The Sin And Dangers Of Gossip I never read what my critics and - TopicsExpress


The Sin And Dangers Of Gossip I never read what my critics and enemies say about me. If I did, it would affect the way I write articles. I dont care who you are, if you think about something, it will affect you. A preacher cannot help but take things to the pulpit that he has been upset about throughout the week. I have heard so many preachers mention things in the pulpit that had absolutely nothing to do with their sermon, but they try to make it fit, because they are perturbed at someone. Every genuine preacher has enemies who despise the truth, are jealous and filled with Satans hatred. I couldnt care less what my critics and the gossipers say about me. I just dont read it. That way they have no power over me whatsoever. All they can do is run their fingers on the internet, or their mouths in someones ears. God will deal with them (James 4:12; 5:9). I decided long ago that God was the only Person I was going to try to please. My ministry is for that 1 lost sheep out of 100. I couldnt care less what the arrogant, jilted and hypocritical self-righteous other 99 think. That 1 person out of 100 is the reason why my ministry is here. Thankfully, out of 45,000,000 visitors over the past 11 years, tens-of-thousands have been blessed and helped in the Lord because of this labor of love. Amen and amen! Thank you Lord! We should only place our trust in God, because even the best of Christians are still inherent sinners BY NATURE. Becoming a born-again Christian doesnt eliminate the old nature (the flesh). The flesh CANNOT be tamed, anymore than a wild and dangerous beast can be tamed. In 2003 the famous tiger entertainers, Siegfried and Roy found this out the hard way. At 59-years of age, Siegfried was almost mauled to death by his 7-year-old white tiger in Las Vegas, who he had raised from a baby cub. A wild animal is unpredictable, and so also is the human heart and flesh. The old sin-nature cannot be tamed, no matter how much we may try to reform it, rehabilitate it, educate it or legislate it. The only hope of mankind is a NEW NATURE, which is the Spirit of Jesus Christ (2nd Corinthians 5:17; Romans 8:9). Thats why as Christians the Bible says that there is a constant BATTLE between the Spirit of God and the sinful flesh (Romans 7:14-25). If you trust in people, you will eventually be disappointed. All men and women are sinners. I admire many preachers, and promote them because they follow the Lord, but my first and foremost loyalty is in Jesus Christ alone. The Bible teaches that all mankind is sinful. No one is a shining example of what a person should be. And many people who have been uplifted as shining examples were later found to be hiding some dark secret sins. Every honest person has something shameful in their past that they hide from others. The Bible teaches in 1st John 1:8-10 that an unsaved person, who has not the truth, denies their guilt of sin. Everyone sins. Everyone commits evil at times. One of the most horrible sins is self-righteousness, condemning others, gossip and hypocrisy. Perhaps the greatest sin of all is pointing a finger of condemnation, murdering someone with our words of gossip. Jesus said in Matthew 7:1-5 that when we point a finger of condemnation at others, that there are three fingers pointing back at us. Biblically, a hypocrite is not someone who sins. We all sin and are phonies to some extent. If we understand that truth, then we will love and accept one another instead of devouring each other. Galatians 5:15, “But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another.” Proverbs 11:9, “An hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbour: but through knowledge shall the just be delivered.” Gossip and spreading the sins of others is a horrible evil in Gods eyes. The newsmedia are as evil as Satan, accusing others day and night (Revelation 12:10). If youve been hurt by the malicious hate and gossip of others (and the internet is gossip city), rest my friend in knowing that God will hold all men accountable for their every word (Matthew 12:36).
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 07:27:59 +0000

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