The Site Allocations and Management of Development (SamDev) - TopicsExpress


The Site Allocations and Management of Development (SamDev) Options plan for Oswestry and its surrouining area was open for consultation in 2012. As a result of this, a REVISED plan was produced and this Revised Preferred Options Plan is the one that is now in consultation. Lots of us responded the first time round. At that stage there were 3 areas ajacent to Old Oswestry. Here are the results as reported on council website: Question 9: Do you agree that site OSW002 (2.7Ha), being land off Gobowen Road, should be allocated for about 80 houses? The large majority of respondents (57 out of 78 (73%)) object to the inclusion of this site for housing due largely to it close proximity to the ancient Hillfort. It is considered that the development of this site would have a detrimental and irreversible impact on the Hillfort and its setting, which is against national and local policy. This view is supported by English Heritage, who also object to the sites inclusion. Some respondents said that the site is an important tourist attraction for the town and as such should be safeguarded. However a few respondents did comment that the site would be acceptable providing it can be designed to respect the setting of the Hillfort. Question 10: Do you agree that site OSW003 (1.4Ha), being land at Oldport Farm, Gobowen Road, should be allocated for about 25 houses? This site is linked to the land off Gobowen Road (site OSW002). A large majority of respondents (58 out of 77 (75%)) object to the inclusion of this site due to it close proximity to the ancient Hillfort. It is considered that the development of this site would have a detrimental and irreversible impact on the Hillfort and its setting, which is against national and local policy. This view is supported by English Heritage, who also object to the sites inclusion. Some respondents said that the site is an important tourist attraction for the town and as such should be safeguarded. However a few respondents did comment that the site would be acceptable providing iit can be designed to respect the setting of the Hillfort. Question 11: Do you agree that site OSW004/part (8.8Ha), being land off Whittington Road, should be allocated for about 125 houses? A small majority of respondents (39 out of 66 (59%)) object to the inclusion of this site for housing, largely due to its close proximity to the ancient Hillfort. It is considered that the development of this site would have a detrimental and irreversible impact on the Hillfort and its setting, which is against national and local policy. This view is supported by English Heritage, who also object to the sites inclusion. The issue of traffic and access from Gobowen Road was also raised as a site constraint. However some respondents said that the site would be acceptable if it was design in respect to the hillfort and that the views to and from the site could be maintained. It was also suggested that a reduction to the number of houses proposed would alleviate some of the objections. You can find all of this in etail, plus an online questionnaire, here
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 09:23:34 +0000

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