The Simon Cumbers Media Fund Student Scheme provides students with - TopicsExpress


The Simon Cumbers Media Fund Student Scheme provides students with a great opportunity to gain experience of reporting on development issues as well as the chance to work with some of Ireland’s most respected media outlets The Simon Cumbers Media Fund promotes more and better quality coverage of development issues in the Irish media, while the Student Scheme, which is in its fourth year, is designed to give students a greater understanding of development issues. The winning students will be funded to travel to a developing country to research and produce a media project focusing on development issues. As part of their prize, they will receive guidance and one-to-one mentoring from journalists within three of Ireland’s leading media organisations, the Irish Times, Newstalk and Storyful. It is wonderful to see that interest in the Simon Cumbers Student Scheme has grown year-on-year. The media plays a very important role in reporting interesting stories that otherwise would not have been brought to our attention; in particular on both the achievements and remaining challenges in developing countries. The scheme also reaches out to the students of Ireland, allowing them to witness first-hand and report on the problems which confront communities in the developing world and how they are overcoming them. Students can get valuable experience in terms of pitching stories to editors and experiencing the cycle of journalism from carrying out research and interviews to the eventual broadcast or publication of that project in the media. 2015 has been designated as the European Year for Development, so I hope that there is greater engagement from students in third-level institutions around the country than ever before”, Minister Sherlock said. The Fund was set up by Irish Aid in 2005 in memory of the late Irish journalist and cameraman, Simon Cumbers. Full details of the scheme are available at:
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 15:34:13 +0000

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