The Sin of Presumption Presumption-assumption of something as - TopicsExpress


The Sin of Presumption Presumption-assumption of something as true, the act of presuming.Presumption is a sin where one presumes that God will accept something without seeking His authority before we do it.Do you remember the occurrence that was happened to Nadab and Abihu? Next to Moses and Aaron, none were more likely to be honourable in Israel than Nadab and Abihu. There is reason to think that they were puffed up with pride, and that they were heated with wine. While the people were prostrate before the Lord, adoring his presence and glory, they rushed into the tabernacle to burn incense, though not at the appointed time; both together, instead of one alone, and with fire not taken from the altar. If it had been done through ignorance, they had been allowed to bring a sin-offering. But the soul that doeth PRESUMPTOUSLY, and in contempt of Gods majesty and justice, that soul shall be cut off. The wages of sin is death. They died in the very act of their sin. The sin and punishment of these priests showed the imperfection of that priesthood from the very beginning, and that it could not shelter any from the fire of Gods wrath, otherwise than as it was typical of Christs priesthood. (Le 10:3-7]. This will gives us a warning now that we are living in Christian dispensation as the Bible called “the last days”,that Christ is very stern in the implementation of His laws,thus He will never allow any presumption nor human opinions as the basis of our faith in His kingdom which is His Church.God is no respecter of men,considering the fate that was happened to Nadab and Abihu,they were priest under the levitical lineage,but this is not the exception wherein supposed to be, they will not receive the extreme punishment from God,but the Bible tells us that they were devoured by fire resulting to their instant death.The Bible teaches that we should not add any human doctrine or human opinion presuming that it is good for the Church nor subtract any doctrine that was taught by Christ presuming that that it is far more better if we will modify His laws.Neither revise His laws for our personal convenience,presuming that it will benefit us.Definitely,the wrath of God befalls upon us just like what happened to Nadab and Abihu.Take this message very seriously that it may help you spiritually.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 05:20:44 +0000

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