The Skilled Mental Gardener: When a skilled gardener plants a - TopicsExpress


The Skilled Mental Gardener: When a skilled gardener plants a seed in the soil, he leaves it in the soil’s darkness with confidence that it will grow. He does not wonder if it is or is not growing, even if he does not see any activity above ground for some time. He does not over-water it in the hope it will grow faster, because he knows over-watering will drown it and give it little chance of growth. Nor does he dig the seed up every ten minutes to see if it is growing, or pull on its first shoots that emerge to hurry it along. In the same way, endeavour to become a skilled mental gardener. Tend to your garden lovingly every day. Water its seeds with enough emotion but do not allow your mental soil to become ‘emotion-logged’ lest your mental seeds ‘drown’. If you find you have over-watered your seeds with too much emotion such that you feel obsessive, let the excess emotion be drained away by emotionally calming yourself before watering again. Remove mental weeds of negative thoughts and doubt lest they mingle with the roots of the mental seeds you have planted. If left to grow uninhibited, they will hinder and even stop the growth of your seeds. When the first signs of growth appear in your outer world be joyful, but do not become overly-excited and do not try to force things to go faster. Instead, have patience and enjoy every step. Remember that patience is a willingness to endure the internal imbalance of desire and to wait for its fulfilment, while doing whatever it takes to attain it. In other words, patience is a willingness to persist even when things are slow because you know that every creation in the physical world takes time to be created, and so you gladly allow for it.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 12:20:04 +0000

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