return victorious. They will fight until the night separates them. Both sides will return to their camps not yet victorious and the expedition will perish. Muslims will then (in the third day) ask for volunteer expedition that will vie to die or return victorious. They will fight until the night separates them. Both sides will return to their camp not yet victorious and the expedition will perish. In the fourth day, the rest of the Muslim forces will turn against them (the disbelieves) and Allah will defeat them (the disbelieves). They will suffer casualties never heard of before or he said, Never seen before, even birds flying near them will not pass without falling down dead. Afterwards, sons of the same fathers (from the Muslim side), who were near a hundred, will count the survivors and will find out only one of them survived. Therefore, what war possession will bring satisfaction and what inheritance will be divided? While they are doing this they will hear of an even bigger calamity; That is, a man will scream amongst them that the Dajjal has appeared among their families which they left behind. They will discard what they have in their hands and proceed. They will send ten horsemen as an expedition force. The Messenger of Allah said, I know their names and their fathers name and the colours of their horses. They will be the best horsemen on the face of Earth, or (he said) (They) Will be amongst the best horsemen on the face of Earth. (Muslim) The cause of this great battle will be the Christians. The Christians and Muslims as allies will conquer a third enemy. However, the Christians will act treacherously as they will claim the victory on the strength of their religion, thus the Muslims will be driven to arms and will fight them. Dhu Makhbar said, I heard the Apostle of Allah ( ) say, You will make a secure peace with the Byzantines, then you will fight an enemy behind you, and you will be victorious, take the boot, and be safe you will the return and alight in a meadow with mounds and one of the Christians will raise the cross and say, The cross has conquered. One of the Muslims will become angry and smash it, and the Byzantines will act treacherously and prepare for battle. Conquest of Constantinople The great war between the Christians and Muslims will result in the Muslims conquering Constantinople (which is modern day Istanbul) without army by the sheer force of Takbeer (Allahu Akbar). Abu Hurairah reports that the Prophet said, Have you heard of a town of which a part is in the sea? Yes said they. He said: The last hour shall not occur till 70,000 of the children of Isaac shall attack it. When they come to it, they (Muslims) will not fight with arms, nor throw arrows. They will only say: There is no god but Allah, Allah is the greatest, and then on of its sides will fall down. They will recite for the second time : there is no god but Allah, Allah is the greatest, and then another of its side will fall down. After that they will say it for the third time: there is no god but Allah and Allah is the greatest, and then it will be opened for them and they will enter and acquire booty. While they will be dividing the booty, a proclaimer will come to them and proclaim: Verily Dajjal has come out. Then they will leave everything and return. (Muslim) It should be noted that the conquests will take place a very short period. Abdullah-b-Busr has reported that the Messenger of Allah has said: Between the Great War and the conquest of the city (Constantinople) there will be six years, and the Dajjal shall appear in the seventh year, (abided) Blessings at the time of Imam Mahdi Once again the Quran and Sunnah will govern the people, this time by the rightly guided Khalifh, Imam Mahdi. Islam will gain an upper hand and will be firmly established in the land. The oppression, tyranny, and darkness that prevailed all over the globe will be replaced with justice, peace and equity. The smile, which was long forgotten, will be restored on the Muslim faces and the inhabitants of the Heaven and Earth will be pleased with him. Everybody will be happy to the extent that even birds an wild animals will rejoice in his rule. Heaven will end rain profusely, livestock will be in abundance, land will become fertile, the earth will become green and sprout with abundant fruit ad vegetation. (The above content has been taken from various hadith, which can be found in Abu-Daud and from the hadith narrated by Abu-Saeed al-Khudri in Musnad Ahmad.) Due to the booty gained from the various conquest everyone will have so much wealth that an eyebrow will not even be raised at somebody elses wealth. Callers will proclaim in the street, Is anybody in need of anything? Nobody will respond except one person. In the latter part of Abu-Saeed al-Khudris hadith it is mentioned A caller will call Who is in need of weal
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 10:07:09 +0000

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