The Sins Of Moses (2) This is the second part of this message; in - TopicsExpress


The Sins Of Moses (2) This is the second part of this message; in the first part we shared one of the two sins Moses committed at the Water of Meribah, and that is disobedience; Moses struck the rock twice against the instruction of God to speak to the rock. In this second and last part of the message, we are going to share the second issue with Moses., be blessed as you read. SELF GLORY The second aspect of Moses’ sin at the water of Meribah is self-glory. Moses’ sin involved more than striking the rock the second time, instead of speaking to it. Striking the rock made it appear that the power to produce water was Moses’ own. But God alone is all-powerful; He alone can save, He alone can give the water of life. He, not even Moses, is our hope. Moses spoke to the people instead of speaking to the rock, and he said “Hear now, you rebels! Must we bring water for you out of this rock?” Numbers 20: 10. The statement called attention to ‘we’ that is Moses and Aaron instead of God as the source of the supply of the water. Thus Moses did not sanctify, hallow God before the present of the people. God told Moses in the verse 12, “Then the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, “Because you did not believe Me, to hallow Me in the eyes of the children of Israel.” As a child of God, a minister or servant of God, when God uses you at one aspect or the other, you should not in any kind, directly or indirectly call attention to yourself in the name of ‘I’ or ‘we’ as if you are the source of the power. God alone is to be hallowed and glorified. When people come to honor you as if you are the source of the power, you should refuse such honor and humbly correct them and explain to them that you are not the source but just a vessel, a channel, that you are an ordinary man like them, and tell them to give God alone the glory. There was a case in the book of Acts when Peter and John went to the Temple, and the Lord used them to heal a lame man. Then the people were so amazed that they set their attention on Peter and John, looking at them as supermen. But Peter immediately corrected their wrong notion and turned their attention off them to God. The Bible says in Acts 3: 12, “So when Peter saw it, he responded to the people: “Men of Israel, why do you marvel at this? Or why look so intently at us, as though by our own power or godliness we had made this man walk?” It’s too heavy for a man to absorb God’s glory for himself. It’s a sin of pride and robbery. We are vessels in God’s hands and it is not incumbent on any Christian or minister to ascribe or accept glory for himself. Apostle Peter declared to the multitude of the people that not his power or godliness made the lame man walked. It shows he did not in anyway set himself special than other people. When the same Peter went to minister to Cornelius, and the man wanted to bow or kneel down for him, he didnt allow it, But Peter lifted him up, saying, “Stand up; I myself am also a man.” Acts 10:26. If you are a minister of God, no matter how God uses you, don’t see yourself as special person and superman, even if God talks with you face to face like Moses, even if God has done so much salvation and astonishing miracles through your ministry, try to condescend like Peter, Paul, John and other Apostles and present yourself as a usual and common person that people can freely chat with, and give all glory to God alone. If you are gifted with any gift or you are talented with any special talent, do not glorify yourself and never allow people to glorify you. If you are rich or you are blessed with financial or material blessing, when you render help to God and the people want to show their appreciation by glorifying you, wisdom demands that you kindly correct them that you are just a custodian and all glory should go to God. Our minds, attitude and word should square; some people can say, “Give glory to God” but their attitude show otherwise. God sees our hearts, and He cares for humble heart, not just humble mouth. Self glory is a common sin among the ministers of God today, when people begin to appreciate a minister so much that they are using his name to pray, like God of Pastor Moses; when people begin to appreciate a minister so much that they are putting his picture in front of their cars, printing his pictures on bags, household vessels and others, and such minister ignore or seldom rebuking them, he is allowing people to dig his graveyard, and such people also working against themselves. When people have to kneel down before talking to a minister and the minister accepts it, he is actually shooting himself in the foot. Don’t let people glorify you, but let them glorify God in you. A true Minister of God would refuse to be hero praised, because it only leads to destruction. Jesus set the example, even as God Himself, He refused to be equal with God. A young rich man came to Jesus and called Him good Teacher, Jesus said only God is good, He Himself is God, still He did not considered it a robbery to be equal with God. Moses could be seen as the greatest man of God in the Old Testament, despite that fact, when he sinned, God dispassionately judged him duly. He is no respecter of a man, there is no level you can reach in the walk with God that would exonerate you when you do contrary to God’s word. Willingly indulging in sin with intention of restoring your self back is a false perception and illusion, the Bible says we can’t mock God. And ascribing or accepting glory for us instead of turning it to God is dangerous. We can all learn from this incident of Moses at the water of Meribah. Moses is in heaven though he was deprived entering the Promised Land. Whatever we are doing great, wherever or whichever way God uses us, let’s beware of complacency and pride, knowing that we are vessels in the Masters lands. Hebrews 12:28, 29, “Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. 29 For our God is a consuming fire.” If you will want to receive the message in your email inbox, please request for it on rtemoutreaches@yahoo If you will like to surrender your life to Jesus or rededicate your life to Jesus for a victorious Christian life, please click on this link, read it and pray as directed https://facebook/notes/revelation-of-truth-evangelical-ministries-rtem/how-to-be-saved-and-start-a-new-life-in-jesus/270674586372252 You can also contact us on email or phone for prayer, counsel or if you need biblical enlightenment on personal issues: Revelation of Truth Evangelical Ministries, (RTEM) Nigeria Our Email: rtemoutreaches@yahoo Our Tel: (+234) (0)803 924 9751, (0)705 937 3351, (0)802 578 7942. 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Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 11:40:05 +0000

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