The Slide I went to bed recently, thinking about our Jillybean. - TopicsExpress


The Slide I went to bed recently, thinking about our Jillybean. Each night before sleep overtakes me; my last conscious thoughts are of each of my beautiful children. I had said my prayers, thanking God for lending them to me and asking Him to keep them all in His safekeeping. And then, I fell into a deep sleep and had the most amazing, wonderful dream. Remember how I have said I cant wait to hold Jilly in my arms again someday? How much we cried when she left her body here on Earth and went Home? This dream was the opposite. She wasnt dead. In fact, she hadnt even been born yet! Words will never come close to doing this dream justice, because it was so incredibly beautiful, but I will try my sit down and relax, and come with me for a few minutes on this awesome journey... I was standing in a beautiful grove of giant woods...possibly the Sequoias or Redwood Forest. The air was just right, with a balmy warm breeze keeping me the perfect temperature. I couldnt help but inhale the clean loamy scent of the velvety moss that covered the huge trunks of those majestic giants. Their branches made a lace canopy of shade above me, filtering the sunlight perfectly. The birds twittered their songs to each other, and squirrels and chipmunks played a game of tag through the underbrush. It was utterly peaceful and pleasing to all my senses. I walked down a winding path, feeling the leaves, cones and pine needles softly crunching under my feet. I looked up ahead and noticed a sunbeam of warm golden light piercing the shadows of the forest from up above the tops of the trees, easily illuminating a small grassy clearing just ahead of me. It was so beautiful that it took my breath away! As I gazed at the spot where the light spilled softly on the ground, I saw a sight to behold. Jesus was sitting there in a large, comfortable rocking chair with a young girl nestled cozily in His lap. She looked very familiar. As I got closer, I realized it was my Jilly! Oh my gosh! I wanted to run to her, scoop her up in my arms and claim her as my own again, but I was somehow glued to the spot where I was standing. Unable to move, I was only allowed to observe from a distance, but I could hear every word of the conversation the two of them were having. Here is what I remember: Jesus: Well Jillian, it has come to My attention that you wish to try life on earth in a human form. Your request has been granted. It will be quite a challenge, but I understand your need to do this, because I did it myself. If you want to learn about the things that you can only experience as a human though, you MUST have a physical body. Your new body will feel very heavy compared to the one made of Light that you have now. It will take awhile to master how your new body works, and sometimes, it will be challenging to keep it going. You understand that, right? Jilly: I understand. I still want to go. You KNOW how much I love a good thrill, and how I love to try new and exciting things? Well, I want to experience some of the things that we CANT try or even practice here; like patience, forgiveness and faith, for example. We just dont get to learn about those things in this realm, because there is nothing here to forgive, and all we have to do is WANT something, and BAM! There it is! I love being in Heaven. Its a perfect perfect that all you can experience here is LOVE. Its not that I am not happy here. I really am. I am just restless for a great adventure. I want to really make a difference to someone. I just need to try this for a little while, if thats okay. No worries though, Jesus. I will make sure to come back every night to sit in Your lap and get my hugs! Jesus: (chuckling) Well, Jillian, that may very well happen, but it will be in a different way than you are used to. I will always be in your heart, and sometimes you might feel my arms around you, and MAYBE even get glimpses of Me. But you wont be able to come back here whenever you feel like it, the way you do now. When you are in human form, you have to STAY that way until the silver umbilical cord connecting your physical body to your spiritual body is completely dissolved. Only THEN can you come back and crawl in my lap for as long as you like. Jilly: What?!?! No way! Why cant I visit here whenever I want? Jesus (sighing patiently): Because if you did, my sweet child, you would be SOOOO homesick for Heaven that you wouldnt be able to complete the assignment that I am sending you to learn. I will have to pretty much erase your memories of being here, or else you wouldnt be able to bear it. I will always be with you, closer than you can imagine, but I wont be as solid to you as I am now. You wont be able to see me with your human eyes. That would be way too intense! You will have to slowly remember all about how much I love you in your own way and in your own time. It may take years...or you may not remember at all. Jilly: Nah, theres no way I will forget you! You are my best friend ever! How will I ever find someone there that I love as MUCH as I love you? She gave Him another hug. Will you miss me being here with you, giving you tummy hugs each night? Jesus: (getting a little emotional) Oh, my Jilly girl... you are such a delight to my heart. Your antics continually amaze me and make me smile. Of COURSE I will miss you, and even though I know in advance how it will all turn out at the end of your journey, I am still willing to lend you to a human family for awhile. I am answering a special prayer for them by doing so. I will give you sisters to love and learn from, fight with and protect. They will be your first and favorite best friends; then you will make even MORE best friends as you get older. Each person that comes into your life will bring you a special gift and lesson that only THEY can offer your soul, and you in turn, will give them something that is uniquely YOURS to offer. I will give you parents that I picked especially for you, but just be warned: they are not perfect, like Me. They will totally screw up sometimes and make some big mistakes. However, they will love you with everything that they are capable of. Be gentle with them, for they are learning too. They are doing the best that they can with the limited experience they have. Because of the things you desire to learn about, my dear Jillian, you will have some hard challenges in your life as a human. That is what Earth is about: trial and error, learning and growing from your experiences. Dont worry; your parents will always love you no matter what, even when you mess up! I will always love you too...and I surely will miss having you here in Heaven with me. Sometimes I wonder how I will bear it, even though I know we will be together again someday. I will let you do this thing though, because you have asked, and because I love you enough to let your soul grow. You always have liked to stir things up, you rascal! Jilly: Um Jesus? Just how will I know exactly what my special assignment IS on Earth? How will I know when I am finished? Jesus: Well, thats the beauty of it. For the most part, my sweet WONT know. That is where the faith and patience that you wanted to learn about comes in. I will infuse your soul with a little tiny bit of Heaven that you get to take with you on this journey. You will know you are on the right path when you feel a special kind of love; a warmth way down deep in your heart. That is Me, hugging your soul. Now Jillian, you must listen carefully to what I am going to tell you now, because when you get to where you are going, you may not remember this. Sometimes, the lessons that you are going to learn about will be just for YOUR growth. Other times, you will be part of something bigger that will help OTHERS with the lessons THEY have to learn. Some of it will be absolutely wonderful, and some of it will appear to be just totally unfair. You wont understand why it is the way it IS. You will learn all about joy and sorrow, love and anger, success, frustration and struggles. You will learn to ask for forgiveness... and you will be given many opportunities to forgive others. I will tell you a secret though....every time YOU learn about faith, love, forgiveness and patience, you are also helping someone ELSE learn about those things too. You are all My children, and are connected to each other in more ways than you will ever be able to imagine. It may look like a jumbled mess sometimes, but trust Me; I know what I am doing. I know the bigger plan. It is much bigger than one human lifetime, it spans eternity. It is too much for your tiny little shoulders to carry all that information while you are in human form. I will give you the perfect situations and people in your life that you need to accomplish your goals, and then it is up to you to learn what you need to do to reach them. I will give you a loving family and friends. I will send you many teachers in many forms. I will also give you the greatest gifts of all... Choices. Free will. 2nd chances. And last, but not least, A great sense of humor...the ability to laugh at yourself. You will need it! You will be finished in about 20 years...just the blink of an eye, really, but it will seem like forever at times; especially when you go through the rough spots in your life. I know all of your days there before you have lived even one of them, but YOU will not remember the appointed day of your Homecoming while you are in your human form. You might get flashes of insight when it is almost time for you to come Home, but you will not know your exact last day. You may start to feel homesick for Heaven just before it happens. No matter how you end up leaving your human body, THAT experience will also be part of a bigger lesson that you will help others to learn. You will not mind though, because when the last moment of your human existence arrives, you will hear My voice and leap from your body right into My arms. Any doubts that you may have had about why things happened the way they did will then make perfect sense. I will explain everything. That is how human life works, you see. They got up from the rocking chair, and still holding hands, and walked over to a nearby magnificent prism of light that had suddenly appeared out of nowhere. It was made of colors that arent even describable in our language. The endless number of sparkly colors merged together to form a twisty kind of tunnel slide, starting at the floor of this glorious forest and descending down through a thick bank of misty clouds. I couldnt see where the bottom ended. He placed her at the top of the slide, and sat down behind her, lovingly cradling her in His arms once more. Jesus: This is a very special kind of tunnel slide that will take you to meet your earthly parents and a big sister who is anxiously waiting your arrival. In time, I will send you another sister, but she isnt quite ready to join you just yet. Are you ready to go? Jilly: I guess I am as ready as I will ever be... but are you SURE that you dont want to come with me? Jesus: I WILL be there with you, My child, in every sunrise and sunset. I will be the smiles of your family, the laughter of your friends, and the unconditional love of your favorite pets. I will be there in the warm breezes of summer and the big fluffy snowflakes of winter. I will never leave you, although YOU may occasionally walk away from Me. You can find me in many just have to look into the faces of those that you love to see Me. You will find Me there when you look deeply into their eyes. Jilly: I will try to remember that. Can you remind me once in awhile in case I forget? I will miss you like crazy! Jesus: I will miss you too. I can hardly wait for the day that I will hold you in my arms again. When it is time for you to come back, I will be waiting right here, ready to get a great big hug from you. Now go and have a wonderful journey and learn lots of new things! I will see you in a little while. I love you, my sweet, funny Jillian. Jilly: I love you too! And Jesus...? I know it must hurt to let me go, because it hurts me to leave you... so thank you for letting me do this. I will always send you a kiss goodnight. He embraced her one last time and then softly kissed the top of her head. He gave her a gentle push. She started to accelerate down the slide, quickly picking up speed. He watched her go, with a lump in His throat as she grinned from ear to ear at this new thrill. She gazed back up at Jesus one last time as she descended into the brilliant white fog, until at last He was completely out of her sight. When she got to the bottom of the tunnel made of Light, she took a deep breath and opened her eyes on Earth for the first time. Her new parents smiled with indescribable joy. He watched them embrace her... ...and Jesus wept.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 16:19:01 +0000

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